124 research outputs found
Uncertainties in Successive Measurements
When you measure an observable, A, in Quantum Mechanics, the state of the
system changes. This, in turn, affects the quantum-mechanical uncertainty in
some non-commuting observable, B. The standard Uncertainty Relation puts a
lower bound on the uncertainty of B in the initial state. What is relevant for
a subsequent measurement of B, however, is the uncertainty of B in the
post-measurement state. We re-examine this problem, both in the case where A
has a pure point spectrum and in the case where A has a continuous spectrum. In
the latter case, the need to include a finite detector resolution, as part of
what it means to measure such an observable, has dramatic implications for the
result of successive measurements. Ozawa proposed an inequality satisfied in
the case of successive measurements. Among our results, we show that his
inequality is ineffective (can never come close to being saturated). For the
cases of interest, we compute a sharper lower bound.Comment: Improvements in the prose (thanks to the referee). Version to appear
in Phys. Rev. A. 23 pages, utarticle.cl
Chiral Symmetry Breaking in the AdS/CFT Correspondence
We study the SU(3)-invariant relevant deformation of D=4 N=4 SU(N) gauge
theory at large N using the AdS/CFT correspondence. At low energies, we obtain
a nonsupersymmetric gauge theory with three left-handed quarks in the adjoint
of SU(N). In terms of the five dimensional gauged supergravity, there is an
unstable critical point in the scalar potential for fluctuations of some fields
in a nontrivial representation of the symmetry group SU(3). On the field theory
side, this corresponds to dynamical breaking of the SU(3) chiral symmetry down
to SO(3). We compute the condensate of the quark bilinear and the two-point
correlation function of the spontaneously broken currents from supergravity and
find a nonzero `pion' decay constant, f_pi.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure. LaTeX2e, using utarticle.cls (included). Several
clarifications and added references. This is the published version, to appear
in JHE
Three Dimensional Mirror Symmetry and Partition Function on
We provide non-trivial checks of mirror symmetry in a
large class of quiver gauge theories whose Type IIB (Hanany-Witten)
descriptions involve D3 branes ending on orbifold/orientifold 5-planes at the
boundary. From the M-theory perspective, such theories can be understood in
terms of coincident M2 branes sitting at the origin of a product of an A-type
and a D-type ALE (Asymtotically Locally Euclidean) space with G-fluxes.
Families of mirror dual pairs, which arise in this fashion, can be labeled as
, where and are integers. For a large subset of such
infinite families of dual theories, corresponding to generic values of , arbitrary ranks of the gauge groups and varying , we test the
conjectured duality by proving the precise equality of the partition
functions for dual gauge theories in the IR as functions of masses and FI
parameters. The mirror map for a given pair of mirror dual theories can be read
off at the end of this computation and we explicitly present these for the
aforementioned examples. The computation uses non-trivial identities of
hyperbolic functions including certain generalizations of Cauchy determinant
identity and Schur's Pfaffian identity, which are discussed in the paper.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figure
Some Features of (0,2) Moduli Space
We discuss some aspects of perturbative Calabi-Yau moduli space. In
particular, we show how models with different data can meet along
various sub-loci in their moduli space. In the simplest examples, the models
differ by the choice of desingularization of a holomorphic V-bundle over the
same resolved Calabi-Yau base while in more complicated examples, even the
smooth Calabi-Yau base manifolds can be topologically distinct. These latter
examples extend and clarify a previous observation which was limited to
singular Calabi-Yau spaces and seem to indicate a multicritical structure in
moduli space. This should have a natural F-theory counterpart in terms of the
moduli space of Calabi-Yau four-folds.Comment: 32 pages, 2 eps figures, harvma
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