22 research outputs found

    Distribution of 12-36h Hematocrit Values in Vaginal vs. C-Section Deliveries.

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    <p>The Box plots show the distribution of the hematocrit values in each group. The boxes represent the inter quartile range from 25<sup>th</sup>– 75<sup>th</sup> percentile (IQR). The marker within the box is the median and the “whiskers” reach 1.5 times IQR.</p

    Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis of Neonatal Outcomes Adjusted for Gestational Age, Gender and Completed Course of Antenatal Steroids.

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    <p>DR = Delivery room</p><p>*Odds ratio adjusted for gestational age, gender and >48 hours of antenatal steroids,</p><p>** Adjusted only for GA for the study cohort and no adjustment was done in the <28 weeks GA due to very low number,</p><p>*** Defined as at least once during NICU stay.</p><p>Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis of Neonatal Outcomes Adjusted for Gestational Age, Gender and Completed Course of Antenatal Steroids.</p

    Distribution of <2h Hematocrit Values in Vaginal vs. C-Section Deliveries.

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    <p>The Box plots show the distribution of the hematocrit values in each group. The boxes represent the inter quartile range from 25<sup>th</sup>– 75<sup>th</sup> percentile (IQR). The marker within the box is the median and the “whiskers” reach 1.5 times IQR.</p


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    <p>DCC = delayed cord clamping, Hct = hematocrit, SD = standard deviation</p><p>* <2h hct was available for 93% of the <32weeks and 96% of the <28weeks GA.</p><p>** 12-36h hct was available for 80% of the <32weeks and 87% of the <28weeks GA.</p><p>Hematocrits.</p


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    <p>GA = gestational age, BW = birth weight, DCC = delayed cord clamping.</p><p>Demographics.</p

    Delivery Room and NICU Measures.

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    <p>DCC = delayed cord clamping, DR = delivery room, GA = gestational age, SD = standard deviation</p><p>* Defined as at least once during NICU stay.</p><p>Delivery Room and NICU Measures.</p

    Neonatal Mortality and Morbidities.

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    <p>IVH = Intraventricular hemorrhage, CLD = chronic lung disease, NEC = necrotizing enterocolitis, ROP = retinopathy of prematurity</p><p>* Survival without major morbidities is defined as survival without severe IVH, NEC, CLD, Late Onset Sepsis, or severe ROP.</p><p>Neonatal Mortality and Morbidities.</p

    Combined Raw Data - DataDryad

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    This is the raw data output downloaded from the Pulse Oximiter using Trendcom software (Masimo Corporation, Irvine, California)