663 research outputs found
K-causality and degenerate spacetimes
The causal relation was introduced by Sorkin and Woolgar to extend the
standard causal analysis of spacetimes to those that are only . Most
of their results also hold true in the case of spacetimes with degeneracies. In
this paper we seek to examine explicitly in the case of Lorentzian
topology changing Morse spacetimes containing isolated degeneracies. We first
demonstrate some interesting features of this relation in globally Lorentzian
spacetimes. In particular, we show that is robust and that it coincides
with the Seifert relation when the spacetime is stably causal. Moreover, the
Hawking and Sachs characterisation of causal continuity translates into a
natural expression in terms of for general spacetimes. We then examine
in topology changing Morse spacetimes both with and without the
degeneracies and find further characterisations of causal continuity.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, 4 figure
Boundary contributions in the causal set action
Evidence is provided for a conjecture that, in the continuum limit, the mean of the causal set action of a causal set sprinkled into a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian spacetime, M, of finite volume equals the Einstein Hilbert action of M plus the volume of the co-dimension 2 intersection of the future boundary with the past boundary. We give the heuristic argument for this conjecture and analyse some examples in 2 dimensions and one example in 4 dimensions
Zero modes, entropy bounds and partition functions
Some recent finite temperature calculations arising in the investigation of
the Verlinde-Cardy relation are re-analysed. Some remarks are also made about
temperature inversion symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, JyTe
Causality in Time-Neutral Cosmologies
Gell-Mann and Hartle (GMH) have recently considered time-neutral cosmological
models in which the initial and final conditions are independently specified,
and several authors have investigated experimental tests of such models.
We point out here that GMH time-neutral models can allow superluminal
signalling, in the sense that it can be possible for observers in those
cosmologies, by detecting and exploiting regularities in the final state, to
construct devices which send and receive signals between space-like separated
points. In suitable cosmologies, any single superluminal message can be
transmitted with probability arbitrarily close to one by the use of redundant
signals. However, the outcome probabilities of quantum measurements generally
depend on precisely which past {\it and future} measurements take place. As the
transmission of any signal relies on quantum measurements, its transmission
probability is similarly context-dependent. As a result, the standard
superluminal signalling paradoxes do not apply. Despite their unusual features,
the models are internally consistent.
These results illustrate an interesting conceptual point. The standard view
of Minkowski causality is not an absolutely indispensable part of the
mathematical formalism of relativistic quantum theory. It is contingent on the
empirical observation that naturally occurring ensembles can be naturally
pre-selected but not post-selected.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX. Published version -- minor typos correcte
Symmetry-breaking and zero-one laws
We offer further evidence that discreteness of the sort inherent in a causal set cannot, in and of itself, serve to break Poincaré invariance. In particular we prove that a Poisson sprinkling of Minkowski spacetime cannot endow spacetime with a distinguished spatial or temporal orientation, or with a distinguished lattice of spacetime points, or with a distinguished lattice of timelike directions (corresponding respectively to breakings of reflection-invariance, translation-invariance, and Lorentz invariance). Along the way we provide a proof from first principles of the zero-one law on which our new arguments are based
Determinants on lens spaces and cyclotomic units
The Laplacian functional determinants for conformal scalars and coexact
one-forms are evaluated in closed form on inhomogeneous lens spaces of certain
orders, including all odd primes when the essential part of the expression is
given, formally as a cyclotomic unitComment: 18 pages, 1 figur
Gravitating Fluxbranes
We consider the effect that gravity has when one tries to set up a constant
background form field. We find that in analogy with the Melvin solution, where
magnetic field lines self-gravitate to form a flux-tube, the self-gravity of
the form field creates fluxbranes. Several exact solutions are found
corresponding to different transverse spaces and world-volumes, a dilaton
coupling is also considered.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
Morse index and causal continuity. A criterion for topology change in quantum gravity
Studies in 1+1 dimensions suggest that causally discontinuous topology
changing spacetimes are suppressed in quantum gravity. Borde and Sorkin have
conjectured that causal discontinuities are associated precisely with index 1
or n-1 Morse points in topology changing spacetimes built from Morse functions.
We establish a weaker form of this conjecture. Namely, if a Morse function f on
a compact cobordism has critical points of index 1 or n-1, then all the Morse
geometries associated with f are causally discontinuous, while if f has no
critical points of index 1 or n-1, then there exist associated Morse geometries
which are causally continuous.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 3 figure
Decay Modes of Intersecting Fluxbranes
Just as the single fluxbrane is quantum mechanically unstable to the
nucleation of a locally charged spherical brane, so intersecting fluxbranes are
unstable to various decay modes. Each individual element of the intersection
can decay via the nucleation of a spherical brane, but uncharged spheres can
also be nucleated in the region of intersection. For special values of the
fluxes, however, intersecting fluxbranes are supersymmetric, and so are
expected to be stable. We explicitly consider the instanton describing the
decay modes of the two--element intersection (an F5-brane in the string theory
context), and show that in dimensions greater than four the action for the
decay mode of the supersymmetric intersection diverges. This observation allows
us to show that stable intersecting fluxbranes should also exist in type 0A
string theory.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. References adde
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