451 research outputs found

    Renovation and post-intervention management

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    Space radiation environment activities in ASIF support center at Physics Dep. of Milano Bicocca University

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    The ASIF program has been established as a partnership agreement between the Italian institutions involved in space, technology, and particle accelerator research: ASI, ENEA and INFN. It aims to make available, to space communities, a coordinated set of irradiation facilities by means of the ASIF gateway website (www.asifgateway.asi.it) developed in the ASIF support center at the Physics Department of Milano-Bicocca University. Furthermore, the project allows for conducting research and technology programs targeted at expanding the knowledge of radiation damage mechanisms and developing simulation tools to model particle fluxes and their transport to predict the expected operating conditions in the space radiation environment. As an example, within the space radiation environment activities of ASIF calculators were made available for assessing the effects due to large energy deposition in devices (e.g., SEE) and cosmic rays fluences on the devices along a custom transfer orbit provided by the user, for determining the electronic stopping power and total ionizing dose (TID), NIEL and Total non-ionizing dose (TNID). More tools are available at the ASIF-supported websites: www.sr-niel.org, www.helmod.org, and www.geomagsphere.org

    Exploring Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity: A HelMod Model Perspective

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    Since its launch, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02) has played a key role in providing precise cosmic-ray (CR) spectra measurements, contributing to various scientific advancements. Challenges arise at lower energies due to temporal variations in solar activity, impacting CR intensity assessments. The HelMod-4 model balances a comprehensive particle propagation theory and a user-friendly numerical model, addressing the solar modulation contribution for Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) intensity. This work presents the latest version of the HelMod Model, focusing on the descending phase of solar cycle 24 through a data-driven approach. Additionally, we showcase how HelMod can be used in combination with other codes and experimental data to reveal disparities with actual models, then, how a better knowledge of processes in the inner Heliosphere contributes to our broader understanding of cosmic ray propagation within the Milky Way galaxy
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