8,062 research outputs found
LHC jet suppression of light and heavy flavor observables
Jet suppression of light and heavy flavor observables is considered to be an
excellent tool to study the properties of QCD matter created in
ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. We calculate the suppression patterns
of light hadrons, D mesons, non-photonic single electrons and non-prompt
in Pb+Pb collisions at LHC. We use a theoretical formalism that takes
into account finite size {\it dynamical} QCD medium with finite magnetic mass
effects and running coupling, which is integrated into a numerical procedure
that uses no free parameters in model testing. We obtain a good agreement with
the experimental results across different experiments/particle species. Our
results show that the developed theoretical formalism can robustly explain
suppression data in ultra relativistic heavy ion collisions, which strongly
suggests that pQCD in Quark-Gluon Plasma is able to provide a reasonable
description of the underlying jet physics at LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Generalization of radiative jet energy loss to non-zero magnetic mass
Reliable predictions for jet quenching in ultra-relativistic heavy ion
collisions require accurate computation of radiative energy loss. With this
goal, an energy loss formalism in a realistic finite size dynamical QCD medium
was recently developed. While this formalism assumes zero magnetic mass - in
accordance with the one-loop perturbative calculations - different
non-perturbative approaches report a non-zero magnetic mass at RHIC and LHC. We
here generalize the energy loss to consistently include a possibility for
existence of non-zero magnetic screening. We also present how the inclusion of
finite magnetic mass changes the energy loss results. Our analysis indicates a
fundamental constraint on magnetic to electric mass ratio.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
A Figurative Identification for Superposed OAM Modes in FSO Systems
We demonstrate that a complete projection in Hilbert Space figuratively
describes a superposed state, introducing a new scale to qualify an FSO system.
Measurement simulation of superposed OAM beam through this projection scheme is
given.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
RHIC and LHC jet suppression in non-central collisions
Understanding properties of QCD matter created in ultra-relativistic
heavy-ion collisions is a major goal of RHIC and LHC experiments. An excellent
tool to study these properties is jet suppression of light and heavy flavor
observables. Utilizing this tool requires accurate suppression predictions for
different experiments, probes and experimental conditions, and their unbiased
comparison with experimental data. With this goal, we here extend our dynamical
energy loss formalism towards generating predictions for non-central
collisions; the formalism takes into account both radiative and collisional
energy loss, dynamical (as opposed to static) scattering centers, finite
magnetic mass, running coupling and uses no free parameters in comparison with
experimental data. Specifically, we here generate predictions for all available
centrality ranges, for both LHC and RHIC experiments, and for four different
probes (charged hadrons, neutral pions, D mesons and non-prompt ). We
obtain a very good agreement with all available non-central data, and also
generate predictions for suppression measurements that will soon become
available. Finally, we discuss implications of the obtained good agreement with
experimental data with different medium models that are currently considered.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Quantum Cosmology and Tachyons
We discuss the relevance of the classical and quantum rolling tachyons
inflation in the frame of the standard, p-adic and adelic minisuperspace
quantum cosmology. The field theory of tachyon matter proposed by Sen in a
zero-dimensional version suggested by Kar leads to a model of a particle moving
in a constant external field with quadratic damping. We calculate the exact
quantum propagator of the model, as well as, the vacuum states and conditions
necessary to construct an adelic generalization.Comment: 10 pages, no figure
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