29 research outputs found
A Paleomagnetic Reconnaissance of the Platoro Caldera, Southeastern San Juan Mountains, Colorado
Paleomagnetic results have been obtained from twenty-five sites in intrusive and extrusive units of Oligocene age from the Platoro caldera, southwestern Colorado, All specimens from each site were subjected to af demagnetization, and the reliability of each site thereby determined. Eighteen sites gave reliable results. Because six sites from the La Jara Canyon tuff appear to have become magnetized during the same small interval of geologic time, their results were combined and their mean pole and direction used in the final calculations. The thirteen remaining reliable sites yielded a paleomagnetic pole at 84.5°N and 306.5°E (o\u3c = 12.9°, k = 11.2). Site-mean directions have an angular standard deviation of 18°, which is considerably greater than the dispersion predicted by models based on the present geomagnetic field but consistent with results from Late Tertiary and Quaternary studies. Because site-mean directions and site poles both have Fisherian distribution, it is not possible to determine whether dipole wobble or random fluctuation caused by a changing non-dipole field could be the cause of the geomagnetic secular variation during the Oligocene; probably both contribute. Interpretations based on mid-Tertiary paleomagnetic poles are consistent with those derived from sea-floor magnetic anomaly patterns, and possibly indicate that some true polar wandering has occurred since the mid-Tertiary, Due to lack of resolution in potassium-argon dating, the polarity time-scale constructed from the Platoro caldera units can only be used as a guide for future paleomagnetic work and geological mapping in the area
Large sections in cave deposits are exposed in the Holštejnská Cave in the Moravian Karst. The periods of fluvial activity alternated with periods of speleothem deposition. The study of the genesis and age of these cave deposits poses a clue to the reconstruction of development of the Holštejnská Cave and of local paleohydrographic history. The time of deposition was determined by U-series dating of speleothems, 10Be and 26Al dating of quartz pebbles, radiocarbon dating of charcoal and measurement of paleomagnetic record in both clastic sediments and speleothems. The fluvial sediments were deposited during the Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene in the cave. The age of oldest cave sediment sequence deposited by a subsurface stream indicates that the local hydrographic situation has changed later than 0.8 Ma
Vaccine breakthrough hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs
Life-threatening `breakthrough' cases of critical COVID-19 are attributed to poor or waning antibody response to the SARS- CoV-2 vaccine in individuals already at risk. Pre-existing autoantibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFNs underlie at least 15% of critical COVID-19 pneumonia cases in unvaccinated individuals; however, their contribution to hypoxemic breakthrough cases in vaccinated people remains unknown. Here, we studied a cohort of 48 individuals ( age 20-86 years) who received 2 doses of an mRNA vaccine and developed a breakthrough infection with hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia 2 weeks to 4 months later. Antibody levels to the vaccine, neutralization of the virus, and auto- Abs to type I IFNs were measured in the plasma. Forty-two individuals had no known deficiency of B cell immunity and a normal antibody response to the vaccine. Among them, ten (24%) had auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs (aged 43-86 years). Eight of these ten patients had auto-Abs neutralizing both IFN-a2 and IFN-., while two neutralized IFN-omega only. No patient neutralized IFN-ss. Seven neutralized 10 ng/mL of type I IFNs, and three 100 pg/mL only. Seven patients neutralized SARS-CoV-2 D614G and the Delta variant (B.1.617.2) efficiently, while one patient neutralized Delta slightly less efficiently. Two of the three patients neutralizing only 100 pg/mL of type I IFNs neutralized both D61G and Delta less efficiently. Despite two mRNA vaccine inoculations and the presence of circulating antibodies capable of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2, auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs may underlie a significant proportion of hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia cases, highlighting the importance of this particularly vulnerable population
Paleomagnetic results from the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian Casper Formation: implications for northern Appalachian tectonics
Paleomagnetic samples were collected from 190 m of the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian Casper Formation in southeastern Wyoming. A total of 549 samples was drilled near the vicinity of Horse Creek Station at an average stratigraphic interval of 33 cm. All samples were reversely magnetized. Rock magnetic analyses indicate that the primary carrier of remanence in the formation is hematite. A selection criterion applied to the partial demagnetized data restricted the sample population to 233, resulting in a paleomagnetic North Pole located at 47.4°N, 127.4°E (δp=0.7; δm=1.4). The Casper pole agrees well with other Late Carboniferous/Early Permian poles for cratonic North America. The tight clustering of these paleomagnetic poles suggests that little apparent polar motion with respect to North America occurred during this time. Comparing the stable North American poles with paleomagnetic poles from Late Carboniferous/Early Permian strata of the New England-Canadian Maritime region (Acadia) indicates that this region did not reach its present position relative to North America until at least the Early Permian. © 1981
Paleomagnetic constraints on eruption patterns at the Pacaya composite volcano, Guatemala
Pacaya volcano is an active composite volcano located in the volcanic highlands of Guatemala about 40 km south of Guatemala City. Volcanism at Pacaya alternates between Strombolian and Vulcanian, and during the past five years there has been a marked increase in the violence of eruptions. The volcano is composed principally of basalt flows interbedded with thin scoria fall units, several pyroclastic surge beds, and at least one welded tuff. Between 400 and 2000 years BP the W-SW sector of the volcano collapsed producing a horseshoeshaped amphitheater (0.65 km3) and providing a window into the cone\u27s infrastructure. Lava flows and tephra exposed in the amphitheater are more then 200 m thick and when combined with flows erupted recently represent between 30 and 40% of the cone\u27s history. Pacaya is ideally suited for a paleomagnetic study into the timing and duration of eruption episodes at a large, composite volcano. We drilled 27 paleomagnetic sites (25 aa flows, 1 dike, and 1 welded tuff) from four lava-flow sequences with between 4 and 14 sites per sequence. The four sequences represent initial through historic activity at Pacaya. We resolved, what appear to be, 22 time-independent paleomagnetic sites by averaging together directions from successive sites where the sitemean directions were indistinguishable at the 95% level of confidence. However, mean-sequence directions of individual lava-flow sequences yielded unusually high Fisher precision parameters (k=44-224) and small circles of 63% confidence (a63=1.6-6.1°) suggesting as few as three or four time-independent sites were collected. This indicates that activity as Pacaya is strongly episodic and that episodes are characterized by voluminous outpouring of lavas. Modelling the data using Holocene PSV rates confirms this and shows that differences in within-sequence directions (6-11.5°) are consistent with emplacement of lava-flow sequences in less than 100 years to as many as 300 years. Relatively larger differences in directions (18-23°) between subjacent lava-flow sequences indicates that repose is at least 300-500 years and could be even longer. © 1992 Springer-Verlag
Magnetization age from paleomagnetism of the copper harbor red beds, northern michigan, usa, and its keweenawan geologic consequences
© 2019, Canadian Science Publishing. All rights reserved. The Copper Harbor Formation on Lake Superior’s Keweenaw Peninsula records the transition from volcanic to sedimentary infilling of North America’s 1.1 Ga Keweenawan rift. Radiometric dating shows that the formation’s primary mafic sediments and interbedded “Lake Shore” flows were deposited between ~1092 and ~1082 Ma. Our regional paleomagnetic results for the Copper Harbor’s red beds yield a dominantly prefolding normal-polarity secondary chemical characteristic remanent magnetization in hematite at 18 of 21 sites with a mean direction of declination = 274.9°, inclination = +10.9° (k = 69.5, α 95 = 4.2°), and a paleopole at 7.4°N, 181.7°E (A 95 = 3.3°). Using paleopoles from Keweenawan volcanic rocks with U–Pb zircon age dates, an apparent polar wander path is constructed from 1106 ± 2 to 1087 ± 2 Ma. Extrapolation of this path dates oxidation of the Copper Harbor’s primary gray beds to red beds at 1060 ± 5 Ma. The path implies an apparent polar wander rate of ~18 cm per year from ~1108 to 1096 Ma and of 6.8 cm per year from 1096 to 1087 Ma, along with a consistent clockwise rotation of 0.30 ± 0.05°per million years for the Laurentian Shield from ~1108 to ~1160 Ma. Further, most Keweenawan volcanic rocks around the Lake Superior region carry an endemic ~1060 Ma normal-polarity hematite remanence overprint, acquired during the initial stages of Grenvillian tectonic uplift, that has caused asymmetry in a unit’s normal and reverse paleopoles. Also, the Copper Harbor paleopole dates emplacement of the White Pine stratiform sedimentary copper mineralization more precisely at 1060 ± 5 Ma
Absolute geomagnetic paleointensity as recorded by ~1.09 Ga Lake Shore Traps (Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan)
Absolute geomagnetic paleointensity measurements were made on 255 samples from 38 lava flows of the ~1.09 Ga Lake Shore Traps exposed on the Keweenaw Peninsula (Michigan, USA). Samples from the lava flows yield a well-defined characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) component within a ~375°C-590°C unblocking temperature range. Detailed rock magnetic analyses indicate that the ChRM is carried by nearly stoichiometric pseudo-single-domain magnetite and/or low-Ti titanomagnetite. Scanning electron microscopy reveals that the (titano)magnetite is present in the form of fine intergrowths with ilmenite, formed by oxyexsolution during initial cooling. Paleointensity values were determined using the Thellier double-heating method supplemented by low-temperature demagnetization in order to reduce the effect of magnetic remanence carried by large pseudosingle-domain and multidomain grains. One hundred and two samples from twenty independent cooling units meet our paleointensity reliability criteria and yield consistent paleofield values with a mean value of 26.3 ± 4.7μT, which corresponds to a virtual dipole moment of 5.9 ± 1.1×1022 Am2. The mean and range of paleofield values are similar to those of the recent Earth\u27s magnetic field and incompatible with a Proterozoic dipole low . These results are consistent with a stable compositionally-driven geodynamo operating by the end of Mesoproterozoic. © 2013 Institute of Geophysics of the ASCR, v.v.i
Paleomagnetism of ~1.09 Ga Lake Shore Traps (Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan): New results and implications
We report paleomagnetic data from a new section of the ~1.09 Ga Lake Shore Traps exposed on Silver Island (10 flows) and on the adjacent mainland (two flows) along the northwestern coastline of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan. We also present new data from nine additional lava flows, sampled from the tip of the peninsula previously studied by Diehl and Haig in 1994. Samples from all these lava flows yield well-defined characteristic magnetization directions upon thermal demagnetization. After structural tilt correction, the directions from Silver Island (site-mean declination, D = 276.9°; site-mean inclination, I = 44.4°; 95% radius of confidence for site mean, α95 = 2.6°; number of samples, N = 10) and mainland (D = 298.7°, I = 36.0°, α95 = 10.1°, N = 2) flows are close to the directions from equivalent lava flows from the upper (D = 277.8°, I = 41.0°, α95 = 2.3°, N = 17) and lower (D = 300.0°, I = 34.9°, α95 = 2.3°, N = 10) sections of the middle Lake Shore Traps exposed at the eastern tip of the Peninsula, respectively. Testing the paleomagnetic directions for serial correlation shows that some of the sequential lava flows on Silver Island and from the middle Lake Shore Traps at the tip of the Peninsula record the same vector of the geomagnetic field. Combining these correlated directions yielded new mean directions for Silver Island (D = 277.2°, I = 44.1°, α95 = 3.1°, N = 8), and the upper (D = 277.0°, I = 40.4°, α95 = 3.7°, N = 10) and lower (D = 298.6°, I = 33.3°, α95 = 4.3°, N = 5) middle Lake Shore Traps at the tip of the Peninsula. The statistical similarity of paleomagnetic directions obtained from these two locations with significantly different structural trends supports the conclusions of prior studies that the curvature of the Midcontinent Rift is primary. The new paleomagnetic pole for the Lake Shore Traps is located at 23.1°N, 186.4°E (95% confidence for the paleomagnetic pole, α95 = 4.0°; N = 31) and merits a nearly perfect six-point classification on the paleomagnetic reliability scale
Paleomagnetic constraints on fault motion in the Hilina Fault System, south flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Movement of the south flank of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii has been associated with catastrophic landslide events. The surface expression of this former movement is the Hilina Fault System with fault scarps as high as 500 m. Paleomagnetic directions for lava flows exposed in the Hilina Fault scarps at Puu Kapukapu and Keana Bihopa on the Hilina Pali are used to determine the average rate of movement along faults (slip surfaces) separating the two sections. This paper reports results from two independent paleomagnetic studies within the Hilina Pali area. Twenty-one paleomagnetic sites (143 cores) were sampled by the Michigan Technological University group from lava flows between the Mo'o Ash and Middle Pohakaa Ash at Keana Bihopa in the footwall block of the 500-m-high Hilina Pali fault scarp. Thirty paleomagnetic sites (152 cores) were collected by the California Institute of Technology group from lava flows between the Mo'o Ash and Middle Pohakaa Ash in the 300-m-high Puu Kapukapu section (the hanging-wall block). A comparison of site-mean directions show that lava flows in the lower part of the Puu Kapukapu section have been tilted more than lava flows in the upper part with respect to the Keana Bihopa section. The systematic steepening of remanent directions downsection at Puu Kapukapu indicates that slippage of this block occurs along listric normal faults. The average amount of backward tilt of the Puu Kapukapu block, based on a comparison of mean directions from the two sections, is 7.8°±7.7°. Using slope stability methods, the average rate of movement of the Puu Kapukapu block since deposition of the Middle Pohakaa Ash is 1.7–2.4 cm/yr, and the average displacement (subsidence) is 680–740 m. Assuming that the average displacement resulted from a series of earthquakes producing subsidence equal to that observed in the 1975 Kalapana earthquake (3 m of subsidence along a 40-km segment of coastline on the south flank of Kilauea Volcano), one Kalapana-size earthquake occurring every 200 years would account for this displacement. Lastly, overall mean directions for the two sections indicate that Puu Kapukapu has rotated counterclockwise with respect to the Hilina Pali by 14.8°±8.5° about a nearby vertical axis. This also suggests that slippage between the two blocks occurs along listric normal faults