70 research outputs found
Observables in Extended Percolation Models of Causal Set Cosmology
Classical sequential growth models for causal sets provide an important step
towards the formulation of a quantum causal set dynamics. The covariant
observables in a class of these models known as generalised percolation have
been completely characterised in terms of physically well-defined ``stem sets''
and yield an insight into the nature of observables in quantum causal set
cosmology. We discuss a recent extension of generalised percolation and show
that the characterisation of covariant observables in terms of stem sets is
also complete in this extension.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
On the Consistent Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics
We review the consistent histories formulations of quantum mechanics
developed by Griffiths, Omn\`es and Gell-Mann and Hartle, and describe the
classification of consistent sets. We illustrate some general features of
consistent sets by a few simple lemmas and examples. We consider various
interpretations of the formalism, and examine the new problems which arise in
reconstructing the past and predicting the future. It is shown that Omn\`es'
characterisation of true statements --- statements which can be deduced
unconditionally in his interpretation --- is incorrect. We examine critically
Gell-Mann and Hartle's interpretation of the formalism, and in particular their
discussions of communication, prediction and retrodiction, and conclude that
their explanation of the apparent persistence of quasiclassicality relies on
assumptions about an as yet unknown theory of experience. Our overall
conclusion is that the consistent histories approach illustrates the need to
supplement quantum mechanics by some selection principle in order to produce a
fundamental theory capable of unconditional predictions.Comment: Published version, to appear in J. Stat. Phys. in early 1996. The
main arguments and conclusions remain unaltered, but there are significant
revisions from the earlier archive version. These include a new subsection on
interpretations of the formalism, other additions clarifying various
arguments in response to comments, and some minor corrections. (87 pages, TeX
with harvmac.
Causal set d'Alembertians for various dimensions
We propose, for dimension d, a discrete Lorentz invariant operator on scalar
fields that approximates the Minkowski spacetime scalar d'Alembertian. For each
dimension, this gives rise to a scalar curvature estimator for causal sets, and
thence to a proposal for a causal set action.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, published in Class. Quantum Grav (text and figure
were updated to agree with the published version
Causal Set Quantum Gravity and the Hard Problem of Consciousness
I develop Rafael D. Sorkin's heuristic that a partially ordered process of
the birth of spacetime atoms in causal set quantum gravity can provide an
objective physical correlate of our perception of time passing. I argue that
one cannot have an external, fully objective picture of the birth process
because the order in which the spacetime atoms are born is a partial order. I
propose that live experience in causal set theory is an internal view of the
objective birth process in which events that are neural correlates of
consciousness occur. In causal set theory, what ``breathes fire'' into a neural
correlate of consciousness is that which breathes fire into the whole universe:
the unceasing, partially ordered process of the birth of spacetime atoms.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur
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