46,476 research outputs found

    Superburst: surface phenomenon of compact objects

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    We suggest that superbursts from some low mass X-ray binaries may be due to breaking and re-formation of diquark pairs, on the surface of realistic strange stars. Diquarks are expected to break up due to the explosion and shock of the thermonuclear process. The subsequent production of copious diquark pairing may produce sufficient energy to produce the superbursts.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in the Proceedings of COSPAR Colloquium "Spectra & Timing of Compact X-ray Binaries," January 17-20, 2005, Mumbai, Indi

    Problem of Statistical Model in Deep Inelastic Scattering Phenomenology

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    Recent Deep Inelastic data leads to an up-down quark asymmetry of the nucleon sea. Explanations of the flavour asymmetry and the di-lepton production in proton-nucleus collisions call for a temperature T100T \approx 100 MeV in a statistical model. This T may be conjectured as being due to the Fulling-Davies-Unruh effect. But it is not possible to fit the structure function itself.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, figures on request to [email protected], IFT preprint-IFT P-050/93, Late

    Decoupling of pion coupling f_{\pi} from quarks at high density in three models, and its possible observational consequences

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    Chiral symmetry is restored at high density, quarks become nearly massless and pion, the Goldstone of the symmetry breaking decouples from the quarks. What happens at high density is important for finding the density dependence of Strange Quark Matter (SQM), - which in turn is relevant for understanding the structure of compact stars.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in PL

    Equivariant Perturbation in Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. I. The One-Dimensional Case

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    We give an algorithm for testing the extremality of minimal valid functions for Gomory and Johnson's infinite group problem that are piecewise linear (possibly discontinuous) with rational breakpoints. This is the first set of necessary and sufficient conditions that can be tested algorithmically for deciding extremality in this important class of minimal valid functions. We also present an extreme function that is a piecewise linear function with some irrational breakpoints, whose extremality follows from a new principle.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Evidence for strange stars from joint observation of harmonic absorption bands and of redshift

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    From recent reports on terrestrial heavy ion collision experiments it appears that one may not obtain information about the existence of asymptotic freedom (AF) and chiral symmetry restoration (CSR) for quarks of QCD at high density. This information may still be obtained from compact stars - if they are made up of strange quark matter. Very high gravitational redshift lines (GRL), seen from some compact stars, seem to suggest high ratios of mass and radius (M/R) for them. This is suggestive of strange stars (SS) and can in fact be fitted very well with SQM equation of state deduced with built in AF and CSR. In some other stars broad absorption bands appear at about ~ 0.3 keV and multiples thereof, that may fit in very well with resonance with harmonic compressional breathing mode frequencies of these SS. Emission at these frequencies are also observed in six stars. If these two features of large GRL and BAB were observed together in a single star, it would strengthen the possibility for the existence of SS in nature and would vindicate the current dogma of AF and CSR that we believe in QCD. Recently, in 4U 1700-24, both features appear to be detected, which may well be interpreted as observation of SS - although the group that analyzed the data did not observe this possibility. We predict that if the shifted lines, that has been observed, are from neon with GRL shift z = 0.4 - then the compact object emitting it is a SS of mass 1.2 M_sun and radius 7 km. In addition the fit to the spectrum leaves a residual with broad dips at 0.35 keV and multiples thereof, as in 1E1207-5209 which is again suggestive of SS.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the MNRA