1,441 research outputs found
Martingale approach to subexponential asymptotics for random walks
Consider the random walk with independent and
identically distributed increments and negative mean . Let
be the supremum of the random walk. In this note we
present derivation of asymptotics for for
long-tailed distributions. This derivation is based on the martingale arguments
and does not require any prior knowledge of the theory of long-tailed
distributions. In addition the same approach allows to obtain asymptotics for
, where and
.Comment: 9 page
Random walks in cones
We study the asymptotic behavior of a multidimensional random walk in a
general cone. We find the tail asymptotics for the exit time and prove integral
and local limit theorems for a random walk conditioned to stay in a cone. The
main step in the proof consists in constructing a positive harmonic function
for our random walk under minimal moment restrictions on the increments. For
the proof of tail asymptotics and integral limit theorems, we use a strong
approximation of random walks by Brownian motion. For the proof of local limit
theorems, we suggest a rather simple approach, which combines integral theorems
for random walks in cones with classical local theorems for unrestricted random
walks. We also discuss some possible applications of our results to ordered
random walks and lattice path enumeration.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP867 in the Annals of
Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Limit Theorems for Multifractal Products of Geometric Stationary Processes
We investigate the properties of multifractal products of geometric Gaussian
processes with possible long-range dependence and geometric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
processes driven by L\'{e}vy motion and their finite and infinite
superpositions. We present the general conditions for the convergence of
cumulative processes to the limiting processes and investigate their -th
order moments and R\'{e}nyi functions, which are nonlinear, hence displaying
the multifractality of the processes as constructed. We also establish the
corresponding scenarios for the limiting processes, such as log-normal,
log-gamma, log-tempered stable or log-normal tempered stable scenarios.Comment: 41 pages(some errors and misprints are corrected
Ordered random walks with heavy tails
This note continues paper of Denisov and Wachtel (2010), where we have
constructed a -dimensional random walk conditioned to stay in the Weyl
chamber of type . The construction was done under the assumption that the
original random walk has moments. In this note we continue the study of
killed random walks in the Weyl chamber, and assume that the tail of increments
is regularly varying of index . It appears that the asymptotic
behaviour of random walks is different in this case. We determine the
asymptotic behaviour of the exit time, and, using thisinformation, construct a
conditioned process which lives on a partial compactification of the Weyl
chamber.Comment: 20 page
Tail asymptotics for the supercritical Galton-Watson process in the heavy-tailed case
As well known, for a supercritical Galton-Watson process whose
offspring distribution has mean , the ratio has a.s. limit,
say . We study tail behaviour of the distributions of and in the
case where has heavy-tailed distribution, that is, \E e^{\lambda
Z_1}=\infty for every . We show how different types of
distributions of lead to different asymptotic behaviour of the tail of
and . We describe the most likely way how large values of the process
Limit theorems for a random directed slab graph
We consider a stochastic directed graph on the integers whereby a directed
edge between and a larger integer exists with probability
depending solely on the distance between the two integers. Under broad
conditions, we identify a regenerative structure that enables us to prove limit
theorems for the maximal path length in a long chunk of the graph. The model is
an extension of a special case of graphs studied by Foss and Konstantopoulos,
Markov Process and Related Fields, 9, 413-468. We then consider a similar type
of graph but on the `slab' , where is a finite partially
ordered set. We extend the techniques introduced in the in the first part of
the paper to obtain a central limit theorem for the longest path. When is
linearly ordered, the limiting distribution can be seen to be that of the
largest eigenvalue of a random matrix in the Gaussian unitary
ensemble (GUE).Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure
Tail behaviour of stationary distribution for Markov chains with asymptotically zero drift
We consider a Markov chain on with asymptotically zero drift and finite
second moments of jumps which is positive recurrent. A power-like asymptotic
behaviour of the invariant tail distribution is proven; such a heavy-tailed
invariant measure happens even if the jumps of the chain are bounded. Our
analysis is based on test functions technique and on construction of a harmonic
function.Comment: 27 page
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