6 research outputs found
Multivariable Cox Proportional Hazards Models for Progression Free and Overall Survival for the Screen-Detected Cohorts.
<p>Multivariable Cox Proportional Hazards Models for Progression Free and Overall Survival for the Screen-Detected Cohorts.</p
Schema for the lung cancer case cohorts in the NLST at prevalence (baseline) and incidence screening (follow-up) rounds.
<p>Abbreviations: T0 = baseline screen; T1 = first screen; T2 = second screen; [+] = positive screen; [–] = negative screen. Prevalence lung cancers diagnosed at T0 are shaded green. Screen-detected lung cancers diagnosed at T1 and T2 rounds in which T0 screens were positive are shaded blue. Screen-detected lung cancers diagnosed at T1 and T2 in which T0 screens were negative are shaded red. Interval cancers (beige boxes) were diagnosed following a negative screen. Participants were excluded if their screening results were inadequate or not compliant. At baseline we excluded 413 screens, 1,471 screens at T1, and 713 screens at T2.</p
Baseline Demographics and Clinical Characteristics of Four Screen-Detected Lung Cancer Case Cohorts.
<p>Baseline Demographics and Clinical Characteristics of Four Screen-Detected Lung Cancer Case Cohorts.</p
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of the Grouped Screen-Detected, Prevalence, and Interval Cancer Cohorts.
<p>Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of the Grouped Screen-Detected, Prevalence, and Interval Cancer Cohorts.</p
Baseline Demographic of the Grouped Screen-Detected, Prevalence, and Interval Cancer Cohorts.
<p>Baseline Demographic of the Grouped Screen-Detected, Prevalence, and Interval Cancer Cohorts.</p
Kaplan-Meier estimates and number of subjects at risk for (A) progression free survival and (B) overall survival in the prevalence-, interval-, and grouped screen-detected lung cancers.
<p>Abbreviations: SDLC1/2 = Combined screen-detected lung cancers following positive screens at T1 and T2 rounds in cohorts with T0 positive screens; SDLC3/4 = Combined screen-detected lung cancers following positive screens at T1 and T2 rounds among cohorts with T0 or T0 and T1 negative screens; PC = Prevalence lung cancer cohort; IC = Interval cancer cohort.</p