3,400 research outputs found

    Evaporation of charged bosonic condensate in cosmology

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    Cosmological evolution of equilibrium plasma with a condensate of U(1)-charged bosonic field is considered. It is shown that the evaporation of the condensate is very much different from naive expectations, discussed in the literature, as well as from evaporation of non-equilibrium neutral condensate. The charged condensate evaporates much slower than the decay of the corresponding bosons. The evaporation rate is close to that of the cosmological expansion. The plasma temperature, in contrast, drops much faster than usually, namely as the third power of the cosmological scale factor. As a result the universe becomes very cold and the cosmological charge asymmetry reaches a huge value.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Heavy sterile neutrinos - what they can be and what they can't

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    We review current astrophysical bounds on MeV sterile neutrinos, and then we discuss why a sterile keV neutrino is a natural warm dark matter candidate.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk given at Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology held at San Feli

    Matter-antimatter domains in the universe

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    A possible existence of cosmologically large domains of antimatter or astronomical ``anti-objects'' is discussed. A brief review of different scenarios of baryogenesis predicting a noticeable amount of antimatter is given. Though both theory and observations indicate that the universe is most possibly uniformly charge asymmetric without any noticeable amount of antimatter, several natural scenarios are possible that allow for cosmologically (astronomically) interesting objects in close vicinity to us. The latter may be discovered by observation of cosmic ray antinuclei.Comment: Invited Talk at EuroConference on Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 30 September - 5 October 2000; 7 pages; latex; two references are adde

    Heavy sterile neutrinos: Bounds from big-bang nucleosynthesis and SN 1987A

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    Cosmological and astrophysical effects of heavy (10 - 200 MeV) sterile Dirac neutrinos, mixed with the active ones, are considered. The bounds on mass and mixing angle from both supernovae and big-bang nucleosynthesis are presented.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Some references adde

    Nonequilibrium corrections to energy spectra of massive particles in expanding universe

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    Deviations from kinetic equilibrium of massive particles caused by the universe expansion are calculated analytically in the Boltzmann approximation. For the case of an energy independent amplitude of elastic scattering, an exact partial differential equation is derived instead of the usual integro-differential one. A simple perturbative solution of the former is found. For the case of an energy-dependent amplitude the problem cannot be reduced to the differential equation but the solution of the original integro-differential equation can be found in terms of the Taylor expansion, which in the case of aconstant amplitude shows a perfect agreement with the perturbative solution of the differential equation. Corrections to the spectrum of (possibly) massive tau-neutrinos are calculated. The method may be of more general interest and can be applied to the calculation of spectrum distortion in other (not necessarily cosmological) nonequilibrium processes.Comment: 14 pages, latex twice; ps-files for figures are available upon reques

    An improved cosmological bound on the tau-neutrino mass

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    We consider the influence of non-equilibrium electronic neutrinos (and anti-neutrinos) on the neutron-to-proton ratio. These neutrinos would come from massive ντ\nu_\tau annihilations νˉτντ→νˉeνe\bar \nu_\tau \nu_\tau \rightarrow \bar \nu_e \nu_e. For sufficiently large ντ\nu_\tau masses this new effect would strongly enhance the (n/p)-ratio, leading to a very stringent bound on the ντ\nu_\tau mass, even adopting a rather weak upper bound on the effective number on neutrino species during nucleosynthesis.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex file + 1 figure compressed using uufile

    Unstable massive tau-neutrinos and primordial nucleosynthesis

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    The impact of unstable Majorana tau neutrinos on primordial nucleosynthesis is considered. The mass and lifetime of nu_tau are taken in the intervals 0.1-20 MeV and 0.001-400 sec respectively. The studied decay modes are nu_tau -> nu_mu + phi and nu_tau -> nu_e + phi, where phi is a massless (or light) scalar. Integro-differential kinetic equations are solved numerically without any simplifying assumptions. Our results deviate rather strongly from earlier calculations. Depending on mass, lifetime, and decay channels of the nu_tau, the number of effective neutrino species (found from He4), in addition to the 3 standard ones, varies from -2 to +2.5. The abundances of H2 and Li7 are also calculated.Comment: 36 pages including 28 figures, minor change

    Gravitational particle production in braneworld cosmology

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    Gravitational particle production in time variable metric of an expanding universe is efficient only when the Hubble parameter HH is not too small in comparison with the particle mass. In standard cosmology, the huge value of the Planck mass MPlM_{Pl} makes the mechanism phenomenologically irrelevant. On the other hand, in braneworld cosmology the expansion rate of the early universe can be much faster and many weakly interacting particles can be abundantly created. Cosmological implications are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, v3 with new definition of Λ\Lambda and minor text modification
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