23 research outputs found
The purpose of this study was to determine the cohesion aspect anaphora and katafora the Kompas newspaper editorials. The method used in this study is qualitative content analysis with technical analysis is a method used to examine in greater depth discourse. The results showed that of the 12 editorial discourse data showed as many as 164 pairs of sentences. Research data of 164 couples found 67 sentences have cohesion anaphora or as much as 40,48% and only 14 pairs sentence with katafora cohesion or 8,54%. Aspects of cohesion anaphora is used predominantly in building cohesion sentence. From the use of markers, can be show that demonstrative pronouns as much as 54,32% more often appear in a sentence with cohesion. It indicates that the demonstrative pronoun marker has an important role in forming the sentence cohesion
Pemberdayaan Dasawisma dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Kelurahan Keramat Jati Jakarta Timur Melalui Layanan Informasi Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Sosial Masyarakat di Masa Pandemi
Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan layanan informasi terkait dengan meningkatkan kesadaran sosial warga RW 001 Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur. Adapun kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui metode ceramah yang dikombinasikan dengan penampilan gambar. Sasaran dari kegiatan abdimas ini adalah warga RW 001 Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur. Implikasi dari kegiatan ini adalah (1). Warga RW 001 dapat memperoleh wawasan dan pengetahuan terkait dengan kesadaran sosial berkenaan dengan kebermanfaatan dari kesadaran sosial pada pandemik ini; (2). Warga RW 001 dapat memperoleh keterampilan mengenai pentingnya kesadaran sosial yang baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan warga RW 001 pada saat ini; (3). Memungkinkan para warga RW 001 memperoleh kebermaknaan nilai terkait dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan masyarakat di masa pandemik ini sehingga kesadaran sosial warga RW 001 diperlukan; (4). Melalui pemberian layanan informasi ini warga RW 001 ini mendapatkan sikap sosial yang baik sehingga dalam kebermasyarakatannya warga RW 001 mampu melewati masa pandemik dengan baik dalam upaya menjaga kesehatan mental masyarakat untuk penanggulangan covid-19 ini.Kata Kunci: Program dasawisma, Layanan informasi, Masa pandemic, Kesadaran sosia
Kesantunan berbahasa para Kader Posyandu dalam pelaksanaan layanan informasi
The purpose of this study was (1) to describe the type of speech acts of Posyandu cadres Mawar VII and Posyandu Mawar IX Pademangan Barat North Jakarta in the information service process. (2) describe the principle of courtesy in Posyandu Mawar VII and Posyandu Mawar IX Pademangan Barat North Jakarta when the information service process takes place. The data used in this study are oral and written. Oral and written data is obtained by recording and recording the utterances of the cadres when carrying out information services. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by referring to proficient free technique, recording techniques, and note taking techniques. The results of this study are that cadres do more polite speech acts using directive, representative, commissive, expressive, and declaration speeches. Second, cadres use four maxims, namely (1) wisdom maxim, (2) generosity maxim, (3) praise maxim, and (4) consensus maxim
Kesalahan Afiks dalam Cerpen di Tabloid Gaul
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis afiks yang banyak digunakan dalam menulis cerpen pada tabloid paling banyak kesalahan penulisannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisis cerpen tabloid adalah metode deskriptif isi. Sample yang digunakan oleh penulis sebanyak 13 cerpen yang mengambil cerpen pada tabloid Gaul. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penulis menarik kesimpulan bahwa pembentukan kata melalui afiks dan penulisannya yang terdapat dalam cerpen pada tabloid Gaul masih banyak kesalahan. Kesalahan yang paling besar ialah penulisan prefiks yang mencapai 101 atau 47,64%, konfiks sebanyak 69 atau 32,54, dan sufiks sebanyak 41 atau 19,82%. Dengan demikian pembentukan kata melalui prefiksasi haruslah mendapat perhatian yang lebih besar dan lebih banyak, agar keterampilan menulis siswa menjadi lebih baik.Kata kunci : afiks meliputi prefiks, sufik, dan konfiks, cerpen, tabloid gaul
Abstrak Minat baca siswa masih sangat minim. Pembelajaran dan teknik yang kurang tepat akan menambah kobosanan siswa untuk membaca dalam menambah wawasan . Guru dikelas cenderung mengajak siswa untuk membaca, tanpa memberikan trik dan cara membaca efektif dan bagaimana siswa menyukai membaca. Hal ini diperburuk dengan pelayanan membaca di berbagai tempat, seperti perpustakaan, taman bacaan, dll. Respon yang kurang atas keluhan dan jawaban dari pertanyaan pengunjung perlu di perbaiki dan ditingkatkan pelayananya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sebelum diolah , dengan SPSS 21 , data akan diuji normalitas dan homogenitas. Tujuan penelitan untuk mencari pengaruh pelayanan dan respon tanggap terhadap minat baca di taman bacaan manca Bekasi. Responden sebanyak 33 pengunjung siswa sekolah dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh terhadap minat baca, kecepatan tanggapan ( responsiveness) tidak berpengaruh terhadap minat baca, dan kualitas pelayanan dan kecepatan tanggapan berpengaruh terhadap minat baca. Pihak pengelola dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dengan cara menambah bahan bacaan digital dan mengadakan kompetisi membaca antar siswa.Kata kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan, kecepattanggapan, Minat Baca Abstract Student reading interest is still very minimal. Inappropriate learning and techniques will increase students' readiness to read in adding insight. Teachers in class tend to invite students to read, without giving tricks and how to read effectively and how students like to read. This is exacerbated by reading services in various places, such as libraries, reading parks, etc. Lack of response to complaints and answers to questions visitors need to be improved and improved service. This research method uses quantitative methods. Before processing, with SPSS 21, the data will be tested for normality and homogeneity. The purpose of this research is to look for the effect of services and responsive responses to reading interest in Bekasi overseas reading parks. Respondents were 33 visitors of elementary school students. The results showed that the quality of service affects the interest in reading, the speed of response (responsiveness) does not affect the interest in reading, and the quality of service and the speed of response affect the interest in reading. The management can improve the quality of service by adding digital reading material and holding reading competitions between students.Keywords: Service Quality, Response Responses, Reading Interes
Dissecting Hoaxes as an Important Strategy in Maintaining Information Literacy
The modern mass population is affected by the hoax phenomenon in the information age, which has a negative impact on productivity, information integration, and social stability. This paper aims to contribute to the public's understanding and response to hoaxes, with a focus on literary and digital literary criticism. In this case, a careful and structured qualitative descriptive is used to identify a hoax phenomenon. This approach comes from two different perspectives. While literature analysis addresses the characteristics and nature of the information in question, other approaches involve empirical methods to examine the impact of language use on readers' perceptions and responses to hoaxes. One more example is the use of an online form that requires the use of a questionnaire that is unique to each individual. The results of the survey, which had 108 responses, showed that media literacy, intensive education, and mass media consumption were all important factors in achieving this goal. The results of this research show that there are various types of fabrication that are commonly found in the computerized period, and each has its own characteristics. One research focus is on political tricks, which are often used to influence public opinion or damage the reputation of political opponents through the spread of false claims about policies or statements taken out of context. The findings of the survey indicate that the mass media's literacy rate has increased as a result of the verification of information and analysis
Kelurahan Pademangan Barat is one of the areas of malnutrition enclosed in the city of North Jakarta. Toddlers with malnutrition are recorded in the kelurahan. The level of education of the population as well as knowledge and public awareness in the field of health is relatively low suspected to be the main cause of the problem of malnutrition. One of the steps that can be done to help the nutritional problem is through nutrition counseling on posyandu cadres in the kelurahan. Nutrition counseling is a two-way communication process between counselor and client to help clients recognize and overcome nutritional problems. This program aims to increase knowledge of nutrition cadres of malnourished children under five. The outcomes of this program are the improvement of mother's nutritional knowledge and weight gain. Counseling was conducted several times, at each visit given by leaflet as a tool in delivering the material to the cadre. The visit time is approximately fifty hours. In addition, an informal mother and toddler approach is also used to identify parenting patterns, family characteristics, and children, as well as causes of malnutrition. As many as 88%,the cadre has increased the understanding and self confidence after following the nutrition counseling program
Kesantunan berbahasa para Kader Posyandu dalam pelaksanaan layanan informasi
The purpose of this study was (1) to describe the type of speech acts of Posyandu cadres Mawar VII and Posyandu Mawar IX Pademangan Barat North Jakarta in the information service process. (2) describe the principle of courtesy in Posyandu Mawar VII and Posyandu Mawar IX Pademangan Barat North Jakarta when the information service process takes place. The data used in this study are oral and written. Oral and written data is obtained by recording and recording the utterances of the cadres when carrying out information services. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by referring to proficient free technique, recording techniques, and note taking techniques. The results of this study are that cadres do more polite speech acts using directive, representative, commissive, expressive, and declaration speeches. Second, cadres use four maxims, namely (1) wisdom maxim, (2) generosity maxim, (3) praise maxim, and (4) consensus maxim.</p