893 research outputs found

    Locally Optimally Emitting Clouds and the Origin of Quasar Emission Lines

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    The similarity of quasar line spectra has been taken as an indication that the emission line clouds have preferred parameters, suggesting that the environment is subject to a fine tuning process. We show here that the observed spectrum is a natural consequence of powerful selection effects. We computed a large grid of photoionization models covering the widest possible range of cloud gas density and distance from the central continuum source. For each line only a narrow range of density and distance from the continuum source results in maximum reprocessing efficiency, corresponding to ``locally optimally-emitting clouds'' (LOC). These parameters depend on the ionization and excitation potentials of the line, and its thermalization density. The mean QSO line spectrum can be reproduced by simply adding together the full family of clouds, with an appropriate covering fraction distribution. The observed quasar spectrum is a natural consequence of the ability of various clouds to reprocess the underlying continuum, and can arise in a chaotic environment with no preferred pressure, gas density, or ionization parameter.Comment: 9 pages including 1 ps figure. LaTeX format using aaspp4.st

    Alignment and preliminary outcomes of an ELT-size instrument to a very large telescope: LINC-NIRVANA at LBT

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    LINC-NIRVANA (LN) is a high resolution, near infrared imager that uses a multiple field-of-view, layer-oriented, multi-conjugate AO system, consisting of four multi-pyramid wavefront sensors (two for each arm of the Large Binocular Telescope, each conjugated to a different altitude). The system employs up to 40 star probes, looking at up to 20 natural guide stars simultaneously. Its final goal is to perform Fizeau interferometric imaging, thereby achieving ELT-like spatial resolution (22.8 m baseline resolution). For this reason, LN is also equipped with a fringe tracker, a beam combiner and a NIR science camera, for a total of more than 250 optical components and an overall size of approximately 6x4x4.5 meters. This paper describes the tradeoffs evaluated in order to achieve the alignment of the system to the telescope. We note that LN is comparable in size to planned ELT instrumentation. The impact of such alignment strategies will be compared and the selected procedure, where the LBT telescope is, in fact, aligned to the instrument, will be described. Furthermore, results coming from early night-time commissioning of the system will be presented.Comment: 8 pages, 6 pages, AO4ELT5 Proceedings, 201

    An Atlas of Computed Equivalent Widths of Quasar Broad Emission Lines

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    We present graphically the results of several thousand photoionization calculations of broad emission line clouds in quasars, spanning seven orders of magnitude in hydrogen ionizing flux and particle density. The equivalent widths of 42 quasar emission lines are presented as contours in the particle density - ionizing flux plane for a typical incident continuum shape, solar chemical abundances, and cloud column density of N(H)=1023cm2N(H) = 10^{23} cm^{-2}. Results are similarly given for a small subset of emission lines for two other column densities (1022cm210^{22} cm^{-2} and 1024cm210^{24} cm^{-2}), five other incident continuum shapes, and a gas metallicity of 5 \Zsun. These graphs should prove useful in the analysis of quasar emission line data and in the detailed modeling of quasar broad emission line regions. The digital results of these emission line grids and many more are available over the Internet.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX (AASTeX aaspp4.sty); to appear in the 1997 ApJS: full contents of the 9 photoionization grids presented in this paper may be found at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~korista/grids/grids.htm

    Free Energy Self-Averaging in Protein-Sized Random Heteropolymers

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    Current theories of heteropolymers are inherently macrpscopic, but are applied to folding proteins which are only mesoscopic. In these theories, one computes the averaged free energy over sequences, always assuming that it is self-averaging -- a property well-established only if a system with quenched disorder is macroscopic. By enumerating the states and energies of compact 18, 27, and 36mers on a simplified lattice model with an ensemble of random sequences, we test the validity of the self-averaging approximation. We find that fluctuations in the free energy between sequences are weak, and that self-averaging is a valid approximation at the length scale of real proteins. These results validate certain sequence design methods which can exponentially speed up computational design and greatly simplify experimental realizations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Efficient Quantum Computing of Complex Dynamics

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    We propose a quantum algorithm which uses the number of qubits in an optimal way and efficiently simulates a physical model with rich and complex dynamics described by the quantum sawtooth map. The numerical study of the effect of static imperfections in the quantum computer hardware shows that the main elements of the phase space structures are accurately reproduced up to a time scale which is polynomial in the number of qubits. The errors generated by these imperfections are more dangerous than the errors of random noise in gate operations.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Sfermion Precision Measurements at a Linear Collider

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    At future e+- e- linear colliders, the event rates and clean signals of scalar fermion production - in particular for the scalar leptons - allow very precise measurements of their masses and couplings and the determination of their quantum numbers. Various methods are proposed for extracting these parameters from the data at the sfermion thresholds and in the continuum. At the same time, NLO radiative corrections and non-zero width effects have been calculated in order to match the experimental accuracy. The substantial mixing expected for the third generation sfermions opens up additional opportunities. Techniques are presented for determining potential CP-violating phases and for extracting tan(beta) from the stau sector, in particular at high values. The consequences of possible large mass differences in the stop and sbottom system are explored in dedicated analyses.Comment: Expanded version of contributions to the proceedings of ICHEP'02 (Amsterdam) and LCWS 2002 (Jeju Island

    The stability of axisymmetric Taylor-Couette flow in hydromagnetics

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    The linear marginal instability of an axisymmetric MHD Taylor-Couette flow of infinite vertical extension is considered. The dependence of the flow stability on magnetic Prandtl number, Pm, and gap-width between rotating cylinders is investigated. There is an unstability for flows with resting outer cylinder even without a magnetic field. Nevertheless, there are solutions with smaller critical Reynolds numbers for certain (weak) magnetic fields. These solutions, however, exist for not too small Pm or large enough gap. For hydrodynamically stable flow, we found that a magnetic field amplitude always exsits where the critical Reynolds number is minimal. In all calculated cases the minimal critical Reynolds numbers are running with 1/Pm for small Pm and the critical Reynolds numbers exceed value of 10^6 for Pm of sodium (10^{-5}) or gallium (10^{-6}).Comment: 8 pages, 17 figure

    Ingot-like class of wavefront sensors for laser guide stars

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    Context. Full sky coverage adaptive optics (AO) on extremely large telescopes requires the adoption of several laser guide stars as references. With such large apertures, the apparent elongation of the beacons is absolutely significant. With a few exceptions, wavefront sensors (WFSs) designed for natural guide stars can be adapted and used in suboptimal mode in this context. Aims. We analyse and describe the geometrical properties of a class of WFSs that are specifically designed to deal with laser guide stars propagated from a location in the immediate vicinity of the telescope aperture. Methods. We describe, in three dimensions, the loci where the light of the laser guide stars would focus in the focal volume located behind the focal plane where astronomical objects are reimaged. We also describe the properties of several types of optomechanical devices that act as perturbers for this new class of pupil plane sensors, through refraction and reflections. We refer to these as ingot WFSs. Results. We provide the recipes both for the most reasonably complex version of these WFSs, with six pupils and, for the simplest one, only three pupils. Both of them are referred to on the basis of the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) case. We outlined elements that are meant to give a qualitative idea of how the sensitivity of this new class of sensors compares to conventional ones. Conclusions. We present a new class of WFSs, based on an extension to the case of elongated sources at a finite distance of the pyramid WFS. We point out which advantages of the pyramid can be retained and how it may be adopted to optimize the sensing procedure