13 research outputs found
Abstrak: Pengolahan air limbah tekstil yang mengandung antrakuinon dan pewarna azo merupakan tantangan besar karena struktur aromatik dan toksisitasnya yang kompleks. Penelitian ini mempelajari penyisihan pewarna antrakuinon reactive blue 4 (RB4), single azo reactive orange 16 (RO16), dan diazo reactive red 120 (RR120) juga reactive black 5 (RB5) dengan konsentrasi awal 150 mg/L dalam medium padat (PDA) dan submerged fermentation form (SFF) menggunakan berbagai jamur pelapuk putih (JPP). T. versicolor memiliki aktivitas enzim dominan terbaik (lakase) di antara JPP lain (186 U.l-1). Studi penyisihan warna diamati pada kondisi SFF dan hanya menggunakan ekstrak kasar enzim lakase. Untuk kultur cairan jamur menggunakan medium kirk, T. versicolor secara positif dapat menyisihkan pewarna tekstil reaktif. Diantara empat pewarna yang digunakan, RB4 memiliki persentase penyisihan warna tertinggi (99,99%), dibandingkan dengan RB5 (98,03%), RR120 (90,56%) dan RO16 (63,52%). Uji stabilitas pH dan suhu menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kasar enzim lakase memiliki aktivitas terbaik dalam kisaran pH 2,4 dan suhu 20 0C. Persentase penyisihan warna terbaik menggunakan ekstrak kasar enzim lakase adalah RB4 yaitu 99,84% dengan waktu inkubasi selama 60 menit. Metabolit yang terbentuk setelah biotransformasi oleh ekstrak kasar enzim lakase diamati menggunakan FTIR. Hasil spektra FTIR menunjukkan bahwa struktur antrakuinon, ikatan nitrogen, dan gugus amina RB4 dapat dipecah oleh ekstrak kasar enzim lakase. Studi toksisitas menggunakan Bacillus sp. menegaskan bahwa produk biotransformasi RB4 berkurang toksisitasnya dibandingkan dengan pewarna induk sebelum dilakukan pengolahan. Kata kunci: Azo, Antrakuinon, Jamur pelapuk putih, Lakase Abstract: Treatment of textile wastewater containing anthraquinone and azo dye is quite a huge challenge due to its complex aromatic structure and toxicity. This study investigated the decolorization of anthraquinone dye reactive blue 4 (RB4), Single azo reactive orange 16 (RO16), and diazo reactive red 120 (RR120) also reactive black 5 (RB5) with initial concentration of 150 mg/l in solid medium (PDA) and Submerged fermentation form (SFF) by various white rot fungi (WRF). T. versicolor has the best dominant enzyme activity (laccase) among others WRF (186 U.l-1). Decolorization study was observed in both SFF condition and using only crude enzyme. For SFF using kirk medium T. versicolor positively degrading reactive textile dyes. Among four different dyes, RB4 has the highest decolorization percentage (99.99%), compared to RB5 (98.03 %), RR120 (90.56 %) and RO16 (63.52 %). pH and thermo stability test show that laccase crude enzyme has the best activity in pH range 2.4 and temperature of 20 0C. The best decolouration percentage using crude enzyme is RB4 as obtained 99.84% in 60 min. The metabolites formed after biotransformation was characterized by FT-IR. The results of FTIR spectra showed that the anthraquinone structures, nitrogen linkages and amino groups of RB4 were destroyed by laccase crude enzyme. Toxicity study using Bacillus sp. confirmed that biotransformation product of RB4 is less toxic compared to parent dye. Keywords: Azo, Anthraquinone, Laccase, White rot fung
Penguatan Kapabilitas: Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Pada Anak
Health is the primary key to achieving human well-being. Therefore, maintaining physical and mental health is essential in daily life and should be instilled from an early age to develop strong and healthy character. Health is an optimal state of individual well-being in the biopsychosocial aspects (physical, mental, and social), enabling optimal growth and development throughout the lifespan.The purpose of implementing psychoeducation on strengthening the capabilities of clean and healthy living behavior is to increase knowledge, awareness and independence in children from an early age. This psychoeducation method uses an offline platform which was held on Saturday, June 15, 2024, in this activity collaborating with BPBD Malang, SDN 1 Slampearejo Jabung and involving grade 1 elementary school students with 37 respondents, where all respondents received materials and rewards. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, students gained knowledge and are able to practice clean and healthy living behaviors by brushing their teeth, washing their hands with soap, and cutting their nails. The implication of this activity is to raise awareness among parents to instill, teach, set an example, and habituate their children to practice healthy behaviors in their daily lives.Kesehatan merupakan kunci utama dalam meraih kesejahteraan manusia, karena itulah menjaga kesehatan fisik dan mental merupakan hal mutlak dalam menjalani hidup sehari-hari dan perlu ditanamkan sejak dini untuk memiliki karakter yang kuat dan sehat. Sehat merupakan suatu keadaan individu Sejahtera secara optimal pada kondisi biopsikososial (fisik, mental, dan social) untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangsan secara optimal dalam rentang kehidupan. Tujuan implementasi psikoedukasi tentang penguatan kapabilitas perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan, keadasaran dan kemandirian pada anak sejak dini. Metode psikoedukasi ini dengan menggunakan platform luring atau offline yang diselenggarakan pada hari sabtu tanggal 15 Juni 2024, dalam kegiatan ini berkolaborasi dengan BPBD Malang, SDN 1 Slampearejo Jabung dan melibatkan peserta didik kelas 1 SD dengan jumlah responden 37 peserta didik, dimana seluruh responden memperoleh materi dan reward. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT peserta didik memperoleh pengetahuan dan mampu menerapkan perilaku hidup yang bersih dan sehat dengan cara menggosok gigi, mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan memotong kuku. Implikasi dalam kegiatan ini adalah memberikan kesadaran kepada orang tua untuk menanamkan, mengajarkan, memberikan contoh dan membiasakan anak-anak berperilaku sehat dalam menjalani hidup sehari-hari
Enhancing early childhood creativity through loose-parts media based on STEAM learning
This article examines classroom action research in which researchers and classroom teachers collaborate to understand and improve the benefits of loose-part media to increase children's creativity and the subsequent impact of loose-part media based on STEAM learning. Focusing on early childhood education, this research was carried out in collaboration with teachers provided 21 pupils 5–6-year-old at Mutiara Kasih Kindergarten in Padang City. The research procedures carried out included a combination of observation, discussion and reflection on practice in 3 cycles. Loose-part media based on STEAM learning is considered to have increased children's creativity, as shown by pre-cycle data of 6.9%. Cycle I was carried out with a creativity percentage of 15.4%, increasing to 47.1% after cycle II, and increasing to 80.42% after cycle III. This research recommends that the use of loose-parts and utilizing the surrounding environment based on STEAM learning can be implemented in kindergarten institutions
Implementasi MPRL dan Hough Transform Untuk Segmentasi dan Ekstraksi Fitur Pada Citra Gaya Berjalan
Human gait is unique. It has different characteristics and have a high ability to distinguish a person. "Gait” analysis, mapping human body points is todays advanced technology. Stages of "gait" processing start from segmentation, extraction until recognition. This paper discusses the segmentation and extraction of gait features. Thinning methods with Most Prominent Ridge Line (MPRL) algorithms to form the skeleton bones of human beings is used. The resulting skeleton image is used for features gait extraction through annular analysis. Method for feature extraction used is Hough transformation. The resulting features are grouped according to distance and angle. This grouping determines the location of features on an image skeleton. The next process is to calculate the distance between feature and angle formed. There are ten features obtained. Four features of a group spacing distance of the front foot until the heel of the hind legs, hands up to the front axle center of the chest, arms rear axle until the middle of the chest and arms front to the back of the hand. Six other features are the result of measurement angle of the front knee, ankle front, rear ankle, knee hind legs, forearms and elbows behind the elbow sleeves
Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik Menjadi Ecobrick Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Sampah Plastik di Desa Pringgabaya Kecamatan Pringgabaya Kabupaten Lombok Timur
Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang terdapat di Indonesia, sampah sangat erat kaitannya dengan pertumbuhan penduduk. Berdasarkan data BPS, Kabupaten Lombok Timur memiliki penduduk paling banyak di Provinsi NTB, yaitu 1.345.605 jiwa pada 2021. Permasalahan pengelolaan sampah plastik hingga sekarang belum dapat terselesaikan dengan baik. Salah satu solusi yang dapat di gunakan untuk pengelolaan sampah plastik adalah dengan metode ecobrickPelaksanaan program kerja pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 januari 2023 di kantor desa dan musholla Pringgabaya, dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan dan tahap pelaksanaan. Tahap awal yang telah dilakukan adalah melakukan diskusi dengan tokoh masyarakat setempat yaitu kepala dusun. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi sosialisasi, penyuluhan, dan pelatihan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan judul Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik Menjadi Ecobrick Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Sampah Plastik di Desa Pringgabaya Kecamatan Pringgabaya Kabupaten Lombok Timur dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai dengan yang direncanakan dalam setiap tahapannya yaitu dimulai dari tahap persiapan hingga pelaksanaan. Warga desa Pringgabaya menyambut dengan baik dan antusias dari kegiatan sosialisasi atau penyuluhan sampai pelatihan pembuatan ecobrick.Masyarakat teredukasi dan memahami akan bahaya sampah plastik, dan memahami metode ecobrick dapat mengurangi sampah plastik dan masyarakat mengetahui cara membuat produk ecobrick secara mandiri dan dapat dikembangkan menjadi produk yang ekonomis kegiatan ini salah satu contoh produk yang dibuat adalah meja
Pelatihan Public Speaking untuk Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa SMAN 1 Bebandem
Public speaking skills is the skills that persue people to design words and beautiful sentences which is able to attract people's attention. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of students at SMAN 1 Bebandem in public speaking. This activity focuses on providing socialization about the importance of understanding and implementing public speaking to increase self-confidence, improve self- quality, and be able to think critically. The methods used in this activity are lecture, simulation, and practice methods. The participants were actively involved in this activity, seen from the enthusiasm they had during the practice. Significant changes in students' confidence in public speaking could be seen in the pre-test results and the post-test data. In addition, the significant changes could be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants in the activity by asking and discussing
Prospek Ekonomi dan Budidaya Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Indonesia
Planting oil palms must meet the growing conditions and appropriate cultivation methods so that
the products obtained are in good condition, qualitatively and quantitatively. Palm oil contains
high saturated fatty acids (> 50%) and relatively few polyunsaturated fatty acids (<10%). The oil
produced can be exported to several countries, but there are problems in the export process of palm
oil products, namely policies that are lacking, limited sources of funding, land conflicts and
looting, even though the prospects or market demand for palm oil are quite large. do not have to
worry about losses, multiple profits and the number of workers.
The condition of oil palm planted on land will provide changes to the soil itself starting from the
increase in pore space, changes in textures. The spread of oil palm plantations in Indonesia is
currently developing in 22 provinces. The area of oil palm plantations in 1968 covering an area of
105,808 with production of 167,669 tons, in 2007 had increased to 6.6 million ha with production
of around 17.3 million tons of CPO (Sastrosayono 2003). Oil palm plants are an excellent
plantation commodity of Indonesia economically
Use of MOCAF flour as raw material for healthy and hygienic lakar crackers in N&N MSMEs
In the vicinity of NN Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Jatiroke Village, Sumedang, West Java, cassava plantations abound, yet their harvest is often undervalued and sold at low prices. To enhance economic value, cassava from Jatiroke Village is now being processed into Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF) for use as a primary ingredient in lakar cracker production at NN MSME. Previously, wheat and tapioca flours were sourced from the market for cracker production. The objective of this Community Partnership Empowerment (CPE) initiative is to replace wheat flour with locally processed MOCAF, diversifying food ingredient sources using available resources. MOCAF is not only gluten-free but is also deemed safe for consumption, especially for those with autoimmune diseases, memory loss, and autism. The CPE program includes training on MOCAF flour production and hands-on experience in making lakar crackers with MOCAF as a core ingredient. This comprehensive effort aims to promote NN MSME's growth by incorporating innovative technology for the production of healthy and hygienic crackers, thereby benefiting public health, particularly individuals with autoimmune conditions. This strategic shift not only holds economic promise but also contributes to the well-being of the community
Antalogi puisi: karya anak-anak bangsa dari Papua
Antalogi puisi karya anak-anak bangsa dari Papua merupakan salah satu bentuk apresiasi Balai Bahasa Papua, Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan terhadap anak-anak bangsa yang memiliki keterampilan menulis sastra, terutama puisi. Hal ini dilakukan mengingat pemahaman masyarakat terhadap konsep estetika masih kurang. Puisi dalam buku ini merupakan hasil karya sastra siswa-siswi sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama yang mengikuti sayembara penulisan puisi bagi siwa SD dan SMP se-Papua dan Papua Barat