29 research outputs found

    Higher superconducting transition temperature by breaking the universal pressure relation

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    By investigating the bulk superconducting state via dc magnetization measurements, we have discovered a common resurgence of the superconductive transition temperatures (Tcs) of the monolayer Bi2Sr2CuO6+{\delta} (Bi2201) and bilayer Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta} (Bi2212) to beyond the maximum Tcs (Tc-maxs) predicted by the universal relation between Tc and doping (p) or pressure (P) at higher pressures. The Tc of under-doped Bi2201 initially increases from 9.6 K at ambient to a peak at ~ 23 K at ~ 26 GPa and then drops as expected from the universal Tc-P relation. However, at pressures above ~ 40 GPa, Tc rises rapidly without any sign of saturation up to ~ 30 K at ~ 51 GPa. Similarly, the Tc for the slightly overdoped Bi2212 increases after passing a broad valley between 20-36 GPa and reaches ~ 90 K without any sign of saturation at ~ 56 GPa. We have therefore attributed this Tc-resurgence to a possible pressure-induced electronic transition in the cuprate compounds due to a charge transfer between the Cu 3d_(x^2-y^2 ) and the O 2p bands projected from a hybrid bonding state, leading to an increase of the density of states at the Fermi level, in agreement with our density functional theory calculations. Similar Tc-P behavior has also been reported in the trilayer Br2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+{\delta} (Bi2223). These observations suggest that higher Tcs than those previously reported for the layered cuprate high temperature superconductors can be achieved by breaking away from the universal Tc-P relation through the application of higher pressures.Comment: 13 pages, including 5 figure

    Theory and Experiments of Pressure-Tunable Broadband Light Emission from Self-Trapped Excitons in Metal Halide Crystals

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    Hydrostatic pressure has been commonly applied to tune broadband light emissions from self-trapped excitons (STE) in perovskites for producing white light and study of basic electron-phonon interactions. However, a general theory is still lacking to understand pressure-driven evolution of STE emissions. In this work we first identify a theoretical model that predicts the effect of hydrostatic pressure on STE emission spectrum, we then report the observation of extremely broadband photoluminescence emission and its wide pressure spectral tuning in 2D indirect bandgap CsPb2Br5 crystals. An excellent agreement is found between the theory and experiment on the peculiar experimental observation of STE emission with a nearly constant spectral bandwidth but linearly increasing energy with pressure below 2 GPa. Further analysis by the theory and experiment under higher pressure reveals that two types of STE are involved and respond differently to external pressure. We subsequently survey published STE emissions and discovered that most of them show a spectral blue-shift under pressure, as predicted by the theory. The identification of an appropriate theoretical model and its application to STE emission through the coordinate configuration diagram paves the way for engineering the STE emission and basic understanding of electron-phonon interaction

    Room-temperature ferromagnetism in epitaxial bilayer FeSb/SrTiO3(001) terminated with a Kagome lattice

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    Two-dimensional (2D) magnets exhibit unique physical properties for potential applications in spintronics. To date, most 2D ferromagnets are obtained by mechanical exfoliation of bulk materials with van der Waals interlayer interactions, and the synthesis of single or few-layer 2D ferromagnets with strong interlayer coupling remains experimentally challenging. Here, we report the epitaxial growth of 2D non-van der Waals ferromagnetic bilayer FeSb on SrTiO3(001) substrates stabilized by strong coupling to the substrate, which exhibits in-plane magnetic anisotropy and a Curie temperature above 300 K. In-situ low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and density-functional theory calculations further reveal that a Fe Kagome layer terminates the bilayer FeSb. Our results open a new avenue for further exploring emergent quantum phenomena from the interplay of ferromagnetism and topology for application in spintronics

    Three-Dimensional Flat Bands and Dirac Cones in a Pyrochlore Superconductor

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    Emergent phases often appear when the electronic kinetic energy is comparable to the Coulomb interactions. One approach to seek material systems as hosts of such emergent phases is to realize localization of electronic wavefunctions due to the geometric frustration inherent in the crystal structure, resulting in flat electronic bands. Recently, such efforts have found a wide range of exotic phases in the two-dimensional kagome lattice, including magnetic order, time-reversal symmetry breaking charge order, nematicity, and superconductivity. However, the interlayer coupling of the kagome layers disrupts the destructive interference needed to completely quench the kinetic energy. Here we experimentally demonstrate that an interwoven kagome network--a pyrochlore lattice--can host a three dimensional (3D) localization of electron wavefunctions. In particular, through a combination of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, fundamental lattice model and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we present the novel electronic structure of a pyrochlore superconductor, CeRu2_2. We find striking flat bands with bandwidths smaller than 0.03 eV in all directions--an order of magnitude smaller than that of kagome systems. We further find 3D gapless Dirac cones predicted originally by theory in the diamond lattice space group with nonsymmorphic symmetry. Our work establishes the pyrochlore structure as a promising lattice platform to realize and tune novel emergent phases intertwining topology and many-body interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Fermion-boson many-body interplay in a frustrated kagome paramagnet

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    Kagome-net, appearing in areas of fundamental physics, materials, photonic and cold-atom systems, hosts frustrated fermionic and bosonic excitations. However, it is extremely rare to find a system to study both fermionic and bosonic modes to gain insights into their many-body interplay. Here we use state-of-the-art scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to discover unusual electronic coupling to flat-band phonons in a layered kagome paramagnet. Our results reveal the kagome structure with unprecedented atomic resolution and observe the striking bosonic mode interacting with dispersive kagome electrons near the Fermi surface. At this mode energy, the fermionic quasi-particle dispersion exhibits a pronounced renormalization, signaling a giant coupling to bosons. Through a combination of self-energy analysis, first-principles calculation, and a lattice vibration model, we present evidence that this mode arises from the geometrically frustrated phonon flat-band, which is the lattice analog of kagome electron flat-band. Our findings provide the first example of kagome bosonic mode (flat-band phonon) in electronic excitations and its strong interaction with fermionic degrees of freedom in kagome-net materials.Comment: To appear in Nature Communications (2020