106 research outputs found
Mathematical formulation to predict the harmonics of the superconducting Large Hadron Collider magnets : III. Precycle ramp rate effects and magnet characterization
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is equipped with a feed-forward control system known as the field description for the LHC (FiDeL) which is designed to predict the magnetic field and its multipoles, hence reducing the burden on beam based feedback. FiDeL consists of a physical and empirical parametric field model based on magnetic measurements at warm and in cryogenic conditions. It is particularly critical during beam injection when the field decays and at the beginning of acceleration when the field snaps back. It is known that the decay amplitude is largely affected by the powering history of the magnet, particularly by the precycle flattop current and duration and the preinjection preparation duration. Recently, we have collected data that quantify the dependence of the decay amplitude on the precycle ramp rate. This paper presents the results of the measurements performed to investigate this effect, and the method included in FiDeL to model the precycle dependence.With this complete picture of dynamic changes, we finally discuss the effect on the data taken at nominally constant field, along the magnet loadline. We show that a correction for dynamic changes is required for adequate magnet characterization.peer-reviewe
Dependence of the Static and Dynamic Field Quality of the LHC Superconducting Dipole Magnets on the Pre-Cycle Ramp Rate
The allowed multipoles in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) superconducting dipole magnets decay whilst on a constant current plateau. It is known that the decay amplitude is largely affected by the powering history of the magnet, and particularly by the pre-cycle flat top current and duration and the pre-injection preparation duration. Recently, it was observed that the decay amplitude is also highly dependent on the pre-cycle ramp rate, which has an indirect effect also on the sample of data taken at constant field along the magnet loadlines. This is an important consideration to be included in the Field Description for the LHC (FiDeL), to cope with the difference between the test procedure followed for series tests and the expected cycles during the machine operation. This paper presents the results of the measurements performed to investigate this phenomenon and describes the method included in FiDeL to represent this dependence
Magnetic Measurement of Alignment of Main LHC Dipoles and Associated Correctors
We discuss the method developed for the verification of alignment of magnetic elements contained in the LHC cryodipole cold mass during series tests at CERN. First, we outline motivations and requirements and then we focus on test strategy, equipment and procedures. Our goal is to express the magnetic field of the dipole and of its associated correctors w.r.t. the reference beam line, not accessible during cryogenic tests. To do so, we use traveling harmonic coil probes ("moles") that allow simultaneous measurement of the field and of the coil position. A laser tracker is used to relate these measurements to fiducials. In the dipole, the axis of the Quadrupole Configured Dipole (QCD) is used as an intermediate reference for the transfer. We provide details on the devices used for measurements in warm and cold conditions, some results from prototypes and pre-series dipoles and an assessment of the precision expected for the series tests
Focusing Strength Measurements of the Main Quadrupoles for the LHC
More than 1100 quadrupole magnets of different types are needed for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which is in the construction stage at CERN. The most challenging parameter to measure on these quadrupoles is the integrated gradient (Gdl). An absolute accuracy of 0.1% is needed to control the beta beating. In this paper we briefly describe the whole set of equipment used for Gdl measurements: Automated Scanner system, Single Stretched Wire system and Twin Coils system, concentrating mostly on their absolute accuracies. Most of the possible inherent effects that can introduce systematic errors are discussed along with their preventive methods. In the frame of this qualification some of the magnets were tested with two systems. The results of the intersystem cross-calibrations are presented. In addition, the qualification of the measurement system used at the magnet manufacturer's is based on results of more than 40 quadrupole assemblies tested in cold conditions at CERN and in warm conditions at the vendor site
New Exclusion Limits for the Search of Scalar and Pseudoscalar Axion-Like Particles from "Light Shining Through a Wall"
Physics beyond the Standard Model predicts the possible existence of new
particles that can be searched at the low energy frontier in the sub-eV range.
The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment looks for "Light Shining through a
Wall" from the quantum oscillation of optical photons into "Weakly Interacting
Sub-eV Particles", such as axion or Axion-Like Particles (ALPs), in a 9 T
transverse magnetic field over the unprecedented length of m.
In 2014, this experiment has been run with an outstanding sensitivity, using an
18.5 W continuous wave laser emitting in the green at the single wavelength of
532 nm. No regenerated photons have been detected after the wall, pushing the
limits for the existence of axions and ALPs down to an unprecedented level for
such a type of laboratory experiment. The di-photon couplings of possible
pseudo-scalar and scalar ALPs can be constrained in the nearly massless limit
to be less than GeV and
GeV, respectively, at 95% Confidence Level.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
Geometric and Magnetic Axes of the LHC Dipole
The 15-m long superconducting dipoles of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with two-in-one design are curved by about 5 mrad to follow the beam trajectory. They are supported on three cold feet to minimise the vertical sagitta induced by their 35 tonnes weight. The cold masses contain at both ends local multipolar correctors to compensate for the detrimental effect of persistent current during injection. We discuss how we measure and control the geometrical shape of the cold mass and the alignment of the associated correctors and how we identify the magnetic axis of the field-shape harmonics with respect to the expected beam reference orbit. We present results relative to prototype dipoles obtained both at room temperature and in operational conditions at 1.9 K
A Mole for Warm Magnetic and Optical Measurements of LHC Dipoles
A new rotating coil probe (a mole) has been developed for the simultaneous measurement of the magnetic field and magnetic axis of warm superconducting LHC dipoles and associated corrector windings. The mole houses a radial rotating coil and travels inside the magnet aperture by means of an externally driven two-way traction belt. The coil is rotated by an on-board piezo motor, being tested in view of future devices for cold measurements as the only type of motor compatible with strong magnetic fields. A virtual light spot is generated in the coil center by a LED source. The position of this light spot is measured from the outside by a system including a telescope, a CCD camera and a DSP. Jigs on reference granite tables are used to transfer the optical measurements to the magnet fiducials. We describe here the main characteristics and performance of the mol
Main Field Tracking Measurement in the LHC Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets
One of the most stringent requirements during the energy ramp of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to have a constant ratio between dipole-quadrupole and dipole-dipole field so as to control the variation of the betatron tune and of the beam orbit throughout the acceleration phase, hence avoiding particle loss. To achieve the nominal performance of the LHC, a maximum variation of ñ0.003 tune units can be tolerated. For the commissioning with low intensity beams, acceptable bounds are up to 30 times higher. For the quadrupole-dipole integrated field ratio, the above requirements translate in the tight windows of 6 ppm and 180 ppm, while for dipole differences between sectors the acceptable error is of the order of 10^-4. Measurement and control at this level are challenging. For this reason we have launched a dedicated measurement R&D to demonstrate that these ratios can be measured and controlled within the limits for machine operation. In this paper we present the techniques developed to power the magnets during the current ramps, the instrumentation and data acquisition setup used to perform the tracking experiments, the calibration procedure and the data reduction employed
A Demonstration Experiment for the Forecast of Magnetic Field and Field Errors in the Large Hadron Collider
In order to reduce the burden on the beam-based feedback, the Large Hadron Collider control system is equipped with the Field Description for the LHC (FiDeL) which provides a forecast of the magnetic field and the multipole field errors. FiDeL has recently been extensively tested at CERN to determine main field tracking, multipole forecasting and compensation accuracy. This paper describes the rationale behind the tests, the procedures employed to power the main magnets and their correctors, and finally, we present the results obtained. We also give an indication of the prediction accuracy that the system can deliver during the operation of the LHC and we discuss the implications that these will have on the machine performance
Search for weakly interacting sub-eV particles with the OSQAR laser-based experiment: results and perspectives
Recent theoretical and experimental studies highlight the possibility of new
fundamental particle physics beyond the Standard Model that can be probed by
sub-eV energy experiments. The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment looks for
"Light Shining through a Wall" (LSW) from the quantum oscillation of optical
photons into "Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particles" (WISPs), like axion or
axion-like particles (ALPs), in a 9 T transverse magnetic field over the
unprecedented length of m. No excess of events has been
detected over the background. The di-photon couplings of possible new light
scalar and pseudo-scalar particles can be constrained in the massless limit to
be less than GeV. These results are very close to the
most stringent laboratory constraints obtained for the coupling of ALPs to two
photons. Plans for further improving the sensitivity of the OSQAR experiment
are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
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