90 research outputs found

    SUSY scenarios according to EWSB

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    This talk provides a limited review of SUSY scenarios with the focus on the way electroweak symmetry breaking is achieved and understood under different assumptions. Various aspects of naturalness and their implications are discussed and compared.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, presented at The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, 5-12 July, Venice, Ital

    Hidden Higgs Scenarios: new constraints and prospects at the LHC

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    We review the motivation for hidden Higgs scenarios and discuss the light CP odd Higgs scenario in the NMSSM as an example. We summarize experimental constraints including recent limits from BaBar and Aleph. The main part of the talk is the discussion of dominant decay modes of the standard model like Higgs boson, and related decay modes of the charged Higgs and heavy CP even Higgs bosons, in these scenarios with the focus on signatures and prospects for the LHC. Examples include the direct production of a light CP odd Higgs boson, and a light charged Higgs boson in top quark decays.Comment: 5 pages, invited talk at Physics at the LHC 2010, DESY, Hamburg, 7 - 12 June, 201

    Little hierarchy in the minimally specified MSSM

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    We study constrained versions of the minimal supersymmetric model and investigate the hierarchy between the electroweak scale and the scale of superpartners that can be achieved without relying on specifying model parameters by more than one digit. This approach automatically avoids scenarios in which a large hierarchy is obtained by special choices of parameters and yet keeps scenarios that would be otherwise disfavored by various sensitivity measures. We consider models with universal gaugino and scalar masses, models with non-universal Higgs masses or non-universal gaugino masses and focus on scenarios in which all the model parameters are either of the same order or zero at the grand unification scale. We find that the maximal hierarchy between the electroweak scale and stop masses, requiring that model parameters are not specified beyond one digit, ranges from a factor of ∼10−30\sim 10-30 for the CMSSM up to ∼300\sim 300 for models with non-universal Higgs or gaugino masses.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, discussion expanded, matches published versio
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