3,263 research outputs found
The comparison of characteristics of pi^{-} mesons produced in central Mg-Mg interactions with the quark gluon string model predictions
A detailed study of pion production in central Mg-Mg collisions at a momentum
of 4.3 GeV/c per incident nucleon was carried out with use of the setup GIBS.
The average kinematical characteristics of pions (multiplicity n_, momentum P,
transverse momentum P_{T}, emission angle Q, rapidity Y) and corresponding
distributions have been obtained. The experimental results have been compared
with the predictions of the Quark Gluon String Model (QGSM) and satisfactory
agreement between the experimental data and the model has been found. The QGSM
reproduces also the dependence of average P_{T} on n_{-}.
The temperatures of pi^{-} mesons have been estimated in the rapidity
interval of 0.5<=Y<=2.1. A satisfactory fit for pi^{-} mesons has been achieved
by using a form involving two temperatures T_{1} and T_{2}. It was found that
the QGSM underestimates T_{2} by (10-15)%.
The data have been analyzed using the transverse momentum technique. The
observed dependence of the on Y shows the S-shape behaviour. The
slope at midrapidity F had been determined. The QGSM reproduces the
distribution satisfactorily, but underestimates the parameter F.Comment: 21 pages with 9 postscript figure
The analysis of pi^{-} mesons produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions at a momentum of 4.5 GeV/c/nucleon in light front variables
The light front analysis of pi^{-} mesons in He(Li,C), C-Ne, C-Cu and O-Pb
collisions is carried out. The phase space of secondary pions is divided into
two parts in one of which the thermal equilibrium assumption seems to be in a
good agreement with the data. Corresponding temperatures T are extracted and
their dependence on (A_{P}*A_{T})^{1/2} is studied. The results are compared
with the predictions of the Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM). The QGSM
satisfactorily reproduces the experimental data for light and intermediate-mass
nuclei.Comment: 14 pages with 9 postscript figure
The Light Front Analysis of pi^{-} Mesons Produced in the Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
The light front analysis of pi^{-} mesons in A_{P} (He, C, Mg, O) + A_{T}
(Li,C, Ne, Mg,Cu,Pb) collisions is carried out. The phase space of secondary
pions is naturally divided into two parts in one of which the thermal
equilibration assumption seems to be in a good agreement with data.
Corresponding temperatures are extracted and compared to the results of other
experiments. The dependence of the average temperature T on (A_{P}*A_{T})^{1/2}
is studied.Comment: 15 pages with 13 postscript figure
Light-Front Analysis of pi^{-} Mesons Produced in Mg - Mg Collisions at 4.3 a Gev/c
Light-front analysis of pi^{-} mesons in Mg-Mg collisions is carried out. The
phase space of secondary pions is naturally divided into two parts in one of
which the thermal equilibration assumption seems to be in a good agreement with
data. Corresponding temperatures are extracted and compared to the results of
other experiments. The experimental results have been compared with the
predictions of the Quark Gluon String Model (QGSM) and satisfactory agreement
between the experimental data and the model has been found.Comment: 14 pages with 7 postscript figures. accepted for publication in Nucl.
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