29 research outputs found

    Composição, conhecimento e uso de plantas de campinarana por moradores da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé – Amazônia Central

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    The Amazonian white sand vegetation present a set of unique features, such as the dominance of few species, high endemism level and low species richness which differentiate it from other Amazonian forest, as the upland forests and periodically flooded forests. Besides the greater biological diversity of the planet Amazon has a great ethnic and cultural diversity, where many human populations hold a range of knowledge about the environment they live in, this knowledge related to the flora is an important cultural component to these populations and may vary greatly depending on the type of vegetation. This work was divided in two chapters, the first was investigated the floristic composition, structure, similarity, diversity and the influence of the granulometric and nutritional parameters of the soil over the tree species distribution in three Central Amazonian white sand vegetation spots. In each area three plots of 50 x 50 m were allocated, totaling 2,25 ha. The number of individuals sampled was 3956, which were divided in 140 species and 40 families. The individuals’ size was small, with few emerging, and more than half of the individuals classified in the first diameter class (5 to 10 cm). The similarity between the areas was relatively high, especially when rare species were taken away from the analysis, however, some plots of different areas presented very low similarity values between each other. The analyzed diversity index showed considerable diversity variation between the plots, however little variation between the areas, where it was found great dominance of few species. The variation of the granulometric and nutritional gradient was significantly related to the floristic composition, however the nutritional factor was preponderant in this relation. It is postulated that even small soil parameters variations can change significantly the abundance and distribution of the species, causing certain dominant species in an area to be little frequent in others. In the second chapter aimed to analyze usage patterns of white sand vegetation plants and socials characteristics of the habitants related to knowledge and use of plants. Were interviewed a total of 69 residents belonging to two communities of Sustainable Development Reserve Tupé. To evaluate the knowledge and the use of plants by the residents was used the UV (Use Value) and the index of Cognitive Salience (S) for the species considered most important (Si), and also for species considered at risk by residents (Sr). The hypothesis of ecological appearance was tested by correlation between the structural parameters of vegetation and cited ethnobotanical indexes. The residents cited the Construction category, then from the Food as the most used, wood is the part of the plant most used by residents. The variable that best explained the knowledge of residents about the plants was the residence time in the community, but the power of analysis of the explanation was low, showing that other variables not collected may be influencing this relation. The hypothesis of ecological appearance was partially proven, having been demonstrated only when analyzing the interaction of the two ethnobotanical knowledge of measurement indices used (UV and S). The phytosociological parameter that best explained the use of trees by the residents was the Relative Dominance (RDo); the test of the hypothesis of appearance by category of use showed that Construction was correlated with all phytosociological parameters, where the RDo had the highest correlation, Technology category also was correlated with the Relative Frequency (RFr) and the Importance Value (IV). The data obtained are of great importance for understanding of plant species usage patterns of a fragile environment as the white sand vegetation and to support management strategies of sustainable use conservation unit area in question.As Campinaranas amazônicas apresentam um conjunto de características únicas, como a dominância de poucas espécies, alto grau de endemismo e baixa riqueza de espécies que as diferenciam de outras formações florestais amazônicas, como as matas de terra firme e matas periodicamente alagáveis. Além da maior diversidade biológica do planeta a Amazônia apresenta uma grande diversidade étnica e cultural, onde muitas populações humanas detêm uma gama de conhecimentos sobre o meio em que vivem, este conhecimento relacionado com a flora é um componente cultural importante para estas populações e pode variar muito dependendo do tipo de vegetação. A presente dissertação foi dividida em dois capítulos, no primeiro foi investigada a composição florística, estrutura, similaridade, diversidade e a influência dos parâmetros granulométricos e nutricionais do solo sobre a distribuição e abundância das espécies arbóreas em três manchas de Campinarana na Amazônia Central. Em cada área foram alocadas três parcelas de 50 x 50 m, totalizando 2,25 ha. Foram amostrados 3956 indivíduos divididos em 140 espécies e 40 famílias. O porte dos indíviduos foi baixo, com poucos emergentes, e mais da metade dos indivíduos contidos na primeira classe de diâmetro (5 a 10 cm). A similaridade entre as áreas foi relativamente alta, principalmente quando retiradas as espécies raras da análise, contudo, algumas parcelas de diferentes áreas apresentaram valores de similaridade muito baixos entre si. Os índices de diversidade analisados mostraram considerável variação de diversidade entre as parcelas, porém pouca variação entre as áreas, onde encontrou-se grande dominância de poucas espécies. A variação do gradiente granulométrico e nutricional foi significativamente relacionada com a composição florística, porém o fator nutricional foi preponderante nesta relação. Postula-se que mesmo pequenas variações dos parâmetros do solo podem mudar significativamente a abundância e distribuição das espécies, fazendo com que determinadas espécies dominantes em uma área, passem a ser pouco frequentes em outras. No segundo capítulo buscou-se analisar padrões de uso das plantas de Campinarana bem como características socias dos comunitários relacionadas ao conhecimento e uso das plantas. Foram entrevistados ao todo 69 moradores pertencentes a duas comunidades da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé. Para avaliar o conhecimento e o uso das plantas pelos moradores foi utilizado o VU (Valor de Uso) e o índice de Saliência Cognitiva (S) para as espécies consideradas as mais importantes (Si), e também para as espécies consideradas em risco pelos moradores (Sr). A hipótese da aparência ecológica foi testada através da correlação entre os parâmetros estruturais da vegetação e os índices etnobotânicos citados. Os moradores citaram a categoria Construção, seguida da Alimentícia como as mais usadas, sendo a madeira a parte da planta mais utilizada pelos moradores. A variável que mais explicou o conhecimento dos moradores sobre as plantas foi o tempo de residência na comunidade, porém o poder de explicação da análise foi baixo, mostrando que outras variáveis não coletadas podem estar influenciando esta relação. A hipótese da aparência ecológica foi parcialmente comprovada, tendo sido demonstrada apenas quando feita análise da interação dos dois índices de mensuração do conhecimento etnobotânico utilizados (VU e S). O parâmetro fitossociológico que mais explicou o uso da vegetação arbórea pelos moradores foi a Dominância Relativa (DoR); o teste da hipótese da aparência por categoria de uso mostrou que Construção foi correlacionada com todos os parâmetros fitossociológicos, onde a DoR apresentou a maior correlação, já a categoria Tecnologia foi correlacionada com a Frequência Relativa (FrR) e o Valor de Importância (VI). Os dados obtidos são de grande importância para se entender padrões de uso das espécies vegetais de um ambiente frágil como as Campinaranas e para embasar estratégias de manejo da Unidade de Conservação de uso sustentável em questão

    New records and range extension of a Brazilian Amazon white-sand endemic species: Roraimaea aurantiaca Struwe, S.Nilsson & V.A.Albert (Gentianaceae)

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    Roraimaea aurantiaca Struwe, S.Nilsson & V.A.Albert, a white-sand endemic species, was previously known from only two specimens collected in Roraima state, Brazil. Our new field collections and re-identified herbarium specimens expand this species’ distribution and include the first records from the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Based on this effort, we present a distribution map, preliminary conservation status of Endangered, the first photographs of living plants, and an updated morphological description. This study aggregates new information on the flora of the northern Amazon Basin, in addition to discussing conservation of R. aurantiaca

    Germinação de sementes e morfologia de plântulas de espécies pioneiras da várzea amazônica

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    The white-water floodplain forests (várzea) have been affected for centuries by various human activities that endanger the integrity of this ecosystem, demanding studies that provide conservation and restoration. The objective of this study was to characterize the seedling morphology of three pioneer species present in the floodplain forest of Catalão Lake – AM: Cecropia latiloba Miq. (Urticaceae), Ficus insipida Willd. (Moraceae), Allophylus amazonicus (Mart.) Radlk. (Sapindaceae), as a subsidy to create tools for the field identification. Seeds were collected from three different matrices, these were processed and placed in trays for germination in soil from the collection site. Each developmental phase until the seedling formation was analyzed and morphologically described. In the three species, the germination was classified as epigeal and phanerocotyledonous, and all showed morphological differences in cotyledons, eophylls and cataphylls, allowing the visual separation of them. Our results indicate that the leaf morphology is an important tool to help the identification and differentiation from the early stages of the seedling development. This knowledge can support management strategies such as the formation of a seedling bank for the recovery of degraded várzea forests areas.As florestas de várzea estão sendo afetadas ao longo de séculos por diversas atividades antrópicas que põem em risco a integridade desse ecossistema, demandando estudos que propiciem sua conservação e restauração. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a morfologia de plântulas de três espécies pioneiras presentes na floresta de várzea do lago Catalão - AM: Cecropia latiloba Miq. (Urticaceae), Ficus insipida Willd. (Moraceae) e Allophylus amazonicus (Mart.) Radlk. (Sapindaceae) como subsídio para criar ferramentas para sua identificação em campo. Para cada espécie foram coletadas sementes de três diferentes matrizes, as quais foram processadas e acondicionadas em bandejas para germinação em solo proveniente do local de coleta. Foram analisadas e descritas morfologicamente cada fase de desenvolvimento até a formação de plântulas e mudas. Nas três espécies, a germinação foi classificada como epígea e fanerocotiledonar, e todas apresentaram diferenças morfológicas nos cotilédones, eófilos e catáfilos, permitindo a separação visual das mesmas. Os resultados indicam que a morfologia foliar é uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar a identificação e diferenciação desde as fases iniciais do desenvolvimento das plântulas. Esse conhecimento pode subsidiar estratégias de manejo como a formação de banco de plântulas para a recuperação de áreas degradadas de várzea

    A Review of the Ecological and Biogeographic Differences of Amazonian Floodplain Forests

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    Amazonian floodplain forests along large rivers consist of two distinct floras that are traced to their differentiated sediment- and nutrient-rich (várzea) or sediment- and nutrient-poor (igapó) environments. While tree species in both ecosystems have adapted to seasonal floods that may last up to 270–300 days year−1, ecosystem fertility, hydrogeomorphic disturbance regimes, water shortage and drought, fire, and even specific microclimates are distinct between both ecosystems and largely explain the differences in forest productivity and taxonomic composition and diversity. Here, we review existing knowledge about the influence of these environmental factors on the tree flora of both ecosystems, compare species composition and diversity between central Amazonian várzeas and igapós, and show that both ecosystems track distinct species life-history traits. The ecosystem-level and taxonomic differences also largely explain the biogeographic connections of várzeas and igapós to other Amazonian and extra-Amazonian ecosystems. We highlight the major evolutionary force of large-river wetlands for Amazonian tree diversity and explore the scenarios by which the large number of Amazonian floodplain specialist tree species might even contribute to the gamma diversity of the Amazon by generating new species. Finally, we call attention to the urgent need of an improved conservation of Amazonian várzea and igapó ecosystems and their tree species

    Composição florística, estrutura e relação solo-vegetação em três áreas de campinarana na Amazônia central

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    The Amazonian white-sand vegetation presents a set of unique features, such as the dominance of a few species, high endemism and low species richness, which differentiate it from other Amazonian forests. Soil parameters have long been recognized as the main drivers of white-sand vegetation (WSV) characteristics. However, how they influence the composition, richness and structure of this vegetation type is still poorly understood. In this study we investigated the variation in floristic composition between patches and the soil-vegetation relations in three central Amazonian WSV patches. We tested whether slight differences in soil properties are linked with differences in floristic composition, species richness and forest structure in adjacent patches. In each patch three plots of 50 x 50 m were sampled (a total of 2.25 ha). Soil samples were collected for each plot. The sampling cutoff for arboreal individuals was DBH ≥ 5 cm. We sampled a total of 3956 individuals belonging to 40 families and 140 species. In each patch only a few species were dominant, but the dominant species varied among patches. Differences among patches were significant, but plots in the same patch tended to have similar species composition. The variable sum of bases (SB) was directly related to species composition, however, species richness and forest structure were not related to soil parameters. Even small variations in soil parameters can change species composition in WSV, although these variations do not necessarily influence the richness and other structural parameters. © 2018, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia. All rights reserved

    The specialized white-sand flora of the Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve, central Amazon, Brazil

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    The consensus is that Amazonian white-sand ecosystems (campinaranas) shelter several endemic plant species. However, recent studies have shown that most species are generalists, and they also occur in other Neotropical ecosystems. To investigate this issue, we analyzed the proportion of endemic/specialist species in a checklist of trees, palms, and shrubs sampled between 2014 and 2020 in campinarana patches of the Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve (USDR), central Amazon. We also provide a description of phytophysiognomies, habitats, distribution, and phenology. We found 167 species belonging to 117 genera and 50 families. Fabaceae was the most representative (21 spp.), followed by Rubiaceae (16 spp.) and Chrysobalanaceae (10 spp.). We found that 30.5% of the species were exclusive to campinaranas, confirming that although there are many endemics, proportionally most species are generalists. The USDR has a rich flora specialized in oligotrophic habitats, which must be considered in the management and conservation strategies of these complex and fragile Amazonian ecosystems

    Predicting the potential distribution of aquatic herbaceous plants in oligotrophic Central Amazonian wetland ecosystems

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    Aquatic herbaceous plants are especially suitable for mapping environmental variability in wetlands, as they respond quickly to environmental gradients and are good indicators of habitat preference. We describe the composition of herbaceous species in two oligotrophic wetland ecosystems, floodplains along black-water rivers (igapo) and wetlands upon hydromorphic sand soils (campinarana) in the Parque Nacional do Jau and the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel Uatuma in Central Amazonia, both protected areas. We tested for the potential distribution range (PDR) of the most frequent species of these ecosystems, which are the ones that occurred in at least two of the sampled wetlands, using species distribution models (SDMs). In total, 98 aquatic herbaceous species were recorded, of which 63 occurred in igapos and 44 in campinaranas. Most igapo species had ample PDRs across the Neotropics, while most campinaranas species were restricted to the Amazon Basin. These results are congruent with studies that described similar distribution patterns for tree and bird species, which emphasizes a high degree of endemism in Amazonian campinarana. However, we also found differences in the potential distribution of species between the two protected areas, indicating high environmental variability of oligotrophic ecosystems that deserve further investigation to develop effective measures for their conservation and protection

    The shadow of the Balbina dam: A synthesis of over 35 years of downstream impacts on floodplain forests in Central Amazonia

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    1. The Balbina hydropower dam in the Central Amazon basin, established in the Uatumã River in the 1980s, is emblematic for its socio‐environmental disaster. Its environmental impacts go far beyond the reservoir and dam, however, affecting the floodplain forests (igapó) in the downstream area (dam shadow), which have been assessed using a transdisciplinary research approach, synthesized in this review. 2. Floodplain tree species are adapted to a regular and predictable flood pulse, with high‐ and low‐water periods occurring during the year. This was severely affected by the operation of the Balbina dam, which caused the suppression of both the aquatic phase at higher floodplain elevations and the terrestrial phase at lower floodplain elevations (termed the ‘sandwich effect’). 3. During the period of construction and reservoir fill, large‐scale mortality already occurred in the floodplains of the dam shadow as a result of reduced stream flow, in synergy with severe drought conditions induced by El Niño events, causing hydraulic failure and making floodplains vulnerable to wildfires. 4. During the operational period of the dam, permanent flooding conditions at low topographical elevations resulted in massive tree mortality. So far, 12% of the igapó forests have died along a downstream river stretch of more than 125 km. As a result of flood suppression at the highest elevations, an encroachment of secondary tree species from upland (terra firme) forests occurred. 5. More than 35 years after the implementation of the Balbina dam, the downstream impacts caused massive losses of macrohabitats, ecosystem services, and diversity of flood‐adapted tree species, probably cascading down to the entire food web, which must be considered in conservation management. 6. These findings are discussed critically, emphasizing the urgent need for the Brazilian environmental regulatory agencies to incorporate downstream impacts in the environmental assessments of several dam projects planned for the Amazon region.Additional co-authors: Flávia Machado Durgante, Aline Lopes, Susan E. Trumbore, Hans ter Steege, Adalberto Luis Val, Wolfgang J. Junk, Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedad