6 research outputs found

    StocHy: automated verification and synthesis of stochastic processes

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    StocHy is a software tool for the quantitative analysis of discrete-time stochastic hybrid systems (SHS). StocHy accepts a high-level description of stochastic models and constructs an equivalent SHS model. The tool allows to (i) simulate the SHS evolution over a given time horizon; and to automatically construct formal abstractions of the SHS. Abstractions are then employed for (ii) formal verification or (iii) control (policy, strategy) synthesis. StocHy allows for modular modelling, and has separate simulation, verification and synthesis engines, which are implemented as independent libraries. This allows for libraries to be easily used and for extensions to be easily built. The tool is implemented in C++ and employs manipulations based on vector calculus, the use of sparse matrices, the symbolic construction of probabilistic kernels, and multi-threading. Experiments show StocHy's markedly improved performance when compared to existing abstraction-based approaches: in particular, StocHy beats state-of-the-art tools in terms of precision (abstraction error) and computational effort, and finally attains scalability to large-sized models (12 continuous dimensions). StocHy is available at www.gitlab.com/natchi92/StocHy

    Arch-comp19 category report: Stochastic modelling

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    This report presents the results of a friendly competition for formal verification and policy synthesis of stochastic models. It also introduces new benchmarks within this category, and recommends next steps for this category towards next year’s edition of the competition. The friendly competition took place as part of the workshop Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH) in Spring 2019.Aerospace Transport & Operation

    Arch-comp19 category report: Stochastic modelling

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    This report presents the results of a friendly competition for formal verification and policy synthesis of stochastic models. It also introduces new benchmarks within this category, and recommends next steps for this category towards next year’s edition of the competition. The friendly competition took place as part of the workshop Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH) in Spring 2019

    ARCH-COMP19 Category Report: Stochastic Modelling

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    This report presents the results of a friendly competition for formal verification and policy synthesis of stochastic models. It also introduces new benchmarks within this category, and recommends next steps for this category towards next year’s edition of the competition. The friendly competition took place as part of the workshop Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH) in Spring 2019