826 research outputs found

    Perspectives of traditional health care system of Sikkim, North-East India – An ethno-pharmacological survey and analysis

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    965-981The Indo-Himalayan Mountain state of Sikkim has abundant reserves of bio-diversity of ancient ancestry. Many folklore healers are renowned in Sikkim for their valuable traditional knowledge, especially for the use of combination drug therapy to treat bone fracture. In the cross-cultural ethnopharmacological survey, a predesigned questionnaire was used for interviews at the residence of respective folklore healers. Their patient handling and preparations of formulations have been documented in written and audio-visual format. The standard statistical indices selected relevant for the present study. The record of traditional knowledge on 193 different formulations used for 49 various human ailments have been enumerated during this survey. A total of 121 plants belonging to 65 families were found to be used as a component for 193 formulations. Graphical representation of the frequency of citation, especially survey and reference data shown significant correlation indicating common and specific use of plants in the treatment of different diseases. The scientific research on medicinal plants used by traditional practitioners and the application of ethnobotanical products in the folklore healthcare system significantly help in the sustainable development of traditional healthcare practices of the region. For the research fraternity, the quantitative analysis of survey data is gaining wider acceptability due to relative importance

    Perspectives of traditional health care system of Sikkim, North-East India – Anethno-pharmacological survey and analysis

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    The Indo-Himalayan mountain state of Sikkim has abundant reserves of bio-diversity of ancient ancestry. Many folklore healers renowned in Sikkim for their valuable traditional knowledge, especially for the use of combination drug therapy to treat bone fracture. In the cross-cultural ethnopharmacological survey, a predesigned questionnaire was used for interviews at the residence of respective folklore healers. Their patient handling and preparations of formulations have documented in written and audio-visual format. The standard statistical indices selected relevant for the present study. The record of traditional knowledge on 193 different formulations used for 49 various human ailments has enumerated during this survey. A total of 121 plants belonging to 65 families were found to be used as a component for 193 formulations. Graphical representation of the frequency of citation, especially survey and reference data shown significant correlation indicating common and specific use of plants in the treatment of different diseases. The scientific research on medicinal plants used by traditional practitioners and the application of ethnobotanical products in the folklore healthcare system significantly help in the sustainable development of traditional healthcare practices of the region. For the research fraternity, the quantitative analysis of survey data is gaining wider acceptability due to relative importance

    Antifertility activity of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz:In vitro and in vivo study on human sperm and male wistar rats

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    Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz, commonly called as Broken bones tree or Indian trumpet flower, belonging to Fam. Bignoniaceae, is traditionally used as a contraceptive by ethnic people of Tripura, North-East India. Here, we investigated the scientific basis for use of O. indicum as male antifertility agent by folklore healers. In vitro spermicidal activity of aqueous (AEOI) and methanolic (MEOI) extracts of O. indicum stem bark were studied on human sperm. The in vivo activity was experimented on male albino rats. The treated animals were allowed to mate and the pups delivered by female rat partners were counted. Phytochemical estimation of test samples was done using HPLC. The AEOI and MEOI treatments significantly decreased human sperm motility and viability. Test extracts have increased the hypo-osmotic swelling of sperm. Both the extracts were significantly declined the weight of reproductive organ. The MEOI treated rats have shown significant decrease in sperm motility and sperm counts. AEOI and MEOI treatment significantly reduced level of testosterone, but sharply raised dihydrotestosterone and prostaglandin in rats. Results testified the traditional claim for use of O. indicum as a male contraceptive agent, where MEOI have shown reversible action on male reproductive system leading to contraception without harming the libido

    Dynamics of Hot QCD Matter -- Current Status and Developments

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    The discovery and characterization of hot and dense QCD matter, known as Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), remains the most international collaborative effort and synergy between theorists and experimentalists in modern nuclear physics to date. The experimentalists around the world not only collect an unprecedented amount of data in heavy-ion collisions, at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York, USA, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland but also analyze these data to unravel the mystery of this new phase of matter that filled a few microseconds old universe, just after the Big Bang. In the meantime, advancements in theoretical works and computing capability extend our wisdom about the hot-dense QCD matter and its dynamics through mathematical equations. The exchange of ideas between experimentalists and theoreticians is crucial for the progress of our knowledge. The motivation of this first conference named "HOT QCD Matter 2022" is to bring the community together to have a discourse on this topic. In this article, there are 36 sections discussing various topics in the field of relativistic heavy-ion collisions and related phenomena that cover a snapshot of the current experimental observations and theoretical progress. This article begins with the theoretical overview of relativistic spin-hydrodynamics in the presence of the external magnetic field, followed by the Lattice QCD results on heavy quarks in QGP, and finally, it ends with an overview of experiment results.Comment: Compilation of the contributions (148 pages) as presented in the `Hot QCD Matter 2022 conference', held from May 12 to 14, 2022, jointly organized by IIT Goa & Goa University, Goa, Indi

    Curcumin Differs from Tetrahydrocurcumin for Molecular Targets, Signaling Pathways and Cellular Responses

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    Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a golden pigment from turmeric, has been linked with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, and antidiabetic properties. Most of the these activities have been assigned to methoxy, hydroxyl, α,β-unsaturated carbonyl moiety or to diketone groups present in curcumin. One of the major metabolites of curcumin is tetrahydrocurcumin (THC), which lacks α,β-unsaturated carbonyl moiety and is white in color. Whether THC is superior to curcumin on a molecular level is unclear and thus is the focus of this review. Various studies suggest that curcumin is a more potent antioxidant than THC; curcumin (but not THC) can bind and inhibit numerous targets including DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase-1, heme oxygenase-1, Nrf2, β-catenin, cyclooxygenase-2, NF-kappaB, inducible nitric oxide synthase, nitric oxide, amyloid plaques, reactive oxygen species, vascular endothelial growth factor, cyclin D1, glutathione, P300/CBP, 5-lipoxygenase, cytosolic phospholipase A2, prostaglandin E2, inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase-1, -2, P38MAPK, p-Tau, tumor necrosis factor-α, forkhead box O3a, CRAC; curcumin can inhibit tumor cell growth and suppress cellular entry of viruses such as influenza A virus and hepatitis C virus much more effectively than THC; curcumin affects membrane mobility; and curcumin is also more effective than THC in suppressing phorbol-ester-induced tumor promotion. Other studies, however, suggest that THC is superior to curcumin for induction of GSH peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, NADPH: quinone reductase, and quenching of free radicals. Most studies have indicated that THC exhibits higher antioxidant activity, but curcumin exhibits both pro-oxidant and antioxidant properties

    Potential use of barks of woody vascular plants in bone mending: A review

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    The use of synthetic drugs to overcome bone ailments causes severe side effects, but the application of herbals is helpful in maintaining bone health and accelerating bone mending. Currently, there is no oral allopathic medicine to hasten bone healing, though folk and traditional practices have adopted herbal to fasten the recovery from bone ailments. Earliest recovery is a universally desired phenomenon, especially for elderly people where many more cases of traumatic injuries are common along the compromised body immunity. The computerized database search engines, such as Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer Link, etc., and textbooks were used to collect all relevant information about barks for bone mending activity published from 1990 onwards using certain keywords such as bark, folklore/ traditional bone healing practices, and phytopharmacology. The results obtained were compiled to make this review and related information is tabulated herewith. Traditional herbal bone healing exists in every society in the world. The plant barks of a few species (e.g., Ficus religiosa, Prunus cerasoides, Terminalia arjuna, etc.) have outstanding significance for bone healing because of their special chemical composition and novel properties to reduce swelling, pain, soreness, and speedy recovery of functions. Mostly bark extracts are rich in polyphenols, and minerals, represented with antioxidant, immunostimulatory, antibacterial properties, etc. There is a diversity of bark utilization for bone healing from different plant species, globally, of which only a few have been phytopharmacologically deciphered. Validated bark ingredients as medicine or food supplements are more useful due to the least side effects. Entrepreneurs have a scope to use bioactive obtained from plant barks that have not been scientifically screened till now. The research focused on the commercial application of plant barks as green medicine needs fingerprints of bioactive and clinically validated data including the concentration of biomarkers in the blood (IC50) for reducing the healing period. Phytopharmacological screening of barks used in folk medicine and synthesizing the therapeutics at mega quantities in industries is an array of hopes for sustainable utilization of natural resources. The bio-stimulating knowledge of certain herbal ingredients will be helpful in the development of synergistic formulations for rapid bone mending

    Relevance of Indian traditional tisanes in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review

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    Background: Tisanes are a potential source of phytochemicals to reduce disease risk conditions and are used to protect from non-communicable diseases, globally. A few tisanes have gained more popularity than others depending on their chemical composition based on the geographical origin of the used herb. Several Indian tisanes have been claimed to have traits beneficial to people with or at a high risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Under the concept, the literature was reviewed and compiled into a document to highlight the chemical uniqueness of popular Indian traditional tisanes to be more informative and potent as per modern medicine to overcome type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: An extensive literature survey was conducted using computerized database search engines, such as Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and EMBASE (Excerpta Medica database) for herbs that have been described for hyperglycemia, and involved reaction mechanism, in-vivo studies as well as clinical efficacies published since 2001 onwards using certain keywords. Compiled survey data used to make this review and all findings on Indian traditional antidiabetic tisanes are tabulated here. Results: Tisanes render oxidative stress, counter the damage by overexposure of free radicals to the body, affect enzymatic activities, enhance insulin secretion, etc. The active molecules of tisanes also act as anti-allergic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antithrombotic, antiviral, antimutagenicity, anti-carcinogenicity, antiaging effects, etc. WHO also has a strategy to capitalize on the use of herbals to keep populations healthy through effective and affordable alternative means with robust quality assurance and strict adherence to the product specification