2,078 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara sendiri maupun bersama-sama budaya organisasi dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Lampung Utara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis kuantitatif dengan variabel bebas yaitu Budaya Organisasi (X1), Motivasi Kerja (X2) dan Kinerja Pegawai (Y). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan daftar wawancara, lembar observasi, kuesioner dan studi kepustakaan, dengan populasi sebanyak 64 responden, yaitu pegawai Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Lampung Utara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka diketahui baik secara partial atau sendiri-sendiri dan secara simultan atau bersamasama budaya organisasi dan motivasi kerja memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai di Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Lampung Utara. Kemudian diantara kedua variabel tersebut yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kinerja adalah motivasi kerja. Kata kunci: Budaya Organisasi , Motivasi Kerja, dan Kinerja Pegawai
Artificial intelligence is highly demand in this modern world, human cannot be separated with the technology in now days, and the evolution of the technology, especially for artificial intelligence, are unstoppable. The artificial intelligence application is more wider, business transportation sector is one of the many sector are involve to using this technology. One of the example is the automation and detection license plate of the vehicle. Like in this research, the detection of license plate are using raspberry pi 3b connected with Arduino uno using serial communication, and for the image catcher, using 720p webcamera. In this research, we are using deep neural network method to do image processing, it refer to 300 images of data training, the training data using google collab, with yolov4-tinyy metho
Penerapan p-charts, pareto diagrams, dan cause-effect diagrams pada pengendalian produk cacat pt global nikel multiguna
Pelaksanaan kerja magang pada PT Global Nikel Multiguna, penulis ditempatkan pada departemen Quality Control. Tugas departemen Quality control mengenai pengendalian kualitas produk dan mengurangi kemungkinan terjadi produk cacat. Karena sesuai dengan jurusan manajemen operasional yang penulis ambil, penulis dapat menerapkan ilmu manajemen operasional dan manajemen kualitas secara langsung. Pengendalian kualitas merupakan suatu kegiatan untuk membuat proses produksi tetap berjalan dengan baik dan mencegah terjadinya produk cacat yang terlalu banyak. Dalam kegiatannya pengendalian kualitas menggunakan tools Total Quality Management untuk mengontrol kegiatan produksi. Beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan departemen quality control dalam pengendalian kualitas yaitu P-chart, Pareto Diagrams, dan Cause-effect Diagrams
Formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is a significant effect of leadership on the performance of employees, whether there is influence of labor discipline significantly to the work performance of employees, whether there is influence leadership style and discipline significant work on the performance of employees on the Office of Religious Affairs Tulang Bawang.Relevant to the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership style on job performance of employees, to analyze the impact of discipline on work performance of employees, to analyze the influence of leadership style and discipline of work together on job performance of employees on the Office of Religious Affairs Tulang Bawang.The hypothesis of this study is the leadership style have a significant effect on the performance of employees, labor discipline significant effect on the performance of employees, leadership style and discipline together/simultaneous significant effect on the performance Office of Religious Affairs Tulang Bawang.Data were collected by questionnaires, interviews, observation and study dokumentasi. Variabel studied with Likert scale. Data processing using SPSS version 16 software, analyzed by qualitative and quantitative analysis, and hypothesis testing of correlation with the number of respondents 34 people.The results showed that: a significant difference between leadership style on job performance of employees, a significant difference between the discipline of work on the performance of employees, a significant difference between the style of leadership and discipline together/simultaneously on the performance of employees of the Office of Religious Affairs Tulang Bawang. And the effect is more dominant leadership style affects job performance of employees Office of Religious Affairs Tulang Bawang. Keywords: Leadership, Discipline and Job Performanc
Aset yang penting dalam sebuah perusahaan adalah sumber daya manusianya (karyawan)sehingga data-data yang berhubungan dengan karyawan merupakan suatu hal yang harus diolahdan didokumentasikan dengan baik mulai dari proses masuknya karyawan tersebut sampaidengan berakhirnya masa kerja karyawan. Pengolahan data karyawan di BMT Mentari KotaGajah belum menggunakan database, masih menggunakan cara memasukkan data karyawan satuper satu di setiap pengolahan data karyawan (tidak terintegrasi), proses menyimpan dokumendata karyawan dalam folder menyebabkan proses pencarian data karyawan menjadi lebihmerepotkan dan cenderung kurang efektif dan rentan terhadap kerusakan dan kehilangandokumen, proses perhitungan gaji juga belum otomatis. Selain itu, proses pelaporan sepertirekapitulasi data karyawan, rekapitulasi gaji karyawan belum otomatis. Metode penelitiandilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Sedangkan metodeperancangan aplikasi menggunakan bagan air dokumen (Flowchart) Data Flow Diagram (DFD),Entry Relationship Diagram (ERD). Perangkat lunak pendukung dalam membuat aplikasipemrosesan data karyawan menggunakan aplikasi NetBean IDE. 8. 2 bahasa pemrograman java,laporan menggunakan ireport, dan menggunakan database My SQL.Desain aplikasi pemrosesandata karyawan menghasilkan pembuatan aplikasi pemrosesan data karyawan ini untukmemfasilitasi petugas dalam memproses data karyawan menggunakan aplikasi pemrogramanJava Development Kids (JDK 7.0 atau lebih tinggi) dan Database Mysql.
Perancangan Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Rekam Medis Berbasis Delphi 7.0 (Studi Kasus: Klinik Hadi Wijaya Kota Metro)
Pengolahan data layanan kesehatan klinik hadi wijaya masih dilakukan secara manual, danbelum selaras dengan tujuan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. 46Tahun 2017. Hal ini menyebabkan kegiatan operasional pelayanan membutuhkan waktuyang lama dan apabila terjadinya suatu kesalahan dalam melakukan penginputan datapetugas akan mengalami kesulitan dalam memperbaiki data tersebut. Selain itu, prosespencarian data rekam medik pasien juga membutuhkan waktu yang lama dikarenakanproses penyimpanannya yang masih menggunakan buku besar. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk meningkatkan proses pengolahan data rekam medic dengan memanfaatkan teknologiinformasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis terstruktur berorientasi aliran data.Pengembangan aplikasi ini menghasilkan aplikasi yang telah sesuai dengan kebutuhanKlinik Hadi Wijaya Kota Metro dalam proses pengolahan data rekam medik
Bentuk Masjid Berdasarkan Teknik, Material dan Motif
The Archicture of Mosque or mesjid word is not implicit in Al Qur’an. Mosque or mesjid has a meaning as pray to Allah with whole hearted.Style and morphology in Architecture Mosque has envolved since century in the whole world, that if it is viewed in more detail, it will show much difference in many region and has own characteristic mosque to each other. The architectural difference of mosque can be describe in three part : paradigm, concept, and the culture of people and time period of the mosque is built.The fuction, symbols, and struktur technology of mosque architecture and as well the using of materials integrally create specified mosque morphology in many region, related to the culture of the people that mosque is built. “The Islamic culture “ is “Dien Islamâ€, that organize the relationship between man and Allah ( habbluminnallah ), and man and man ( habbluminnas ). The “Dien Islamâ€, create the specified morphology of architecture mosque and become the iconografic islamic architecture.Keyworad : Mosque, Form, Typolog
Background: Monocrotophos is one type of organophosphate pesticides. If monocrotophos used inappropriately, it may be dangerous and cause death from respiratory failure due, This study aims to prove the relationship between graded monocrotophos with histopatologic appearence of mice heart muscle.
Methods: This study design was post test only control group design. Using 4 groups with 5 sample of mice balb/c each groups which fullfilled all criterias in the laboratory of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University. K was a control group without given monocrotophos, P1 was given monocrotophos 1/10 x 15 mg/kgBB, P2 was given monocrotophos 15 mg/kgBB, and P3 was given monocrotophos 10 x 15 mg/kgBB. After the seventh day all samples heart organ were taken for later heart organ histopathologic examination. The data decribed in the form of table and picture. Shapiro wilk normality test was given, if data distribution were normal, used diffentrial test with anova followed by using statistic test with Independent T-test, if data distribution were not normal, used differential test Kruskal Wallis, followed by using statistic test with Mann Whitney using SPSS 18.0 for Windows.
Results: Shapiro wilk normality test with p=0.000. Differential test Kruskal Wallis with p=0.000. Non parametrik test Mann Whitney with p=0.000 for K with P1, K with P2, K with P3, P1 with P2, P1 with P3, and P2 with P3. Logistic regression analyzed p value <0:05 (significant) for all variables.
Conclusion: The administered of graded monocrotophos affect for histopatological change of mice heart muscle damage. Histopathologic changes are directly proportional to the dose of monocrotophos.
Keywords: monocrotophos, histopatological appearence mice heart muscle
How relevance of philosophy, science and philosophy science through the study of mathematical logic?
Background: Philosophy, science, and the philosophy of science serve as interconnected systems of expression that can be utilized as benchmarks and standards of truth across various fields. Through the study of mathematical logic, the complexity of thought will contribute to analyzing a strong epistemological and methodological foundation for modern science, while also reinforcing the philosophical underpinnings of science in understanding nature and scientific processes.Aim: This research aims to provide information and descriptions about the relevance of philosophy, science and philosophy of science through the study of mathematical logic.Method: The writing of this work is included in qualitative research using the literature review method.Result: Mathematical logic is a very important element in life as the source of all actions that print the history of everyone's life wherever and whenever, so this also means that mathematical logic has important relevance in efforts to explain things in terms of philosophy and science. and philosophy of science.Conclusion: The relevance of philosophy, science, and the philosophy of science lies in their interconnected relationships, all driven by the common goal of seeking truth. A deeper understanding of this relationship can fortify the philosophical foundations in comprehending scientific truth and processes. Through the study of mathematical logic, this understanding offers valuable contributions to education and the advancement of knowledge
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