4 research outputs found
Persuasive communication and tourists behavior in protected areas
Background: Persuasive communication has the opportunity to create and change tourist behavior to better preserve the natural environment, especially in tourism that applies sustainable concepts. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of persuasive communication on tourist behavior in Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park. Methods: The method used in this research is descriptive and verification research methods, with the research approach, used being quantitative and explanatory survey methods. Primary data was obtained through observation of the Ir. H. Djuanda Forest Park and questionnaires to visiting tourists while obtaining secondary data through previous research documents, literature, and government policies. This study uses data analysis techniques with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach based on Partial Least Square (PLS) by testing the hypothesis using path analysis. Results: The study shows that the better the Communicator conveys something, the more influence will be given to tourists. In addition, the better the channel the Communicator provides, the more tourist visitors will increase. Conclusion: The Communicator has a significant favorable influence on tourist behavior, which means that what is conveyed to visitors can be understood, and anything that involves deliberate efforts to change other people’s minds is called persuasive communication. The better the Communicator conveys something, the more influence will be given to tourists. Implications: This study has implications for managers of tourism destinations located in protected areas, especially for local governments, in setting policies for developing tourism destinations
Analisis Kajian Diferensiasi dan Diversifikasi Kurikulum di Indonesia
The curriculum is the main component of systematic and effective learning in formal education, because learning activities are done by teachers with the help of the curriculum. The curriculum contains learning competencies that serve as a path or trajectory that must be traveled by Indonesian students to achieve the ultimate goal of their education. Curriculum differentiation and diversification are two important concepts used in education to respond to the diversity of students' abilities, interests and learning styles. This article analyzes the results of studies on curriculum differentiation and diversification based on a literature review. The findings of this study found that curriculum differentiation and diversification have important roles, both of which can develop students' interests, motivation and potential in the development of local content in their respective regions
Construction of Community Empowerment in A Mountainous Tourism Site
Penelitian ini menyelidiki kondisi dampak positif dan negatif pembangunan Objek Wisata Badega terhadap perubahan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori perubahaan sosial Talcott Parsons dengan menganalogikan perubahan sosial pada masyarakat seperti halnya pertumbuhan pada mahluk hidup. Komponen utama pada pemikiran Parsons adalah adanya proses diferensiasi. Parsons berasumsi bahwa setiap masyarakat tersusun dari sekumpulan subsistem yang berbeda bedasarkan makna fungsionalnya bagi masyarakat yang lebih luas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif di mana informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengelola, masyarakat, pedagang dan wisatawan di sekitar lokasi pariwisata. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui teknik observasi, wawancara dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Para penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan cara pengumpulan data, pengelompokan data, penyusunan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa kondisi masyarakat yang sebelum dibangunnya objek wisata Badega sebagai petani dan buruh bangunan, kini beralih menjadi pedagang dan pengelola objek wisata. Peran pembangunan objek wisata Badega untuk mewadahi potensi mayarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pasar pariwisata. Pembangunan objek wisata Badega menimbulkan dampak positif yaitu membuat masyarakat merasa terlibat dalam pembangunan, membuka lapangan pekerjaan dan menambah daya beli masyarakat; sementara dampak negatif yaitu pencemaran lingkungan dan meningkatkan kejahatan. Kajian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pengambil kebijakan untuk membuat program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang diperlukan guna keterlibatan yang aktif dari masyarakat tersebut, agar pembangunan kepariwisataan dapat berkembang dengan cara saling membantu antar unsur masyarakat dan pemerintah
The presence of a fitness center offers a variety of services, facilities, and competitive prices in the city of Bandung provides a choice for prospective customers to meet their needs and expectations. The unique facilities and services offered by various fitness center providers as an added value in providing customer satisfaction. Also, the fitness center in Bandung city currently has various programs to increase loyalty, one of which is through a membership program. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the loyalty of members of the fitness center in Bandung city. The research method used in this research is descriptive with the nature of quantitative data that aims to test the theory following PLS SEM confirmatory analysis factor. The questionnaire was distributed to 190 sample members in two fitness centers in the city of Bandung, namely Celebrity Fitness. The research hypothesis was tested using SEM PLS factor. The results of the study found that factors such as company image, service quality, and price shape customer loyalty