61 research outputs found

    Micelle fragmentation and wetting in confined flow

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    We use coarse-grained molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the structural and dynamical properties of micelles under non-equilibrium Poiseuille flow in a nano-confined geometry. The effects of flow, confinement, and the wetting properties of die-channel walls on spherical sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles are explored when the micelle is forced through a die-channel slightly smaller than its equilibrium size. Inside the channel, the micelle may fragment into smaller micelles. In addition to the flow rate, the wettability of the channel surfaces dictates whether the micelle fragments and determines the size of the daughter micelles: The overall behavior is determined by the subtle balance between hydrodynamic forces, micelle-wall interactions and self-assembly forces

    Phase Ordering in Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    We study the kinetics of the nematic-isotropic transition in a two-dimensional liquid crystal by using a lattice Boltzmann scheme that couples the tensor order parameter and the flow consistently. Unlike in previous studies, we find the time dependences of the correlation function, energy density, and the number of topological defects obey dynamic scaling laws with growth exponents that, within the numerical uncertainties, agree with the value 1/2 expected from simple dimensional analysis. We find that these values are not altered by the hydrodynamic flow. In addition, by examining shallow quenches, we find that the presence of orientational disorder can inhibit amplitude ordering.Comment: 21 pages, 14 eps figures, revte

    Modelling nematohydrodynamics in liquid crystal devices

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    We formulate a lattice Boltzmann algorithm which solves the hydrodynamic equations of motion for nematic liquid crystals. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated by presenting results for two liquid crystal devices where flow has an important role to play in the switching.Comment: 6 pages including 5 figure

    Heterogeneous colloidal particles immersed in a liquid crystal

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    In this paper, we explore anisotropic interactions between particles with heterogeneous boundary conditions inside both nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals. The results show that when particles are put at different distances and angles with respect to each other, new types of defect structures are produced, depending on the relative distances and directions. In a cholesteric liquid crystal, the value of the pitch affects the defect structures and induced forces. Moreover, it was observed that it is energetically favorable for the particles to remain in a plane parallel to the far-field director in a nematic liquid crystal, while for particles immersed in a cholesteric there are multiple energy minima not all located in the same plane

    Stability of binary colloidal crystals immersed in a cholesteric liquid crystal

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    In this paper, we model a number of both closed-packed and non-closed-packed crystals inside a cholesteric liquid crystal (LC) with different pitch values and nematic LC through the Landau–de Gennes free-energy method. We used binary boundary conditions (normal and planar anchoring) applied on the surface of colloids as we are interested in investigating the stability of binary crystals. The results indicate that body-centered-cubic (BCC) crystals have a lower-energy lattice defect structure than the diamond crystal, and the most energetically favorable BCC lattice can be formed in a cholesteric liquid crystal with a pitch value commensurate with the lattice spacing. Furthermore, it is shown that a pair of binary colloids can be self-assemble into a stable face-centered-cubic lattice structure inside a nematic LC, as it has the lowest energy comparing to diamond and BCC crystals

    Photonic band structure of diamond colloidal crystals in a cholesteric liquid crystal

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    In this paper, we demonstrate the presence of a photonic band gap for a diamond lattice structure made of particles with normal anchoring inside a cholesteric liquid crystal. As is typical for liquid crystals (LCs), there is considerable contrast between the dielectric constant parallel Δ∄ and perpendicular Δ⊄ to the director, with Δ∄/Δ⊄∌4 here. It is shown that the size of the photonic band gap is directly related to the size of colloidal particles and the contrast between the dielectric constant in the particles and the extreme values of Δ in the LC medium (one needs either Δ in the particle much smaller than Δ⊄ or much bigger than Δ∄). No opening is seen in the band diagrams for small particles. For larger particles a partial gap opens when the particles are composed of very low dielectric material but never a complete gap. On the other hand, a complete gap starts to be revealed when the size of the colloidal particles is increased and when a high dielectric constant is used for filling inside the particles. The maximum size of the gap is observed when the particles are large enough so that their surfaces overlap
