283 research outputs found
Keywords: QFD
This research is a survey with the title "Application of QFD Method for Improving Service Quality At Rainbow Hotel I Malang".
The purpose of this research is to plan for improving the quality of service at Hotel Rainbow I Malang and to Make House Of Quality (HOQ). One definition of quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes and environments that meet or exceed customer expectations in this respect hotel guests or customers.
Hotel Pelangi Malang I had been performing their duties and functions well, but lately has been a decline in the number of hotel guests or customers, especially in the standard class rooms so important to know the cause. So to answer the need to analyze the problem using the method of application of Quality Function Deployment in which oriented consumer desires.
Quality Function Deployment is one of the ways or means of analysis of consumer needs in designing a product or service with the specification of consumer desire. Applications in planning (designing) the steps (methods) class service and amenities of this standard will be felt from the results of an exhaustive analysis of every word of hotel guests or customers. The result of questionnaire data show the importance of each requirement (attribute) and the performance of the internal (Hotel Pelangi Malang I) and the competitor. The existence of benchmarking in this method allows the analysis of systems to design products or services in accordance with the level of interest in accordance with customer needs or hotel guests as well as the level of competition than the equivalent type of hotels such as Hotel Grand Palace Malang.
From the analysis results can be seen that the attributes that get top priority for hotel guests or customers is the ease and smoothness of booking a place for a particular event. From the results of Quality Houses can be seen that the technical aspects of the most emphasized is the technical aspect of the 1st of establishing peace and comfort of guest
Background. There has been a constant rise in the elderly population number throughout the world, more so in the developing countries. This growth is paralleled with rapid increase in disease prevalence, head and neck cancer being one of them. The diagnosis and subsequent treatment such as radiotherapy can have a potentially devastating impact on psychosocial functioning, including depression.
Aims. This study aims to compare the total Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) mean score between two groups of sample: those who had not yet undergone radiotherapy and those who had a minimum of 10 times radiotherapy.
Methods. Cross-sectional analysis was conducted on 28 elderly head and neck cancer patients from the Radiotherapy Department, Kariadi Hospital, Semarang from April to August 2015. Sosiodemographic characteristics and clinical data including diagnosis, cancer stage, and radiotherapy frequency were obtained from the medical records, followed by a questionnaire-based interview afterwards. Statistical analysis using Independent T-test was performed.
Results. The mean of total GDS score was significantly higher among patients within the course of the therapy compared to the other group with scores of 2,64(±1,82) and 6,64(±3,41) respectively (p=0,001). Cancer stage contributed an extremely weak positive correlation to the GDS score (r=0,141)
Conclusion. Patients within the course of radiotherapy were more depressed compared to the comparative group.
Key word: geriatric population, head and neck cancer, depression, geriatric depression scale (GDS), radiotherap
Negara-negara di dunia umumnya menganut sistem perekonomian terbuka sehingga terjadilah arus pergerakan barang jasa antarnegara. Akan tetapi setiap negara memiliki mata uang yang berbeda. Perbedaan mata uang tersebut menyulitkan terjadinya kegiatan perdagangan internasional. Oleh sebab itu nilai mata uang suatu negara perlu dinyatakan dalam mata uang negara lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis pengaruh ekspor, impor, inflasi, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap nilai tukar di Indonesia. Teknik analisis data terdiri dari pengujian asumsi klasik serta pengujian hipotesis dengan metode analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa ekspor berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai tukar, impor tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai tukar, inflasi berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap nilai tukar, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai tukar.Kata kunci: ekspor, impor, inflasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, nilai tukar
This study aims to analyze the level of student satisfaction on learning methods that conducted by lecturers who teach in industrial revolution 4.0 era, especially higher student first semester at Musamus University. The data obtained from 120 respondents first semester students, spread across several majors in Musamus University. This research is a quantitative descriptive study which uses a questionnaire for data collection which is carried out through online survey. Data tabulation is calculated using a Likert scale to obtain a percentage of student satisfaction levels. The results obtained are a relationship between student satisfaction with the learning methods carried out by lecturers in terms of time discipline, mastery of the material, delivery of material, assessment and evaluation during the lecture process. The results of the analysis of the performance of lecturers perceived by students of the satisfaction t in the era of learning industry 4.0 through learning methods carried out from various aspects and factors in the lecture process have a positive effect. Total average from three indicators are 81% categorized student satisfied for learning method yhat conducted by lecturer in Musamus university but still need to improve for evaluation and assessment
Sonia Natalia Dewi Pardosi 06 09 03074. Penelitian ini berjudul Efek Pemberitaan Media Massa
Terhadap Pembentukan Persepsi Pelajar SMA di Yogyakarta. (Studi Kasus Efek Pemberitaan
Media Massa atas Kasus Video Porno ariel ‘Peterpan’-Luna Maya-Cut Tari Terhadap Persepsi
Pelajar SMA di Yogyakarta Mengenai Sosok Vokalis Band di Indonesia). Sekitar bulan Juni-
Agustus 2011, media massa terutama televisi marak menyiarkan pemberitaan mengenai kasus
video pornografi yang diduga dilakukan oleh vokalis Band Peterpan, Nazril Irham (Ariel)-Luna
Maya-Cut Tari. Kasus ini sempat menduduki posisi nomor satu di beberapa media massa,
mengalahkan pemberitaan mengenai piala dunia 2010 dan kasus korupsi yang dilakukan oleh
pejabat pemerintah di Indonesia. sebagai bentuk follow -up dari kasus ini, muncul kasus baru
yaitu di beberapa tempat di Indonesia, diberitakan bahwa terjadi kasus pelecehan seksual dan
tindakan asusila yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak dibawah umur setelah melihat video porno Ariel
dan Luna Maya. Peneliti tetarik untuk melihat bagaimana pemberitaan di media massa atas kasus
video pornografi Ariel memberikan efek terhadap persepsi yang terbentuk bagi pelajar SMA di
Yogyakarta mengenai sosok vokalis band di Indonesia. peneliti pun memilih siswa-siswi SMA di
Yogyakarta sebagai subyek partisipan penelitian karena sebagia besar penikmat musik indonesia
dan penggemar Ariel Peterpan adalah kaum remaja. Peneliti menggunakan teori efek kognitif
media massa dan teori remaja untuk melihat bagaimana efek dari sebuah pesan di media massa
dan proses penerimaan informasi dalam individu seorang remaja, serta bagaimana pengaruhnya.
Teori persepsi juga digunakan untuk melihat bagaimana pembentukan persepsi partisipan setelah
menerima efek media massa tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion
(FGD), yaitu diskusi langsung mengenai beberapa topik yang berkaitan dengan penelitian yang
telah peneliti ssusun terlebih dahulu. Partisipan penelitian merupakan orang-orang yang telah
peneliti pilih, menyesuaikan dengan beberapa kriteria penelitian, yaitu penggemar Peterpan,
pengamat musik Indonesia, penikmat infotainment, merupakan anggota band atau anggota
ekstrakulikuler musik di sekolahnya yang dapat menjadi partisipan penelitian. Hasil diskusi FGD
dan analisis data penulis menunjukkan bahwa pemberitaan media mengenai kasus video
pornografi Ariel Peterpan memberikan efek terhadap persepsi pelajar SMA di Yogyakarta
mengenasi sosok vokalis band di Indonesia. Setelah adanya pemberitaan kasus ini, persepsi
pelajar SMA di Yogyakarta menyatakan bahwa penilaian mereka terhadap sosok vokalis band di
Indonesia berubah dari arah positif ke arah negatif setelah mengetahui menyimak dan memaknai
pemberitaan kasus video porno Ariel Peterpan. Maka kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini
menyatakan danya efek pemberitaan media massa atas kasus video porno Ariel Peterpan
terhadap persepsi pelajar SMA di Yogyakarta mengenai sosok vokalis band di Indonesia
The Impact of Personal Selling, E-Wom and E-Referral Using Brand Image as Mediating Variable on Purchase Intention of Intune Productions
The need for sound and music in advertising is growing every year, especially when Covid-19 accelerates the need for brands to go digital. InTune Productions is a music production company based in Surabaya, Indonesia. Specializing in jingle, sound-logo, and background music, InTune Productions has worked with various companies to increase their brand awareness through sound and music. This research aims to analyze the impact of personal selling, e-WOM and e-referral using brand image as mediating variable on purchase intention of Intune Productions. This research is quantitative research where the data collected from questionnaires will be analyzed statistically using Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square in SmartPLS program. Population of this research is 256 members of JCI East Java. The researcher uses purposive sampling and found 98 samples. The result shows that personal selling, e-WOM and e-referral do not have a significant effect towards purchase intention. E-referral also does not have a significant effect towards brand image. However, brand image has a positive significant effect towards purchase intention, as well as acting as a mediating variable between personal selling and e-WOM towards purchase intention
Management system implemented by the banking system is currently more focused onfinancial performance as measured periodically by using financial measures. Bankingbusiness competition would also have to change the method of performance appraisal areused by banks to measure their performance. Assessment of performance is critical for banks.By conducting performance appraisals, banks can determine the level of achievement duringthe given period.Therefore, in a performance assessment of banking required balance(balanced) between the financial and non financial. For that developed the concept of nonfinancialperformance measures that can measure the success of banks in realizing its longtermstrategies so that banks can win the business competition.In the measurement of the fourperspectives, namely: the financial perspective, customer perspective, internal businessprocess perspective, as well as learning and growth perspective. Balance between thescorecard from each perspective to determine the performance improvement of bankingdoubled. To anticipate changes in the banking business environment and competition, thebank requires a solid foundation in formulating the vision and mission in the form ofintegrated strategic planning through the balanced scorecard.Keywords:PerformanceMeasurement, BalancedScorecard, Banking
The Effectiveness of Self-Care Model on Diabetes Self-Management Behaviour
Introduction: The needs of diabetic patients are not only limited to adequate glycemic control but also correspond with preventing complications and increasing their awareness to participate in self-management. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness self-care model to Diabetes self-management behaviour (DSM Behaviour) and Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) levels. Methods: The study was conducted from June to August 2019 at Community Health Centers. This study employed a Quasi-Experimental pre-posttest with a control group design. There were 104 respondents obtained by purposive sampling technique, and assigned into experimental (52 respondents) and control group (52 respondents). FBG levels and DSM Behaviour were evaluated in the first and the seventh week using The Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) questionnaire. Results: Paired sample T-test statistical revealed a significant difference in decreasing levels on FBG and increasing level of DSM Behaviour (p<0.05) at before and after the intervention; Independent T-test discovered a significant difference on FBG and DSM Behaviour (p<0.05) between the intervention and control group. The strongest effect as resulting from the parameter estimation model of SDSCA was a dimension of a healthy diet (2.96) followed by foot exercise (2.41) and activity (4.54). SDSCA showed marginal fit for FBG with t-value <2 and contribution determinant of 8.4% (R2 = 0.084). Conclusions: Self-care model is an effective program that can improve DSM Behaviour and increase adequate glycemic control. In addition, this model needs to implement continuously to prevent complications and improve self-care to diabetic patients
Penerapan Problem-Based Learning Berbantuan Edmodo untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 11 Medan T.A. 2022/2023
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa di kelas XI IPA 2 SMA Negeri 11 Medan yang masih rendah. Berdasarkan data awal, hanya 20% siswa yang memenuhi kriteria memiliki kemampuan komunikasi matematis minimal cukup, dengan nilai rata-rata 46,67. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan melalui penerapan model Problem-Based Learning (PBL) berbantuan Edmodo untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa; (2) peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa setelah diterapkan model PBL berbantuan Edmodo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan lembar pengamatan. Hasil penelitian: (1) tindakan yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa, yaitu menerapkan model PBL yang dikombinasikan dengan penugasan diskusi kelompok di Edmodo, yang dikembangkan dengan memperbaiki langkah komunikasi matematis pada LKPD, pengaturan ulang posisi duduk siswa, memastikan siswa berbagi tugas dalam mengerjakan LKPD, memfasilitasi bahan bacaan tambahan, membahas kesulitan siswa di depan kelas, memperbanyak sesi tanya jawab, memberikan penghargaan secara langsung kepada siswa yang mengajukan pendapat/merespon pertanyaan, serta memotivasi siswa memanfaatkan fasilitas diskusi Edmodo; (2) rata-rata nilai N-gain sebesar 0,62 sehingga peningkatan pada kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa tergolong sedang
Respon Mahasiswa terhadap Pembelajaran Interaktif dengan Animasi 3D melalui Powerpoint
Pembelajaran harus di dukung oleh dosen yang kreatif untuk menciptakan media pembelajaran interaktif agar mahasiswa lebih aktif, kreatif dan inovatif selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap  mediapembelajaran interaktif  yang digunakan oleh dosen dengan menerapkan animasi 3D melalui Powerpoint, penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, penelitian ini dilakukan di universitas musamus jurusan pendidikan kimia. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 20 orang mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui google form yang dapat diakses oleh masing-masing mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan mahasiswa memberikan respon yang positif terhadap animasi 3D yang digunakan oleh dosen dengan nilai 4,5 dari 5.0 dan dikategorikan sangat baik. Sehingga media pembelajaran interaktif dengan menggunakan animasi 3D melalui powerpoint  dapat digunakan untuk menjadikan mahasiswa termotivasi untuk belajar di dalam kelas dan membantu pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi yang diajarkan oleh dosen
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