706 research outputs found
Topological Multivortex Solutions of the Self-Dual Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs System
We study existence and various behaviors of topological multivortices
solutions of the relativistic self-dual Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs system. We
first prove existence of general topological solutions by applying variational
methods to the newly discovered minimizing functional. Then, by an iteration
method we prove existence of topological solutions satisfying some extra
conditions, which we call admissible solutions. We establish asymptotic
exponential decay estimates for these topological solutions. We also
investigate the limiting behaviors of the admissible solutions as parameters in
our system goes to some limits. For the Abelian Higgs limit we obtain strong
convergence result, while for the Chern-Simons limit we only obtained that our
admissible solutions are weakly approximating one of the Chern-Simons
solutions.Comment: 29 pages, Tmain.tex is bod
Employee Motivation: "Just Ask Your Employees"
Employee motivation is an intricate and sophisticated subject; however, contemporary managers must face and deal with this topic to obtain organizational success. To enhance understanding of employee motivation, mangers must recognize the imperativeness of employee motivation, its concepts, and differences in individual needs. Subsequently, managers need to be aware of a variety of employee motivational factors and the changes in priorities of these factors over time. Moreover, managers have to learn previous and current motivational programs, examples, and theories behind them because understanding of these fundamentals can enhance their ability to identify rewards systems that could be matched with employee needs. This understanding of the employee motivation process requires a systematic approach, and managers must realize that employee motivation and its process are there to motivate their employees; therefore, employee input must be valued and included throughout this process
From Smelter Fumes to Silk Road Winds: Exploring Legal Responses to Transboundary Air Pollution over South Korea
As China‘s industrialization has entered full swing, transboundary pollution has swept eastward across the Manchurian Plain and the Yellow Sea into neighboring Northeast Asian countries. The desertification of Mongolia and Northwestern China due to global warming has fueled seasonal yellow dust storms descending on Korea in increased frequency and intensity in recent years, acting as a vector for various kinds of air pollution. On top of sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide that cause acid deposition which, in turn, destroys crops and forests, southeasterly winds carry fine particulate matter, aerosols, ozone, and heavy metals with more significant negative consequences on the health of humans and other species. Soaring demand for energy in China (supplied mainly by coal-fired power plants) is casting deep uncertainty on regional air quality for the future, given the historically unprecedented scale and pace of deployment of plants in such a densely populated region. It is widely assumed that coal will be China‘s principal source of energy for many decades to come, comprising as much as 70% of energy demand. According to the IEA World Energy Outlook for 2011, China will account for more than half of the global share of coal use in 2020 with conservative assumptions. However, as China rapidly becomes a major world market for internal combustion vehicles, increasing carbon monoxide emissions from vehicles are expected to contribute heavily to transboundary pollution in Asia and overtake power plants as the primary source of air pollution
The Research of Effective Factors on is Planning Capability of IT Organization
In fast-paced business environments, most businesses rely on IT. Business units continuously require planning, development and management of IS aligning with their business strategies. In this continuous process, an IS organization performs business analyses as well as planning and application functions for IS environments in a position of mediator between both business and IT units. In recent years, monitoring and evaluation of developed information systems has become an important tasks, which is inevitable and essential for making IT investment decision. This organization is generally referred to as an \u27IS strategic planning team\u27, \u27IT planning team\u27, \u27information strategic team\u27, and \u27IT strategy planning team\u27, etc., and is collectively referred to as an \u27information strategic organization\u27. This paper aims to identify ‘IS Planning Capability’ as the most important critical factor for information strategic organizations and examined how different factors that can affect planning capability, and further impacts on IS planning satisfaction in business units
The use of discriminative belief tracking in POMDP-based dialogue systems
Statistical spoken dialogue systems based on Partially Ob-servable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) have been shown to be more robust to speech recognition errors by main-taining a belief distribution over multiple dialogue states and making policy decisions based on the entire distribution rather than the single most likely hypothesis. To date most POMDP-based systems have used generative trackers. However, con-cerns about modelling accuracy have created interest in dis-criminative methods, and recent results from the second Dia-log State Tracking Challenge (DSTC2) have shown that dis-criminative trackers can significantly outperform generative models in terms of tracking accuracy. The aim of this pa-per is to investigate the extent to which these improvements translate into improved task completion rates when incorpo-rated into a spoken dialogue system. To do this, the Recur-rent Neural Network (RNN) tracker described by Henderson et al in DSTC2 was integrated into the Cambridge statistical dialogue system and compared with the existing generative Bayesian network tracker. Using a Gaussian Process (GP) based policy, the experimental results indicate that the system using the RNN tracker performs significantly better than the system with the original Bayesian network tracker. Index Terms — dialogue management, spoken dialogue systems, recurrent neural networks, belief tracking, POMDP 1
Switchable π-electronic network of bis(α-oligothienyl)-substituted hexaphyrins between helical versus rectangular circuit
The switching phenomena of conformation with π-electronic network through deprotonation-protonation processes were investigated by employing a series of 5, 20-bis(α-oligothienyl) substituted hexaphyrins( They showed significant changes in the absorption and emission spectra with deprotonation, and returned to the initial state with protonation. Through NMR measurements and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, we found that the 5, 20-bis(α-oligothienyl) substituted hexaphyrins, which possess acyclic, helical electronic networks involving oligothienyl chains in dumbbell conformations (type-I) in a neutral form, underwent effective deprotonation upon treatment with tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) to generate the corresponding dianions, which display cyclic electronic networks with enhanced aromaticity in rectangular conformations (type-II). Our quantum calculation results provide an unambiguous description for the switchable conformation and π-conjugation, which revealed that a deprotonation-induced enhanced aromatic conjugation pathway is involved in the switchable π-electronic network
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