1,223 research outputs found


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    Remaja Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang dan Bekasi yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pertama mereka untuk percakapan sehari-hari, memodifikasi bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa yang dikenal dengan sebutan bahasa gaul. Bentuk dan variasi bahasa gaul ini bermacam-macam, salah satunya adalah bahasa Indonesia yang mengalami proses metatesis. Metatesis adalah proses fonologis dimana penutur mengubah posisi huruf dalam sebuah kata. Dalam hal ini, penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis fenomena metatesis yang terjadi pada bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan oleh remaja JABOTABEK. Hal yang menjadi fokus dalam skripsi ini adalah munculnya proses fonologis lainnya ketika kata-kata dalam bahasagaul tersebut mengalami proses metatesis. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini tidak hanya sekedar untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe metatesis dan proses fonologi yang terjadi pada bahasa gaul, namun juga untuk mengetahui alasan remaja-remaja JABOTABEK menggunakan variasi bahasa ini dalam berkomunikasi. Data yang digunakan merupakan kata yang mengalami proses metatesis. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan purposive sampling dan teori Sudaryanto metode simak yaitu observasi dan cakap.Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan teori dari Schane. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 tipe metatesis yang ditemukan dalam bahasa gaul yaitu metatesis dengan membalikkan seluruh bunyiyang ada dalam satu kata yaitu dari belakang ke depan dan metatesis yang hanya memindahkan beberapa bunyi saja. Adapun prediksi sistem bahasa tentang bagaimana seseorang membentuk kata baru dengan cara metatesis. Proses fonologis yang muncul setelah kata-kata dalam bahasa Indonesia tersebut mengalami proses metatesis adalah proses menghilangan konsonan, menambahan konsonan, penghilangan bunyi vokal, penurunan bunyi vokal, dan netralisasi. Alasan remaja JABOTABEK menggunakan kata-kata metatesis ini adalah karena mereka tinggal di lingkungan yang juga menggunakan kata-kata tersebut dalam berkomunikasi, membuat suatu kode agar orang lain yang tidak termasuk dalam remaja JABOTABEK tidak mengerti apa yang mereka katakan dan untuk meningkatkan derajat sosial mereka menjadi remaja yang gaul


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta semester khusus tahun 2015 yang berlokasi di SLB Autis Citra Mulia Mandiri telah dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa pada tanggal 10 agustus – 12 September 2015. Kelompok PPL di lokasi ini terdiri dari 8 mahasiswa PLB kekhususan autistik. Tujuan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah melatih mahasiswa agar memiliki pengalaman mengajar anak autistik. Praktek mengajar dilakukan secara terbimbing dengan guru. Selain pengalaman dalam hal praktek mengajar dalam bidang akademik, mahasiswa juga dilatih untuk mengajar anak dalam bidang non akademik. Kegiatan PPL yang telah dilaksanakan meliputi penyusunan RPP, praktek mengajar, pembuatan soal/bahan ajar, serta kegiatan lainnya yang diselenggarakan di sekolah. Praktek mengajar dimulai dari tanggal 18 Agustus sampai dengan 10 September 2015, dilakukan sebanyak 6 kali pertemuan yaitu dengan subyek yang bernama Intan Nova Zelyanti yang duduk dikelas 2 SD


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kekuatan menarik dan mendorong otot lengan atlet Judo UPT SMANOR. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif.. digunakan untuk meneliti sampel pada populasi atau sampel tertentu, teknik pengambilan sampel umumnya dilakukan secara random, pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument penelitian, analisis data yang bersifat kuantitatif / statistik dengan tujuan untuk menguji hipotesis yang telah di tetapkan. Penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, sempel terdiri dari10 siswa putra dari UPT SMANOR yang keseluruanya adalah atlet judo. Teknik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis statistik. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukan  Jumlah total kekuatan menarik dengan kategori baik sebanyak 1atlet , katagori sedang sebanyak 4 atlet dan kategori kurang sebanyak 5 atlet. Rata-rata kekuatan menarik otot lengan yang dilakukukan masing-masing atlet 24,8 kg. dari hasil diagaram histogram didapatkan bahwa kekuatan menarik otot lengan pada atlet Judo putra adalah dengan frekuensi baik 10%, sedang 40 % dan kurang 50%. Dan Jumlah total kekuatan mendorong dengan kategori baik sebanyak 1 atlet, katagori sedang sebanyak 1 atlet,kategori kurang 2 atlet dan kategori sangat kurang sebanyak 6 atlet. Rata-rata kekuatan mendorong otot lengan yang dilakukukan masing-masing atlet 21,2 kg. dari hasil diagaram histogram didapatkan bahwa kekuatan mendorong otot lengan pada atlet Judo putra adalah dengan frekuensi baik 10%, sedang 10 % , kurang 20 % dan sangat kurang 60%. Kekuatan menarik dan mendorong otot lengan atlet Judo Putra UPT SMANOR termasuk dalm kategori kurang. Kata Kunci : Survey, Kekuatan, Menarik, Mendorong,  Otot Lengan, Jud

    People and Nature in Asian Stories: Reading and Writing Materials for Eco Education

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    The purpose of this article is to make parents/teachers/writers of children literature aware of eco education through stories about people and nature. Written through the eyes of a child, many conservation stories not only empower the young minds, but they also help adults change their attitude to respect environment. The first part of this article examines such environmental stories as fables, folklores, short stories from Asia, while the second part is a project report on writing eco education materials, i.e. a serial of 3 environmental stories for young adults. Using Ecocriticism and Postcolonial perspectives to analyze the stories, the study shows that the narrative strands found in the stories include (1) depletion of the earth and natural resources, (2) people’s greediness, and (3) preservation of the traditional wisdom. Some stories are still anthro­pocentric so as to provide no space to explore fully the human-nature relationship in a balanced way. Although animal stories dominate the narratives, it is the specific and philosophic depiction of place and nature that give the stories Asian characteristics in their shared campaign to save our planet. This study concludes that the call for environmental protection can be done through young adult literature in a non-condescending manner instead of the usual patronizing-colonizing metho


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    Literature is an important vehicle to teach character building in language education. Sensitive topics like bullying and prejudice in literary works are helpful to promote understanding and empathy toward others. This article aims to discuss two short stories, namely All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury and Shame by Dick Gregory that can be used to increase students critical thinking, conscience, and compassion in language learning. The first half of the article examines the rationale for using short stories with such topics to impart values in language learning. The other half explores the significance of the two stories to use in ELT class. The article concludes that studying literature is, by default, practicing character education and that good support and reinforcement for that purpose can be done by addressing delicate issues that sometimes may appear harsh and unpleasant.DOI:doi.org/10.24071/llt.2019.22010

    Challenges and Learning Methods of Novice Pre Service Teachers Studying at UK Universities

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    The study investigates challenges on the beliefs, approaches, and contexts of teaching and learning that novice pre service teachers experience while studying in UK academic culture. The study also tries to discover the teachers’ preferences on methods of learning they use on their study. The study involves six graduates of MA TESOL as the participants with a mixed method using formal conversation interview, open ended interviews and closed ended interview as the tools for gathering the data. From the research, it is found that there are gaps between the beliefs, the approaches and contexts of teaching and learning that the teachers experienced. An awareness of such challenges is important for teachers, trainers, and curriculum designers working in a change program to meet the needs and resolve the challenges. Finally, it is also found to be successfully learning their study these teachers apply eclectic methods


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    This is a review of a book titled Tales from the Paddy Fields that covers folktales about paddy in Southesat Asian countries. Picture books delight children and stories from this book can be used as materials in TEYL. Revisiting possible gender bias is needed here if teaching language means transforming the young minds to become not only skillful in language but also culturally and ecologicaly competent

    Beyond Absurdity: Character Reinforcement in Bakdi Soemantos Short Stories

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    This article examines the absurd characters in Bakdi Soemantos selected short stories in the light of character reinforcement. Through the use of analogy of name, environment, and interlocking relationships among the characters, it is revealed that these characters reflect contemporary societys aspirations and expectation of their exemplary leaders or individuals with high authority. The presence of such weird but wise characters discloses the blurred boundaries of sanity and insanity in striving for life meaning as well as meaning of lif


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    Writing about environmental issues before and after climate change and other human-made ecological damages, Eka Budianta has continually taken up environmental topics in his oeuvre. The study presented in the present article aims to scrutinize 6 (six) selected poems by Eka Budianta to see how the poet has dealt with ecological debate throughout the years. The study draws insights from criticisms within Environmental Humanities framework and uses a qualitative-interpretative method. The six poems comprise four poems written in 1984, i.e., “River Notes”, “The Yearning of the Wind”, “Song for Tiom”, and “Song of a Townsman”; a poem written in 2012 titled “Setelah Sudaraku Tenggelam”; and the most recent one, written in 2020, “Sungai Sejati”. The lines and stanzas of each poem are read and interpreted according to their respective themes, poetic devices, and contents to see if they demonstrate the principles of Ecopoetry. The study results in the following findings. First the lamentation for the loss of nature is present in “River Notes”, “The Yearning of the Wind”, and “Song of a Townsman”. Second, “Song for Tiom” and “Setelah Saudaraku Tenggelam” are elegies for, respectively, ecological destruction in Papua and the Situ Gintung Lake tragedy. Third, optimistic tone is palpable in Eka Budianta’s newest poem “Sungai Sejati”. Fourth, the inclusion of non-human agency like landscape, plants, and animals helps reinforce the green messages the poet seeks to express. This study concurs that literature can partake in exposing global climate change as well as advocating sustainable living in a way often ignored in ecological praxis that only celebrates concrete results

    Cognition, conscience, and creativity: multimedia-based literature teaching for pre-service teachers in Indonesia

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    In this multimedia age, the goals of education are mostly geared toward increasing efficiency and productivity by producing young people to function in today’s global economy. This article would argue that it is also of vital importance to include humanism and reflection in education, for instance in literature teaching. To support this argument, this article presents a brief teaching report on multimedia utilization to teach short stories and novels with difficult, controversial themes for pre-service teachers in Indonesia using Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm. Applying content analysis method, this descriptive-explanatory study investigates how multimedia can help the students to become creative and reflective at the same time. Involving 38 EFL students of a literature class, it observes teaching materials, students’ assignments, and reflection notes as data. This study shows that (1) multimedia can assist students to think beyond literature and expand their cognition; (2) the use of videos, web-based visual creators, and other multimedia resources can support students’ creativity; and (3) reflection remains an important aspect in literature teaching irreplaceable by multimedia sophistication. The conclusion is that multimedia is without doubt useful in literature teaching today on condition that its use helps enrich students’ multiple perspectives
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