163 research outputs found

    Gluon - W-meson scattering via different renormalization schemes

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    The one loop gluon - W-meson amplitude is calculated by means of the gauge-invariant generalized Pauli-Villars regularization and with the help of dimensional regularization. It is shown that in the former case the amplitude satisfies Generalized Ward Identities, whereas in the latter case the amplitude differs from the first one by the constant.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, uses linedraw, accepted for publication in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    A practical gauge invariant regularization of the SO(10) grand unified model

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    It is shown that a simple modification of the dimensional regularization allows to compute in a consistent and gauge invariant way any diagram with less than four loops in the SO(10) unified model. The method applies also to the Standard Model generated by the symmetry breaking SO(10)→SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)SO(10) \to SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1). A gauge invariant regularization for arbitrary diagram is also described.Comment: 10 pages, uses linedraw.st

    Long-term variations in the critical frequency of the midlatitude F2 layer at noon

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    Based on an analysis of the midday data of the midlatitude ionospheric stations in the Northern Hemisphere, it is indicated that the quiet monthly median f0F2m depends also on the relative sunspot number R×averaged for 11 years: an increase in R×results in decreasing f0F2m two years later. This dependence is shown to be the main cause of long-term f0F2 variations at all longitudes. On this basis, it is assumed that long-term variations in the solar UV radiation flux and (or) in the thermospheric parameters should depend on R. It is indicated that a linear time variation (trend) of the relative f0F2 values is a less important cause of the longterm variations in f0F2. This ionospheric trend is found to be longitude-dependent: it is significant and maximal at longitudes of 100°-290° E and virtually absent over Europe. This effect is apparently associated with the fact that the ionospheric trend is the sum of trends caused by the greenhouse effect P and the secular variations in the magnetic field M. The trends in P and M are shown to be insignificant, but their sum results in a significant trend at certain longitudes. Copyright © 2001 by MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Properties of the F2-layer critical frequency median in the nocturnal subauroral ionosphere during low and moderate solar activity

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Based on an analysis of data from the European ionospheric stations at subauroral latitudes, it has been found that the main ionospheric trough (MIT) is not characteristic for the monthly median of the F2-layer critical frequency (foF2), at least for low and moderate solar activity. In order to explain this effect, the properties of foF2 in the nocturnal subauroral ionosphere have been additionally studied for low geomagnetic activity, when the MIT localization is known quite reliably. It has been found that at low and moderate solar activity during night hours in winter, the foF2 data from ionospheric stations are often absent in the MIT area. For this reason, a model of the foF2 monthly median, which was constructed from the remaining data of these stations, contains no MIT or a very weakly pronounced MIT

    Seasonal features in the spread-F probability near midnight over Moscow

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    Using the data of Moscow station for 1975-1985, the seasonal features in the dependence of the spread-F probability P near midnight on the levels of solar and geomagnetic activity have been analyzed. It has been found that the P dependence on solar activity is most substantial in winter and fall, the P dependence on geomagnetic activity is maximal during equinoxes, and the P dependence on solar activity prevails in summer but is much weaker than in winter and fall. Based on the qualitative analysis of the known mechanisms of the midlatitude spread-F, the regression equation, which shows the P dependence on the solar activity level and thermospheric parameters (temperature and density) at a fixed average level of geomagnetic activity, has been obtained. In this equation the character of the seasonal changes in P is determined by the thermospheric parameters, the relative contribution of which depends on solar activity. The found dependence of the character of the P seasonal variations on the solar activity level has been interpreted based on this equation. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2009

    Longitudinal effect in the dependence of the critical frequency of the midlatitude E layer on solar activity

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    Variations in the critical frequency of the E layer, foE, measured at Boulder and Tashkent stations located at almost coinciding geographical latitudes but at strongly different geomagnetic latitudes are analyzed. The following conclusions are drawn. (a) Late in the fall and in the winter, the foE values at these stations are distinctly different at low solar activity. This difference decreases with increasing solar activity. In other words, the longitudinal effect in the foE dependence on solar activity is significant for these conditions. (b) This effect is almost absent in summer; i.e., the difference in foE dependence on solar activity at these stations is insignificant for the given season. It has been substantiated that the dependence of the nitric oxide concentration [NO] on geomagnetic latitude, season, and solar activity is one of the main causes of this longitudinal effect. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2007

    Alfven Wave Generation by means of High Orbital Injection of Barium Cloud in Magnetosphere

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    An analysis of the Alfven wave generation associated with the barium vapor release at altitudes ~ 5.2 Earth's radii (ER) in the magnetosphere is presented. Such injections were executed in G-8 and G-10 experiments of the Combined Radiation and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) mission. It is shown that the generation of Alfven waves is possible during the total time of plasma expansion. The maximum intensity of these waves corresponds to the time of complete retardation of the diamagnetic cavity created by the expansion of plasma cloud. The Alfven wave exhibits a form of an impulse with an effective frequency ~ 0.03-0.05 Hz. Due to the background conditions and wave frequency, the wave mainly oscillates along the geomagnetic field between the mirror reflection points situated at ~ 0.7 ER. The wave amplitude is sufficient to the generation of plasma instabilities and longitudinal electric field, and to an increase in the longitudinal energy of electrons to ~ 1 keV. These processes are the most probable for altitudes ~ 1 ER. The auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) at frequencies ~ 100 kHz is associated with these accelerated electrons. The acceleration of electrons and AKR can be observed almost continuously during the first minute and then from time to time with pauses about 35-40 s till 6-8 min after the release. The betatron acceleration of electrons at the recovery of the geomagnetic field is also discussed. This mechanism could be responsible for the acceleration of electrons resulting in the aurorae and ultra short radio wave storm at frequencies 50-300 MHz observed at the 8-10th min after the release.Comment: Presented at COSPAR 200

    Dependence of the long-term variations in the F2-layer critical frequency at midlatitudes on the geomagnetic field

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    A long-term trend in the F2-layer critical frequency (foF2) has been distinguished based on daytime data of midlatitude stations in the Northern Hemisphere, obtained from 1957 to 1995, and using special measures aimed at eliminating the influence of solar and geomagnetic activities on the ionosphere. It has been obtained that the trend sign and value depend significantly on longitude. The values of the negative trend in foF2 are maximum at the longitudes near the extremal negative declination of the magnetic field. This longitude effect is apparently related to the plasma drift due to the westward thermospheric wind via the long-term wind variations and secular variations in the magnetic field. The increase in the westward wind during 1957-1995 may be related to the time increase in the magnetic disturbance frequency and to a relatively slow wind relaxation to undisturbed state after the end of a magnetic disturbance. © 2002 by MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" (Russia)

    Assessment of the Probability of Occurrence of Normal Cracks in a Reinforced Concrete Beam with Probabilistic Parameters Lying on a Stochastic Half-Plane

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    The work of a reinforced concrete beam resting on an elastic foundation is considered. The strength characteristics of the beam materials - concrete and reinforcement - are considered as random normally distributed quantities. The parameters of the distribution of the probability density of the initial stiffness of the beam, the moment of crack resistance of the beam under the control of the strength of concrete in compression and tension are obtained. The beam base is considered as statistically inhomogeneous elastic half-plane with the soil elasticity modulus taken as a quasi-stationary random function of depth. The load on the beam, its geometric parameters and the modulus of elasticity of the foundation soil are taken as deterministic values. The parameters of the density distribution of the probability of bending moments in a reinforced concrete beam lying on a stochastic half-plane, and the probability of the formation of normal cracks in it, are obtained for the case of controlling the strength of concrete only in compression and for the case of controlling the strength of concrete both in compression and in tension

    Distribution of pairing functions in superconducting spin valve SF1F2

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    The distribution of the spin-singlet component, the short-range spin-triplet component with zero projection, and the long-range spin-triplet component with projection ±1 of the superconducting pairing function has been obtained for different regimes of switching of a spin valve with a three-layer heterostructure (superconductor/ferromagnet/ferromagnet). The distribution of the components is discussed as the main reason for the behavior of the superconducting transition temperature as a function of the angle between the magnetic moments of the ferromagnetic layers in these regimes
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