375 research outputs found
The Dark Matter Annihilation Signal from Galactic Substructure: Predictions for GLAST
We present quantitative predictions for the detectability of individual
Galactic dark matter subhalos in gamma-rays from dark matter pair annihilations
in their centers. Our method is based on a hybrid approach, employing the
highest resolution numerical simulations available (including the recently
completed one billion particle Via Lactea II simulation) as well as analytical
models for the extrapolation beyond the simulations' resolution limit. We
include a self-consistent treatment of subhalo boost factors, motivated by our
numerical results, and a realistic treatment of the expected backgrounds that
individual subhalos must outshine. We show that for reasonable values of the
dark matter particle physics parameters (M_X ~ 50 - 500 GeV and ~
10^-26 - 10^-25 cm^3/s) GLAST may very well discover a few, even up to several
dozen, such subhalos, at 5 sigma significance, and some at more than 20 sigma.
We predict that the majority of luminous sources would be resolved with GLAST's
expected angular resolution. For most observer locations the angular
distribution of detectable subhalos is consistent with a uniform distribution
across the sky. The brightest subhalos tend to be massive (median Vmax of 24
km/s) and therefore likely hosts of dwarf galaxies, but many subhalos with Vmax
as low as 5 km/s are also visible. Typically detectable subhalos are 20 - 40
kpc from the observer, and only a small fraction are closer than 10 kpc. The
total number of observable subhalos has not yet converged in our simulations,
and we estimate that we may be missing up to 3/4 of all detectable subhalos.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, ApJ accepted, a version with higher resolution
figures can be downloaded from
Formation and evolution of galaxy dark matter halos and their substructure
We use the ``Via Lactea'' simulation to study the co-evolution of a Milky
Way-size LambdaCDM halo and its subhalo population. While most of the host halo
mass is accreted over the first 6 Gyr in a series of major mergers, the
physical mass distribution [not M_vir(z)] remains practically constant since
z=1. The same is true in a large sample of LambdaCDM galaxy halos. Subhalo mass
loss peaks between the turnaround and virialization epochs of a given mass
shell, and declines afterwards. 97% of the z=1 subhalos have a surviving bound
remnant at the present epoch. The retained mass fraction is larger for
initially lighter subhalos: satellites with maximum circular velocities Vmax=10
km/s at z=1 have today about 40% of their mass back then. At the first
pericenter passage a larger average mass fraction is lost than during each
following orbit. Tides remove mass in substructure from the outside in, leading
to higher concentrations compared to field halos of the same mass. This effect,
combined with the earlier formation epoch of the inner satellites, results in
strongly increasing subhalo concentrations towards the Galactic center. We
present individual evolutionary tracks and present-day properties of the likely
hosts of the dwarf satellites around the Milky Way. The formation histories of
``field halos'' that lie today beyond the Via Lactea host are found to strongly
depend on the density of their environment. This is caused by tidal mass loss
that affects many field halos on eccentric orbits.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures. Figures 6,7 and 8 corrected in this version,
for details see the erratum in ApJ 679, 1680 and
http://www.ucolick.org/~diemand/vl/publ/vlevolerr.pdf. Data, movies and
images are available at http://www.ucolick.org/~diemand/vl
Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars, the Cosmic Microwave Background, and the Stellar IMF in the Early Universe
The characteristic mass of stars at early times may have been higher than
today owing to the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This study proposes that
(1) the testable predictions of this "CMB-IMF" hypothesis are an increase in
the fraction of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars with declining
metallicity and an increase from younger to older populations at a single
metallicity (e.g. disk to halo), and (2) these signatures are already seen in
recent samples of CEMP stars and can be better tested with anticipated data.
The expected spatial variation may explain discrepancies of CEMP frequency
among published surveys. The ubiquity and time dependence of the CMB will
substantially alter the reconstruction of star formation histories in the Local
Group and early Universe.Comment: 7 pages emulateapj format, three figures, accepted for ApJ Letter
Dark Matter Subhalos In the Fermi First Source Catalog
The Milky Way's dark matter halo is thought to contain large numbers of
smaller subhalos. These objects can contain very high densities of dark matter,
and produce potentially observable fluxes of gamma rays. In this article, we
study the gamma ray sources in the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope's recently
published First Source Catalog, and attempt to determine whether this catalog
might contain a population of dark matter subhalos. We find that, while
approximately 20-60 of the catalog's unidentified sources could plausibly be
dark matter subhalos, such a population cannot be clearly identified as such at
this time. From the properties of the sources in the First Source Catalog, we
derive limits on the dark matter's annihilation cross section that are
comparably stringent to those derived from recent observations of dwarf
spheroidal galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures V2: Minor errors in Figure 3 correcte
Galactic Substructure and Energetic Neutrinos from the Sun and the Earth
We consider the effects of Galactic substructure on energetic neutrinos from
annihilation of weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs) that have been
captured by the Sun and Earth. Substructure gives rise to a time-varying
capture rate and thus to time variation in the annihilation rate and resulting
energetic-neutrino flux. However, there may be a time lag between the capture
and annihilation rates. The energetic-neutrino flux may then be determined by
the density of dark matter in the Solar System's past trajectory, rather than
the local density. The signature of such an effect may be sought in the ratio
of the direct- to indirect-detection rates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Replaced with version accepted for publicatio
Homogeneous SPC/E water nucleation in large molecular dynamics simulations
We perform direct large molecular dynamics simulations of homogeneous SPC/E
water nucleation, using up to molecules. Our large system
sizes allow us to measure extremely low and accurate nucleation rates, down to
, helping close the gap between
experimentally measured rates .
We are also able to precisely measure size distributions, sticking
efficiencies, cluster temperatures, and cluster internal densities. We
introduce a new functional form to implement the Yasuoka-Matsumoto nucleation
rate measurement technique (threshold method). Comparison to nucleation models
shows that classical nucleation theory over-estimates nucleation rates by a few
orders of magnitude. The semi-phenomenological nucleation model does better,
under-predicting rates by at worst, a factor of 24. Unlike what has been
observed in Lennard-Jones simulations, post-critical clusters have temperatures
consistent with the run average temperature. Also, we observe that
post-critical clusters have densities very slightly higher, , than
bulk liquid. We re-calibrate a Hale-type vs. scaling relation using
both experimental and simulation data, finding remarkable consistency in over
orders of magnitude in the nucleation rate range, and K in the
temperature range.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic
Quantifying the heart of darkness with GHALO - a multi-billion particle simulation of our galactic halo
We perform a series of simulations of a Galactic mass dark matter halo at
different resolutions, our largest uses over three billion particles and has a
mass resolution of 1000 M_sun. We quantify the structural properties of the
inner dark matter distribution and study how they depend on numerical
resolution. We can measure the density profile to a distance of 120 pc (0.05%
of R_vir) where the logarithmic slope is -0.8 and -1.4 at (0.5% of R_vir). We
propose a new two parameter fitting function that has a linearly varying
logarithmic density gradient which fits the GHALO and VL2 density profiles
extremely well. Convergence in the density profile and the halo shape scales as
N^(-1/3), but the shape converges at a radius three times larger at which point
the halo becomes more spherical due to numerical resolution. The six
dimensional phase-space profile is dominated by the presence of the
substructures and does not follow a power law, except in the smooth
under-resolved inner few kpc.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS Letters, for full sized
images, see http://www.itp.uzh.ch/news.htm
Redefining the Missing Satellites Problem
Numerical simulations of Milky-Way size Cold Dark Matter (CDM) halos predict
a steeply rising mass function of small dark matter subhalos and a substructure
count that greatly outnumbers the observed satellites of the Milky Way. Several
proposed explanations exist, but detailed comparison between theory and
observation in terms of the maximum circular velocity (Vmax) of the subhalos is
hampered by the fact that Vmax for satellite halos is poorly constrained. We
present comprehensive mass models for the well-known Milky Way dwarf
satellites, and derive likelihood functions to show that their masses within
0.6 kpc (M_0.6) are strongly constrained by the present data. We show that the
M_0.6 mass function of luminous satellite halos is flat between ~ 10^7 and 10^8
M_\odot. We use the ``Via Lactea'' N-body simulation to show that the M_0.6
mass function of CDM subhalos is steeply rising over this range. We rule out
the hypothesis that the 11 well-known satellites of the Milky Way are hosted by
the 11 most massive subhalos. We show that models where the brightest
satellites correspond to the earliest forming subhalos or the most massive
accreted objects both reproduce the observed mass function. A similar analysis
with the newly-discovered dwarf satellites will further test these scenarios
and provide powerful constraints on the CDM small-scale power spectrum and warm
dark matter models.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
Exploring Dark Matter with Milky Way substructure
The unambiguous detection of Galactic dark matter annihilation would unravel
one of the most outstanding puzzles in particle physics and cosmology. Recent
observations have motivated models in which the annihilation rate is boosted by
the Sommerfeld effect, a non-perturbative enhancement arising from a long range
attractive force. Here we apply the Sommerfeld correction to Via Lactea II, a
high resolution N-body simulation of a Milky-Way-size galaxy, to investigate
the phase-space structure of the Galactic halo. We show that the annihilation
luminosity from kinematically cold substructure can be enhanced by orders of
magnitude relative to previous calculations, leading to the prediction of
gamma-ray fluxes from up to hundreds of dark clumps that should be detectable
by the Fermi satellite.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures (includes Supporting Online Material), accepted
for publication in Science, v2: added reference, fixed typo
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