138 research outputs found

    Micelle Formation and the Hydrophobic Effect

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    The tendency of amphiphilic molecules to form micelles in aqueous solution is a consequence of the hydrophobic effect. The fundamental difference between micelle assembly and macroscopic phase separation is the stoichiometric constraint that frustrates the demixing of polar and hydrophobic groups. We present a theory for micelle assembly that combines the account of this constraint with a description of the hydrophobic driving force. The latter arises from the length scale dependence of aqueous solvation. The theoretical predictions for temperature dependence and surfactant chain length dependence of critical micelle concentrations for nonionic surfactants agree favorably with experiment.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem.

    Steered Transition Path Sampling

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    We introduce a path sampling method for obtaining statistical properties of an arbitrary stochastic dynamics. The method works by decomposing a trajectory in time, estimating the probability of satisfying a progress constraint, modifying the dynamics based on that probability, and then reweighting to calculate averages. Because the progress constraint can be formulated in terms of occurrences of events within time intervals, the method is particularly well suited for controlling the sampling of currents of dynamic events. We demonstrate the method for calculating transition probabilities in barrier crossing problems and survival probabilities in strongly diffusive systems with absorbing states, which are difficult to treat by shooting. We discuss the relation of the algorithm to other methods.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Learning to control non-equilibrium dynamics using local imperfect gradients

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    Standard approaches to controlling dynamical systems involve biologically implausible steps such as backpropagation of errors or intermediate model-based system representations. Recent advances in machine learning have shown that "imperfect" feedback of errors during training can yield test performance that is similar to using full backpropagated errors, provided that the two error signals are at least somewhat aligned. Inspired by such methods, we introduce an iterative, spatiotemporally local protocol to learn driving forces and control non-equilibrium dynamical systems using imperfect feedback signals. We present numerical experiments and theoretical justification for several examples. For systems in conservative force fields that are driven by external time-dependent protocols, our update rules resemble a dynamical version of contrastive divergence. We appeal to linear response theory to establish that our imperfect update rules are locally convergent for these conservative systems. For systems evolving under non-conservative dynamics, we derive a new theoretical result that makes possible the control of non-equilibrium steady-state probabilities through simple local update rules. Finally, we show that similar local update rules can also solve dynamical control problems for non-conservative systems, and we illustrate this in the non-trivial example of active nematics. Our updates allow learning spatiotemporal activity fields that pull topological defects along desired trajectories in the active nematic fluid. These imperfect feedback methods are information efficient and in principle biologically plausible, and they can help extend recent methods of decentralized training for physical materials into dynamical settings.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figure

    Phase resetting reveals network dynamics underlying a bacterial cell cycle

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    Genomic and proteomic methods yield networks of biological regulatory interactions but do not provide direct insight into how those interactions are organized into functional modules, or how information flows from one module to another. In this work we introduce an approach that provides this complementary information and apply it to the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, a paradigm for cell-cycle control. Operationally, we use an inducible promoter to express the essential transcriptional regulatory gene ctrA in a periodic, pulsed fashion. This chemical perturbation causes the population of cells to divide synchronously, and we use the resulting advance or delay of the division times of single cells to construct a phase resetting curve. We find that delay is strongly favored over advance. This finding is surprising since it does not follow from the temporal expression profile of CtrA and, in turn, simulations of existing network models. We propose a phenomenological model that suggests that the cell-cycle network comprises two distinct functional modules that oscillate autonomously and couple in a highly asymmetric fashion. These features collectively provide a new mechanism for tight temporal control of the cell cycle in C. crescentus. We discuss how the procedure can serve as the basis for a general approach for probing network dynamics, which we term chemical perturbation spectroscopy (CPS)
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