71 research outputs found

    Horizontal factorizations of certain Hasse--Weil zeta functions - a remark on a paper by Taniyama

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    In one of his papers, using arguments about l-adic representations, Taniyama expresses the zeta function of an abelian variety over a number field as an infinite product of modified Artin L-functions. The latter can be further decomposed as products of modified Dedekind zeta functions. After recalling Taniyama's work, we give a simple geometric proof of the resulting product formula for abelian and more general group schemes

    Witt Vector Rings and the Relative de Rham Witt Complex

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    In this paper we develop a novel approach to Witt vector rings and to the (relative) de Rham Witt complex. We do this in the generality of arbitrary commutative algebras and arbitrary truncation sets. In our construction of Witt vector rings the ring structure is obvious and there is no need for universal polynomials. Moreover a natural generalization of the construction easily leads to the relative de Rham Witt complex. Our approach is based on the use of free or at least torsion free presentations of a given commutative ring RR and it is an important fact that the resulting objects are independent of all choices. The approach via presentations also sheds new light on our previous description of the ring of pp-typical Witt vectors of a perfect Fp\mathbb{F}_p-algebra as a completion of a semigroup algebra. We develop this description in different directions. For example, we show that the semigroup algebra can be replaced by any free presentation of RR equipped with a linear lift of the Frobenius automorphism. Using the result in the appendix by Umberto Zannier we also extend the description of the Witt vector ring as a completion to all Fˉp\bar{\mathbb{F}}_p-algebras with injective Frobenius map.Comment: Appendix by Umberto Zannier; added the construction of a functorial noncommutative Witt vector ring with Frobenius Verschiebung and Teichm\"uller maps for noncommutative rings extending the commutative theor

    Vector bundles on p-adic curves and parallel transport

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    We define functorial isomorphisms of parallel transport along etale paths for a class of vector bundles on a p-adic curve. All bundles of degree zero whose reduction is strongly semistable belong to this class. In particular, they give rise to representations of the algebraic fundamental group of the curve. This may be viewed as a partial analogue of the classical Narasimhan-Seshadri theory of vector bundles on compact Riemann surfaces.Comment: The main result is now valid for arbitrary reduction; Theorems 5, 16, 17, 18 and 20 are either improvements of results in the first version or new. The article will appear in Annales Sci. de l'ENS 56 page

    An alternative to Witt vectors

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    The ring of Witt vectors associated to a ring R is a classical tool in algebra. We introduce a ring C(R) which is more easily constructed and which is isomorphic to the ring of Witt vectors W(R) for a perfect F_p-algebra R. It is obtained as the completion of the monoid ring ZR, for the multiplicative monoid R, with respect to the powers of the kernel of the natural map from ZR to R.Comment: slightly expanded introduction, proposition 4 added which gives a simple description of C(R) as an additive grou
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