79 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Association between the XRCC1 polymorphisms and clinical outcomes of advanced NSCLC treated with platinum-based chemotherapy: a meta-analysis based on the PRISMA statement
Dominant model of association between 399Gln and overall survival relative to 399Arg. (DOCX 73 kb
DOL emulsion oil adsorption on the coal surface under fluorescence microscopy at 400x magnification.
<p>DOL emulsion oil adsorption on the coal surface under fluorescence microscopy at 400x magnification.</p
pH changes during the methane yield process in nutrition solution #1.
<p>The pH decreased with increasing methane yield rate.</p
Methane volume concentration changes in a methanogenic consortium cultured with nutrition solution #1 at 39°C and pH 6.40.
<p>The contents of the solution were (in g/L) NaHCO<sub>3</sub>, 0.20; NH<sub>4</sub>Cl, 1.00; NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, 1.30; KCl, 0.50; MgSO<sub>4</sub>•7H<sub>2</sub>O, 0.20; CaCl<sub>2</sub>•5H<sub>2</sub>O, 0.10; yeast extract, 0.50; resazurin, 0.10.</p
Three-neck flask.
<p>The left port was used for medium injection and sampling. The middle port functioned as the gas monitor port. The right port was used to monitor the pH.</p
Supplementary document for Deep Learning Enhanced Fast Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging with A Few Photons - 6476492.pdf
supplemental notes and figure
Methane concentration changes for a methanogenic consortia cultured with nutrition solution #2 at 39°C and pH 8.21.
<p>The contents of the solution were (in g/L) NaHCO<sub>3</sub>, 0.20; NH<sub>4</sub>Cl, 1.00; NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, 1.30; KCl, 0.50; MgSO<sub>4</sub>•7H<sub>2</sub>O, 0.20; CaCl<sub>2</sub>•5H<sub>2</sub>O, 0.10; C<sub>17</sub>H<sub>35</sub>COONa, 1.30; R<sub>1</sub>SO<sub>2</sub>OR<sub>2</sub>, 0.80; yeast extract, 0.50; resazurin, 0.10.</p
Generalized flow diagram for anaerobic decomposition of organic matter and generation of methane.
<p>Hydrolytic, hydrogen-reducing, acetogenic, and hydrogen-utilizing bacteria provide the organic compounds metabolized by methanogens.</p
pH changes during the methane yield process in nutrition solution #2.
<p>The pH decreased with increasing methane yield rate.</p
Photographs of the teeth of the <i>Linhevenator tani</i> holotype (LH V0021).
<p>Premaxillary tooth in labial (A), lingual (B), and distal (C) views; maxillary or posterior dentary tooth in labial (D) and lingual (E) views. Abbreviations: bc, basal constriction; dcs, denticles. Scale bar equals 5 mm.</p
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