87 research outputs found

    Defining the level of subsurface water with electromagnetic (VLF) and electrical resistance (VES) methods

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    The purpose of the investigations presented in the paper is the determination of the level of underground water for a geologically researched area. On the basis of the geological data are determined the vertical faults and contacts that can be assessed as accumulating areas with possible presence of exploitable amount of underground water.The geophysical approach is based on the preliminary geological investigations as well as the measurable physical parameters, and ultimately is reduced to the application of methods that records electromagnetic waves with very low frequency (VLF) and geoelectrical investigations performed with the method of vertical electrical sounding. The geophysical surveys are applied in stages where the VLF method initially is used as a prospective investigation obtained through three profile lines (positioned transverse of the assumed fault zones), whereas the electrical resistance research is used as an investigative method to define the depth to the assumed water bearing structure. The VLF surveys are obtained through evaluation of the electromagnetic field and filtering the obtained data through different determined depths and are performed with the instrument WADI. The electrical investigations are performed with the instrument TERRASAS 1000

    Geo-electrical measurements in environment with presence of underground water

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    The coal mine “Suvodol” is chosen for geo-electrical examination because it has been most thoroughlyresearched and has the densest network of mapped boreholes. Through examination of the parameters fromthe boreholes and the geological map of the coal mine we determinate the layered structure of the ore body that providesfavorable conditions for applying the method of geo-electrical sounding. In the process of production of themodels particular attention is given to the level of underground water that has dominant influence in the conductivityproperties of the geological structures.The curves of apparent electrical resistance are interpreted while solving the directtask. For acquiring precise and concrete data while interpreting the synthetic curves it is important to obtain accuratedata for the mapped geological material

    Geophysical Aspects of the Geotectonic Processes in the Vardar Zone and the Eastern Macedonian Zone

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    The paper deals with correlation dependencies of individual parameters of the Earth's crust in relationto the depth of Moho-discontinuity. These model investigations used data about the territory of the Republic ofMacedonia. In the models, the territory was divided in three zones based on its neotectonic geologic setting [1]. Theanalysis carried out for the correlation coefficients for individual zones made possible the separation of zones relativeto one another

    GIS model of the basic geological map as a basis for Geodatabase of the Republic of Macedonia

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    This paper presents the process of digitalization of the Basic Geological Map with scale 1:200 000 of the Republic of Macedonia in software package Maplnfo professional 8.0 as a basis for preparing geodatabase for the Republic of Macedonia. The procedure of design and implementation of a GIS project for the Basic Geological Map of the Republic of Macedonia is given, starting with the design of the database table, selecting attributes and entering vector graphical objects. Model of geodatabase is developed using latest information technologies, GIS and integrated database, allowing further development and upgrade. A list of digital data and maps that are included in the geodatabase is shown, together with the logical structure for entering data into the geodatabase and the service architecture of applications and data redundancy

    Exploration of underground structures with geophysical - seismic methods

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    Seismic explorations are based on registration of seismic refraction and reflection of the elastic waves.In the processed geophysical data, obtained during the investigations of the archaeological site "Skupi", seismic explorations were conducted in combination of refraction and reflection. But, this paper presents the results only from refraction method. During the research, the application of seismic methods is performed using measurement technique slalom by placing more geophones along the investigated area. Slalom technique is based on registration of the generated elastic waves which spread through the researched area in the setted geophones.Using the moment of registration of elastic waves in a geophone, by adjusting the time it can be assumed as a source of new elastic wave, which with further registration modeling the characteristics of the investigated terrain where it is placed.Through this technique with one generation of elastic waves are produced seismic models for each geophone, and for each subsequent decreases the depth of examination, because it cuts the measuring length of recording of the elastic waves

    Geomechanical characteristics of quartzites as construction material and their potentiality in the Republic of Macedonia

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    From a genetic point of view, quartzites can be magmatic and metamorphic. Taking into consideration the European standards for the use of construction stone where the magmatic rocks are explicitly required, in this case of interest are magmatic quartzites for which geological, physical, chemical and geomechanical investigations were performed. The paper presents the deposits of magmatic and metamorphic quartzites. Geomechanical investigations of magmatic quartzites carried out at the Crn Vrv, Plavica, Peshter and Dogandjiski Kamen deposits were presented. The problem with the use of magmatic quartzites, which, from the aspect of construction material, have excellent construction features is relatively expensive processing, and in that sense, for use as a granulate in the road infrastructure, concrete and asphalt requires their comparative utilization in electrometallurgy and as material in the industry for grinding and crushing

    Thermal and Thermomineral springs related to the seismotectonic activity of faults in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The aim of the paper is to present the correlation dependence of geothermal energy present as active thermal and geothermal springs and the seismicity in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. In that regard, analysis has been carried out on existing data for geothermal occurrences and anticipated seismicity of fault structures (mostly geotectonic)

    Geo – electrical measurements in environment with presence of underground water

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    The coal mine “Suvodol” is chosen for geo-electrical examination because it has been most thoroughly researched and has the densest network of mapped boreholes. Through examination of the parameters from the boreholes and the geological map of the coal mine we determinate the layered structure of the ore body that provides favorable conditions for applying the method of geo-electrical sounding. In the process of production of the models particular attention is given to the level of underground water that has dominant influence in the conductivity properties of the geological structures.The curves of apparent electrical resistance are interpreted while solving the direct task. For acquiring precise and concrete data while interpreting the synthetic curves it is important to obtain accurate data for the mapped geological material

    Analysis of the obtained statistical measurement values of seismical blasting tremors

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    The paper provided some measurements carried out by seismic shocks caused when carrying out primary mining and appropriate parameters in terms of safety of the surrounding buildings. In this paper one of the goals is to analyze and define the criteria for assessment of shocks in terms of appropriate application for methods of mining, safety distances, especially for different mining conditions. With statistical analyses of the values we can determine the criteria for soil oscillation law depending on reduced distance, seismic intensity of the protected facilities etc. This gets a final conclusion on the assessment of shocks depending of the parameters of mining, safety distances when performing the various methods of blasting and the formation of tabular presentation of evaluation criteria for the shocks and safety distances. The calculation or dimensioning of parameters blasting are the step in setting the technique of drilling and blasting which later, in local conditions, can be modified and yield the best possible results. Seismic tremors, Criterion, Blasting, Safe distanc

    Хидрогеолошки карактеристики и нови податоци за хемискиот состав на термоминералните води на бањата Кежовица и Лџи, кај Штип

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    Термоминералната бања Кежовица се наоѓа на 2км југозападно од градот Штип во непосредна близина на Штипско Ново Село. Таа е позната уште од времето на турското владеење во Македонија, која исто така како и денес се користела како лековита термална бања. Во бањата Кежовица термоминералната вода не се излива непосредно на површината туку таа се користи преку дупнатини. Единствено во локалноста Лџи во Штипско Ново Село во непосредна близина на реката Брегалница има извор на термоминералната кој е каптиран и се користи од месното население