172 research outputs found

    New contention resolution schemes for WiMAX

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    Abstract—The use of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technology is increasing due to the use of Internet and multimedia applications with strict requirements of end–to–end delay and jitter, through wireless devices. The IEEE 802.16 standard, which defines the physical (PHY) and the medium access control (MAC) layers, is one of the BWA standards. Its MAC layer is centralized basis, where the Base Station (BS) is responsible for assigning the needed bandwidth for each Subscriber Station (SS), which requests bandwidth competing between all of them. The standard defines a contention resolution process to resolve the potential occurrence of collisions during the requesting process. In this paper, we propose to modify the contention resolution process to improve the network performance, including end–to–end delay and throughput

    Analysing musical performance through functional data analysis: rhythmic structure in Schumann's TrÀumerei

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    Functional data analysis (FDA) is a relatively new branch of statistics devoted to describing and modelling data that are complete functions. Many relevant aspects of musical performance and perception can be understood and quantified as dynamic processes evolving as functions of time. In this paper, we show that FDA is a statistical methodology well suited for research into the field of quantitative musical performance analysis. To demonstrate this suitability, we consider tempo data for 28 performances of Schumann's TrÀumerei and analyse them by means of functional principal component analysis (one of the most powerful descriptive tools included in FDA). Specifically, we investigate the commonalities and differences between different performances regarding (expressive) timing, and we cluster similar performances together. We conclude that musical data considered as functional data reveal performance structures that might otherwise go unnoticed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    El matrimonio en el misterio de Cristo

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    Representing complex data using localized principal components with application to astronomical data

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    Often the relation between the variables constituting a multivariate data space might be characterized by one or more of the terms: ``nonlinear'', ``branched'', ``disconnected'', ``bended'', ``curved'', ``heterogeneous'', or, more general, ``complex''. In these cases, simple principal component analysis (PCA) as a tool for dimension reduction can fail badly. Of the many alternative approaches proposed so far, local approximations of PCA are among the most promising. This paper will give a short review of localized versions of PCA, focusing on local principal curves and local partitioning algorithms. Furthermore we discuss projections other than the local principal components. When performing local dimension reduction for regression or classification problems it is important to focus not only on the manifold structure of the covariates, but also on the response variable(s). Local principal components only achieve the former, whereas localized regression approaches concentrate on the latter. Local projection directions derived from the partial least squares (PLS) algorithm offer an interesting trade-off between these two objectives. We apply these methods to several real data sets. In particular, we consider simulated astrophysical data from the future Galactic survey mission Gaia.Comment: 25 pages. In "Principal Manifolds for Data Visualization and Dimension Reduction", A. Gorban, B. Kegl, D. Wunsch, and A. Zinovyev (eds), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2007, pp. 180--204, http://www.springer.com/dal/home/generic/search/results?SGWID=1-40109-22-173750210-

    Gauging the current status of natural history collections in Malaysia

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    This study was carried out to gauge the current status of natural history collection centres in Malaysia, primarily focused on animal collections. Part of the research is reported here and it constituted objective one which is to compare the status of natural history collection between the various centres in Malaysia and also with three selected Southeast Asian tropical region museums in trying to understand need of the Malaysian public for a natural history museum. It maps out the locations, describes the number and kinds of specimens kept at each collection centre. Financial and governance aspects are also described. In total 11 centres were visited all over Malaysia. These collection centres and museums were managed by federal or state government or universities. Duration of visit at each location ranged from one to seven days. During the visit interviews were carried out with collection manager to obtained Questionnaire was also left behind for managers of centre to fill in and sent back to researchers. In addition, three natural history collection centres and museums in South East Asia tropical region were also visited: Bogor Zoological Museum, Indonesia; Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, Singapore and Mahachakri Sirindhorn Natural History Museum, Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand. Following the same protocol as with Malaysian centres, the information obtained enable researcher to make comparison between Malaysia and those in the region. This paper found that most of the natural history museums and collection centres were focused in the centre of peninsular Malaysia. However, natural history collections in Malaysia are still limited by state and national borders. Coordination and integration of these centres, currently runned separately by the federal, state governments, research institutions and institution of higher learning, is seen as the way forward to provide for a strong basis of understanding biodiversity among the Malaysian public

    New Emigration and Portuguese Society: Transnationalism and Return

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    This chapter addresses the theme of transnationalism and return in recent Portuguese emigration, namely the flows that occurred after the turn of the century. It starts with a brief theoretical overview on those topics, which constitute two relatively neglected characteristics of Portuguese emigration. Next, based on a survey carried out in 2014–2015 to more than 6000 recent emigrants, it reveals some of the links that they maintain with their home country, as well as their plans for the future, which include settlement in the destination country, return and re-emigration. Lastly, it examines data on returning emigrants – especially those that returned between 2001 and 2011 – extracted from the 2011 Census. The evidence reveals a significant number of returns, including individuals at both working and retirement ages and at all skill levels, thus exposing the unexpected complexity of movements. The results are based on the research project “Back to the future: new emigration and links with Portuguese society” (REMIGR), which aimed to ascertain the extent and characteristics of the new emigration wave. The project included an overview of emigration and return to and from all regions of the world, as well as case studies in UK, France, Luxembourg, Angola, Mozambique and Brazil.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Local linear regression with adaptive orthogonal fitting for the wind power application

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    Short-term forecasting of wind generation requires a model of the function for the conversion of me-teorological variables (mainly wind speed) to power production. Such a power curve is nonlinear and bounded, in addition to being nonstationary. Local linear regression is an appealing nonparametric ap-proach for power curve estimation, for which the model coefficients can be tracked with recursive Least Squares (LS) methods. This may lead to an inaccurate estimate of the true power curve, owing to the assumption that a noise component is present on the response variable axis only. Therefore, this assump-tion is relaxed here, by describing a local linear regression with orthogonal fit. Local linear coefficients are defined as those which minimize a weighted Total Least Squares (TLS) criterion. An adaptive es-timation method is introduced in order to accommodate nonstationarity. This has the additional benefit of lowering the computational costs of updating local coefficients every time new observations become available. The estimation method is based on tracking the left-most eigenvector of the augmented covari-ance matrix. A robustification of the estimation method is also proposed. Simulations on semi-artificial datasets (for which the true power curve is available) underline the properties of the proposed regression and related estimation methods. An important result is the significantly higher ability of local polynomia

    Cerebellar astrocytes co-express several ADP receptors. Presence of functional P2Y13-like receptors

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    Astrocytes exhibit a form of excitability based on variations of intracellular Ca2+ concentration in response to various stimuli, including ADP, ATP, UTP and dinucleotides. Here, we investigate the presence of the recently cloned ADP-sensitive receptors, P2Y12 and P2Y13 subtypes, which are negatively coupled to adenylate cyclase, in cerebellar astrocytes. We checked the effect of specific agonists, 2-methylthioadenosine diphosphate (2MeSADP) and ADP, on adenylate cyclase stimulation induced by isoproterenol. Both agonists significantly reduced the cAMP accumulation induced by isoproterenol. The inhibitory effect was concentration-dependent with IC50 values of 46 ± 13 and 23 ± 14 nM for 2MeSADP and ADP, respectively. The experiments were carried out in the presence of MRS-2179, a specific antagonist of P2Y1 receptor, to avoid any contribution of this receptor. Using fura-2 microfluorimetry we also proved that astrocytes responded to 2MeSADP stimulations with calcium responses in the absence and also in the presence of MRS-2179. Both effects, inhibition of adenylate cyclase and intracellular calcium mobilization, were not modified by 2MeSAMP, an antagonist of P2Y12 receptor, suggesting that were mediated by P2Y13-like receptors

    Echoes of time. The mobility of Brazilian researchers and students in Portugal

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    A investigação que apresentamos, de carĂĄter exploratĂłrio, recaiu sobre histĂłrias biogrĂĄficas de brasileiros que escolhem Portugal para prosseguir formação e ou investigação. Procura-se encontrar na sua experiĂȘncia elos de ligação explicativos sobre as motivaçÔes e os processos que os trazem para Portugal, assim como as expetativas e os projetos que comportam para os seus futuros e que incluem, ou nĂŁo, este paĂ­s. Temos em conta, especialmente, a forma como essa narrativa transporta sentidos identitĂĄrios decorrentes das formas de relacionamento intercultural e polĂ­tico entre Portugal e Brasil e formas de cooperação implĂ­citas, assim como mapas representacionais acerca dos lugares de eleição para desenvolvimento de carreiras cientĂ­ficas e acadĂ©micas. A nossa pesquisa incide sobre as informaçÔes recolhidas atravĂ©s de um inquĂ©rito por questionĂĄrio e entrevistas realizadas junto de estudantes e bolseiros brasileiros em Portugal.We present an exploratory study that investigated biographical stories of Brazilians who choose to continue their education or develop research in Portugal. We sought to find in their experiences explanatory links connecting the motivations and processes that bring them to Portugal, as well as the expectations and projects that they hold for the future, which may include, or not, this country. We take into account, particularly, the way this narrative carries senses of identity arising from the forms of intercultural and political relationship between Portugal and Brazil, as well as implicit forms of cooperation and representations about the places chosen for the development of scientific and academic careers. Our research draws on information collected through a survey based on questionnaires and interviews with Brazilian students and scholarship holders in Portugal.(undefined

    Variation in antiosteoporotic drug prescribing and spending across Spain. A population-based ecological cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Evidence has shown that utilization of antiosteoporotic medications does not correspond with risk, and studies on other therapies have shown that adequacy of pharmaceutical prescribing might vary between regions. Nevertheless, very few studies have addressed the variability in osteoporotic drug consumption. We aimed to describe variations in pharmaceutical utilization and spending on osteoporotic drugs between Health Areas (HA) in Spain. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional ecological study of expenditure and utilization of the five therapeutic groups marketed for osteoporosis treatment in Spain in 2009. Small area variation analysis (SAVA) methods were used. The units of analysis were the 168 HA of 13 Spanish regions, including 7.2 million women aged 50 years and older. The main outcomes were the defined daily dose (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants and day (DDD/1000/Day) dispensed according to the pharmaceutical claims reimbursed, and the expenditure on antiosteoporotics at retail price per woman =50 years old and per year. Results: The average osteoporosis drug consumption was 116.8 DDD/1000W/Day, ranging from 78.5 to 158.7 DDD/1000W/Day between the HAs in the 5th and 95th percentiles. Seventy-five percent of the antiosteoporotics consumed was bisphosphonates, followed by raloxifene, strontium ranelate, calcitonins, and parathyroid hormones including teriparatide. Regarding variability by therapeutic groups, biphosphonates showed the lowest variation, while calcitonins and parathyroid hormones showed the highest variation. The annual expenditure on antiosteoporotics was €426.5 million, translating into an expenditure of €59.2 for each woman =50 years old and varying between €38.1 and €83.3 between HAs in the 5th and 95th percentiles. Biphosphonates, despite accounting for 79% of utilization, only represented 63% of total expenditure, while parathyroid hormones with only 1.6% of utilization accounted for 15% of the pharmaceutical spending. Conclusion: This study highlights a marked geographical variation in the prescription of antiosteoporotics, being more pronounced in the case of costly drugs such as parathyroid hormones. The differences in rates of prescribing explained almost all of the variance in drug spending, suggesting that the difference in prescription volume between territories, and not the price of the drugs, is the main source of variation in this setting. Data on geographical variation of prescription can help guide policy proposals for targeting areas with inadequate antiosteoporotic drug use
