49 research outputs found
Experimental tests on a pre-heated combustion chamber for ultra micro gas turbine device: air/fuel ratio evaluation
Current portable power generators are mainly based on internal combustion engine since they present higher values of efficiency comparing to other engines; the main reason why internal combustion engine is not convenient for micro power generation (5 - 30 kW) is because of their heaviness. Micro and ultra micro gas turbine devices, based on a micro compressor and a micro turbine installed on the same shaft, are more suitable for this scope for several reasons. Micro turbine systems have many advantages over reciprocating engine generators, such as higher power density (with respect to size and weight), extremely low emissions and few, or just one, moving part. Those designed with foil bearings and air-cooling operate without oil, coolants or other hazardous materials. Micro turbines also have the advantage of having the majority of their waste heat contained in their relatively high temperature exhaust. Micro turbines offer several potential advantages compared to other technologies for small-scale power generation, including: a small number of moving parts, compact size, lightweight, greater efficiency, lower emissions, lower electricity costs, and opportunities to utilize waste fuels. The object of this study is the experimental tests on a stand-alone gas turbine device with a pre-heated combustion chamber (CC), to validate the fuel consumption reduction, compared to an actual and commercial device, used on air models
Role of cardiolipins, mitochondria, and autophagy in the differentiation process activated by all-trans retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia
The role played by lipids in the process of granulocytic differentiation activated by all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in Acute-Promyelocytic-Leukemia (APL) blasts is unknown. The process of granulocytic differentiation activated by ATRA in APL blasts is recapitulated in the NB4 cell-line, which is characterized by expression of the pathogenic PML-RARα fusion protein. In the present study, we used the NB4 model to define the effects exerted by ATRA on lipid homeostasis. Using a high-throughput lipidomic approach, we demonstrate that exposure of the APL-derived NB4 cell-line to ATRA causes an early reduction in the amounts of cardiolipins, a major lipid component of the mitochondrial membranes. The decrease in the levels of cardiolipins results in a concomitant inhibition of mitochondrial activity. These ATRA-dependent effects are causally involved in the granulocytic maturation process. In fact, the ATRA-induced decrease of cardiolipins and the concomitant dysfunction of mitochondria precede the differentiation of retinoid-sensitive NB4 cells and the two phenomena are not observed in the retinoid-resistant NB4.306 counterparts. In addition, ethanolamine induced rescue of the mitochondrial dysfunction activated by cardiolipin deficiency inhibits ATRA-dependent granulocytic differentiation and induction of the associated autophagic process. The RNA-seq studies performed in parental NB4 cells and a NB4-derived cell population, characterized by silencing of the autophagy mediator, ATG5, provide insights into the mechanisms underlying the differentiating action of ATRA. The results indicate that ATRA causes a significant down-regulation of CRLS1 (Cardiolipin-synthase-1) and LPCAT1 (Lysophosphatidylcholine-Acyltransferase-1) mRNAs which code for two enzymes catalyzing the last steps of cardiolipin synthesis. ATRA-dependent down-regulation of CRLS1 and LPCAT1 mRNAs is functionally relevant, as it is accompanied by a significant decrease in the amounts of the corresponding proteins. Furthermore, the decrease in CRLS1 and LPCAT1 levels requires activation of the autophagic process, as down-regulation of the two proteins is blocked in ATG5-silenced NB4-shATG5 cells
Analysis of Early Events during the First Year of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy in Patients with Chronic Phase - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A "Campus CML" Study
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) revolutionized treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). However, the rst months of therapy are crucial, as optimal response is dened as the achievement of molecular milestones at 3, 6 and 12 months (mo.) and as many toxicities, also causing a TKI switch, are more frequent in the 1st yea
Analisi delle prestazioni energetico-ambientali di un impianto innovativo di termovalorizzazione a biomasse ad elevato contenuto di umiditÃ
Risparmiare elettricità : elettrodomestici funzionanti con acqua calda sanitaria da fonti rinnovabili
newsletter di ISES Itali
Manuale uso razionale dell’energia e sviluppo delle fonti rinnovabili nelle scuole
Progetto pilota in co-finanziamento tra la Regione Lazio ed il Dipartimento di Meccanica ed Aeronautica
The aim of this paper is to describe a management protocol for electrical and thermal loads in housing scheme equipped with co-generative unit and renewable system. In new residential buildings is very important the presence of co-generative unit and renewable system to turn from the actual electrical grid (passive) into a smart grid; in fact, nowadays few power plants satisfy all customer electric demands; whereas in the near future the electrical final users will became local power producers. The new management protocol allows to optimize the energy demands in according with electrical energy cost, depending on time slot, and the instant power generation from co-generative and renewable devices. This system is capable, by simplex domotic interface, described analyzed and design by the authors, to individuate the more convenient time for the users, to respond at their energy demands. The advantage of this system can be found on a new power quality management, with consequent cost decrease for the users. Copyright © 2012 by ASME