36 research outputs found

    Magnetic Measurements on Superconductors and Heavy Fermions.

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    Magnetization and de Haas - van Alphen (dHvA) measurements have been made on the high temperature superconductor Ba\sb{0.6}K\sb{0.4}BiO\sb3 and the heavy fermion CeB\sb6. First ever observations of the dHvA effect in Ba\sb{0.6}K\sb{0.4}BiO\sb3 are reported. Two dHvA spectrometers (pulsed field and field modulation) were used to measure two samples. Four frequencies are found in the field modulation data with the 11.6 kT orbit in good agreement with band structure calculations. The three lowest frequencies were measured with the pulsed field spectrometer. All dHvA measurements were made in the superconducting mixed state. These measurements indicate that Ba\sb{0.6}K\sb{0.4}BiO\sb3 has a Fermi surface. Magnetization measurements on Ba\sb{0.6}K\sb{0.4}BiO\sb3 suggest a superconducting to normal state phase transition of an order greater than two given that both the specific heat and susceptibility discontinuities across T\sb{c} and H\sb{c2} are zero. All thermodynamic critical fields exhibit a positive curvature as the temperature approaches zero. The present measurements suggest that the value of H\sb{c2}(T = 0) is higher than previously thought with the possibility that it diverges at zero temperature. Measurements on CeB\sb6 at temperatures as low as 25 mK and in fields as high has 50 T reveal that the dHvA frequency of the belly orbit in the (100) direction changes as a function of field, decreasing in frequency with increasing applied field. This is evidence that the Fermi surface of CeB\sb6 is polarized. Fermi surface polarization together with the observed magnetic field dependence of the cyclotron mass adequately account for the measured frequency shift. Additionally, the observed frequency shift can be modeled with a form of the Lifshitz-Kosevich equation modified to allow for the effects of strong correlations

    Magnetization Measurements on Single Crystals of Superconducting Ba0.6K0.4BiO3

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    Extensive measurements of the magnetization of superconducting single crystal samples of Ba0.6K0.4BiO3} have been made using SQUID and cantilever force magnetometry at temperatures ranging between 1.3 and 350 K and in magnetic fields from near zero to 27 T. Hysteresis curves of magnetization versus field allow a determination of the thermodynamic critical field, the reversibility field, and the upper critical field as a function of temperature. The lower critical field is measured seperately and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter is found to be temperature dependent. All critical fields have higher T = 0 limits than have been previously noted and none of the temperature dependence of the critical fields follow the expected power laws leading to possible alternate interpretation of the thermodynamic nature of the superconducting transition.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Philosophical Magazine B on 7 August 1999. This paper supplies the experimental details for the argument presented in our PRL 82 (1999) p. 4532-4535 (also at cond-mat/9904288

    High Field de Haas - van Alphen Studies of the Fermi Surfaces of LaMIn5_{5} (M = Co, Rh, Ir)

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    We report measurements of the de Haas - van Alphen effect on a series of compounds, LaMIn5_{5} (M = Co, Rh, Ir). The results show that each of the Co and Ir Fermi surfaces (FSs) exhibit some portions that are two dimensional and some portions that are three dimensional. The most two dimensional character is exhibited in LaCoIn5_{5}, less two dimensional behavior is seen in LaIrIn5_{5}, no part of Fermi surface of LaRhIn5_{5} is found to have a two dimensional character. Thus the two dimensionality of portions of the FSs is largely determined by the d character of the energy bands while all of the effective masses remain \leq 1.2. This fact has implications for the causes of the heavy fermion nature of superconductivity and magnetism in the Ce-based compounds having the similar composition and structure. All of the measurements were performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory using either cantilever magnetometry or field modulation methods.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    The Fermi surface of CeCoIn5: dHvA

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    Measurements of the de Haas - van Alphen effect in the normal state of the heavy Fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 have been carried out using a torque cantilever at temperatures ranging from 20 to 500 mK and in fields up to 18 tesla. Angular dependent measurements of the extremal Fermi surface areas reveal a more extreme two dimensional sheet than is found in either CeRhIn5 or CeIrIn5. The effective masses of the measured frequencies range from 9 to 20 m*/m0.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PRB Rapid

    Anomalous Superconducting Properties and Field Induced Magnetism in CeCoIn5

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    In the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 (Tc=2.3K) the critical field is large, anisotropic and displays hysteresis. The magnitude of the critical-field anisotropy in the a-c plane can be as large as 70 kOe and depends on orientation. Critical field measurements in the (110) plane suggest 2D superconductivity, whereas conventional effective mass anisotropy is observed in the (100) plane. Two distinct field-induced magnetic phases are observed: Ha appears deep in the superconducting phase, while Hb intersects Hc2 at T=1.4 K and extends well above Tc. These observations suggest the possible realization of a direct transition from ferromagnetism to Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity in CeCoIn5.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic Field Dependence of the Paramagnetic to the High Temperature Magnetically Ordered Phase Transition in CeB6

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    We have measured the magnetic field dependence of the paramagnetic to high temperature magnetically ordered phase transition TQ(H) in CeB6 from 2 to 30 T using cantilever magnetometry. It is found that the phase separation temperature continuously increases in field with an increasingly positive slope. In addition, we find that measurements in strong magnetic field gradients have no effect on the phase transition.Comment: 6 total page including 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review B (also available at http://publish.aps.org/eprint/gateway/eplist/aps1999dec08_006) v2: Corrected typos, added 1 reference, minor content changes (deleted 1 sentence in introduction, added 2 sentences in discussion to explain added reference), fixed the "et al"s in the bibliograph