9,124 research outputs found
On the Interquark Potential calculation from Dirac Brackets
We obtain the binding energy of an infinitely heavy quark-antiquark pair from
Dirac brackets by computing the expectation value of the pure QCD Hamiltonian.
This procedure exploits the rich structure of the dressing around static
fermions. Some subtle points related to exhibing explicitly the interquark
energy are considered.Comment: 9 pages, late
On the detection of relativistic magnetic monopoles by deep underwater and underice neutrino telescopes
I present here some reflections and very speculative remarks on the detection
of relativistic magnetic monopoles by currently operating deep underwater/ice
neutrino telescopes.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop
Abelianization of First Class Constraints
We show that a given set of first class constraints becomes abelian if one
maps each constraint to the surface of other constraints. There is no
assumption that first class constraints satisfy a closed algebra. The explicit
form of the projection map is obtained at least for irreducible first class
constraints. Using this map we give a method to obtain gauge fixing conditions
such that the set of abelian first class constraints and gauge fixing
conditions satisfy the symplectic algebra.Comment: To appear in PL
Inequivalence of the Massive Vector Meson and Higgs Models on a Manifold with Boundary
The exact quantization of two models, the massive vector meson model and the
Higgs model in the London limit, both describing massive photons, is presented.
Even though naive arguments (based on gauge-fixing) may indicate the
equivalence of these models, it is shown here that this is not true in general
when we consider these theories on manifolds with boundaries. We show, in
particular, that they are equivalent only for a special choice of the boundary
conditions that we are allowed to impose on the fields.Comment: 14 pages, LATEX File (revised with minor corrections
Kahler Quantization of H3(CY3,R) and the Holomorphic Anomaly
Studying the quadratic field theory on seven dimensional spacetime
constructed by a direct product of Calabi-Yau three-fold by a real time axis,
with phase space being the third cohomology of the Calabi-Yau three-fold, the
generators of translation along moduli directions of
Calabi-Yau three-fold are constructed. The algebra of these generators is
derived which take a simple form in canonical coordinates. Applying the Dirac
method of quantization of second class constraint systems, we show that the
Schr\"{o}dinger equations corresponding to these generators are equivalent to
the holomorphic anomaly equations if one defines the action functional of the
quadratic field theory with a proper factor one-half.Comment: 10 pages, few typos corrected, to appear in JHE
Non-Involutive Constrained Systems and Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism
In this work we discuss the natural appearance of the Generalized Brackets in
systems with non-involutive (equivalent to second class) constraints in the
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. We show how a consistent geometric interpretation of
the integrability conditions leads to the reduction of degrees of freedom of
these systems and, as consequence, naturally defines a dynamics in a reduced
phase space.Comment: 12 page
Self-field, radiated energy, and radiated linear momentum of an accelerated point charge
Working within the framework of the classical theory of electrodynamics, we
derive an exact mathematical solution to the problem of self-field (or
radiation reaction) of an accelerated point-charge traveling in free space. We
obtain relativistic expressions for the self-field as well as the rates of
radiated energy and linear momentum without the need to renormalize the
particle's mass - or to discard undesirable infinities.Comment: 18 pages, 31 equations, 16 references, 7 appendice
Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem in an SO(3) Yang-Mills-Higgs system and derivation of a charge quantization condition
The Atiyah-Singer index theorem is generalized to a two-dimensional SO(3)
Yang-Mills-Higgs (YMH) system. The generalized theorem is proven by using the
heat kernel method and a nonlinear realization of SU(2) gauge symmetry. This
theorem is applied to the problem of deriving a charge quantization condition
in the four-dimensional SO(3) YMH system with non-Abelian monopoles. The
resulting quantization condition, eg=n (n: integer), for an electric charge e
and a magnetic charge g is consistent with that found by Arafune, Freund and
Goebel. It is shown that the integer n is half of the index of a Dirac
operator.Comment: 18pages, no figures, minor corrections, published versio
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