277,179 research outputs found
Neighborhood Dynamics and Price Effects of Superfund Site Clean-Up
This report uses census data to analyze the price effects of superfund site clean-up, inclusive of both direct price effects and indirect effects through clean-up's effect on neighborhood demographic transitions and reinvestment in the housing stock. FRC Report 11
Issues in M(atrix) Theory Compactification
We discuss issues concerning M(atrix) theory compactifications on curved
spaces. We argue from the form of the graviton propagator on curved space that
excited string states do not decouple from the annulus D0-brane
amplitude, unlike the flat space case. This argument shows that a large class
of quantum mechanical systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom cannot
reproduce supergravity answers. We discuss the specific example of an ALE space
and suggest sources of possible higher derivative terms that might help
reproduce supergravity results.Comment: title modified, references corrected, 11 pages, harvma
Can parasitic gastro-enteritis be used as an indicator of welfare in organic sheep?
This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference.
Organic livestock standards are designed to deliver good animal welfare but without an objective means of assessing welfare, it is difficult to know if they succeed. Existing assessment systems largely assess environmental requirements, rather than looking at animal behaviour or health. Parasitic gastro-enteritis (PGE) is recognised as being one of the most difficult diseases to prevent in organic livestock production. Monitoring systems for PGE can be used by organic farmers in their decision-making and could be one aspect of assessing animal welfare, particularly in relation to sheep. Results are presented of studies on an experimental organic beef/sheep farm and on commercial organic upland sheep farms. The usefulness of PGE control as an animal welfare indicator is discussed
Policy review of teacher education in Northern Ireland
"This report is written as background for departmental officials and assumes,
therefore, familiarity with the issues. Its purpose is to consider the aims, objectives
and policies on which the current model of teacher education (initial, induction, early
professional development, continuing professional development) in Northern Ireland
is based, and to offer an opinion on how well current provision fits these, identifying
gaps as necessary." - page 3
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