7 research outputs found

    Pengujian pada Aplikasi "Kembaliin" Berbasis Mobile Application/Android dengan Metode Design Thinking

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    With the development of information and communication technology. Users and actors in IT (Information Technology) are increasingly spoiled with gadgets that are easier in terms of function and protection. A smartphone is a function similar to a PC or notebook with an easy-to-carry operating system and mobile application. A smartphone will usually be equipped with a separate operating system / OS. At this time the most famous operating system is Android is a search engine giant, namely Google. Before we make we need to design the application that we made, so that the user understands and easily uses the application create

    Pengujian Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Website Menggunakan Teknik Equivalence Partitioning dan Metode Black Box

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    This academic information system still has shortcomings in the data validation process, which will cause the data stored in the database not to match the desired data. Then it is proposed to test using the Black Box method with Equivalence Partitioning Techniques as a whole regarding the use, benefits, and results obtained from using the software. Black-box testing is a very important testing technique because it can identify errors in functions, interfaces, sample data, and access to external data sources. in implementation there are sometimes problems with testers who are not sure whether the software actually passes the test. in this implementation, the software that will be tested using black box testing is a website-based academic information system. Equivalence Partitioning Techniques discusses testing in the validation aspect of input data in terms of valid classes. From this research, it can be concluded that testing the level of accuracy of academic issues system software can provide the right solution for the school

    Pengujian Black Box pada Sistem Informasi Penjualan HI Shoe Store Menggunakan Teknik Equivalence Partitions

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    Testing software that is incomplete and ineffective can cause various problems that cause losses, especially for users, this test is carried out to ensure that if it does not match what is expected then the system fails. The sales information system at the Hi Shoe Store is then carried out using the Black Box test based on Equivalence Partitions, so it will be known weaknesses in the information system after testing. The system test results show that testing can improve quality and guarantee error free

    Pengujian Black Box pada Aplikasi Penjualan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Equivalence Partitioning

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    In a program or software certainly has some shortcomings in terms of comfort and accuracy to the needs of users (users), such as errors in user appearance, as well as effectiveness in the use of programs. Therefore, a way is needed to be able to fix the deficiency, by testing the program before it is used to the user. And the test is one way to determine whether a software has met the needs of users and specifications or still does not meet. If there is no checking process first, it can cause data error. With these problems, of course, it will hinder the use of the application. Therefore, the validation process is very considered. An application can be said to be of quality if it has gone through the testing stage. In the above, we conducted a blackbox test using the Equivalence Partitioning method, which can be interpreted as solving or dividing a program in the form of a domain that is entered into a data class in order to get a test case. Using this method, we earned quite varied points to test web application sales. The test in question includes things such as the design of the test scenario, the determination of the data to be tested, the test trial, the range of values, the determination of program functionality, conformity with existing databases, the results of documented research, to the conclusions obtained. The conclusion of testing using this method is that this application can run properly by meeting the criteria that meet the user's needs

    Klasterisasi Pengunjung Mall untuk Menentukan Target Pasar Ponsel Terbaru Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    Every day there are always people who visit the mall with different needs, there are some people who visit the mall to buy cell phones that have the latest features to make them look more updated, some just look around and some are not recommend to buy a new one because he still thinks his phone can still be used. To overcome this, electronic goods sales shops, especially those selling cellphones, need an analysis when they want to sell the latest products. They can group those people with expenditure information and their stages using the Kmeans Clustering algorithm. The results of these people will be divided into several clusters, namely people who will buy, people who might buy or people who will not buy, so when these cellphone distributors want to sell the latest cellphones, they will know how many people have the opportunity to buy the cellphone