117 research outputs found

    A qualitative study analysing the journey towards an embedded approach to service user involvement

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    Service user involvement in the design and delivery of education programmes for professionals is a key tenet of current policy. This study used a qualitative approach to explore the experiences of young mothers, students and academics who participated in an initiative aimed to coproduce and deliver a teaching resource focusing on becoming a mother and receiving services. The findings from the focus group interviews suggested that involving service users in student learning can provide an opportunity for open and honest dialogue, where assumptions and stereotypes can be challenged and better understood. It can also encourage users who are often seen as ‘hard to reach’ to be more actively involved in shaping the development of professionals

    A five year follow up study of the Bristol Pregnancy and Domestic Violence Programme (BPDVP) to promote routine antenatal enquiry for domestic violence at North Bristol Trust

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    This report presents the findings of fieldwork with women, midwives and stakeholders involved in antenatal care. The purpose of this follow up study is to inform future policy and practice and build on the evidence surrounding the impact of antenatal enquiry for domestic violence on women's care experiences

    Meeting the challenges of the Health Visitor Implementation Plan at the University of the West of England, Bristol

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    Drawing on the Health Visitor Implementation Plan (DH, 2011a) and Educating Health Visitors for a Transformed Service (DH, 2011c), this evaluation aimed to assess the extent to which the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Programme meets the vision of the future workforce. Across the 11 Trusts within the South West the evaluation focused on four main areas:1. The experience of the student through the SCPHN programme and their preparedness for practice (student journey).2. Stakeholder analysis to assess the degree to which the SCPHN programme is meeting the new service vision as outlined in the Health Visitor Implementation Plan (DH 2011a) and associated public health outcomes.3. Family and community perspectives on the introduction of the new service provision.4. Making recommendations to support the progression of newly qualified practitioners during the implementation of the new service model for health visiting

    Creating a learning environment to promote food sustainability issues in primary schools? Staff perceptions of implementing the food for life partnership programme

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    There is increasing interest in the role that schools can play in promoting education for sustainable development (ESD), and evidence is emerging that schools can be influential in the emerging agenda around the ecological, ethical and social aspects of food, diet and nutrition. With regard to such food sustainability issues, this paper analyses the role of the Food for Life Partnership national programme in supporting garden and farm-based learning activities in 55 primary schools in England, UK. Using a mixed methods approach, the study examined the programme's implementation through staff perceptions and a range of school change indicators. The study found that the programme delivery was associated with widespread institutional reforms. According to staff, implementation of the programme provided a range of opportunities for pupils to learn about food production and sustainability, but addressing these issues was challenging for teachers and raised a number of questions concerned with effective, equitable and on-going implementation. At a pedagogical level, teachers also reflected on conceptually challenging aspects of food sustainability as a topic for primary school education. The study identified ways that ESD programmes could support schools to think about and implement learning opportunities as well as identifying significant barriers related to resourcing such programmes. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Food for life partnership evaluation: summary report

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    Summary report of the Food for Life Partnership evaluation conducted by UWE,Bristol and Cardiff University. May 201
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