843 research outputs found
The development of a scale of the Guttman Type for the assessment of mobility disability in multiple sclerosis
Objective: The aim of the study was to develop a valid and reliable unidimensional scale of the Guttman type for the assessment of mobility disability in multiple sclerosis (MS).
Subjects: Sixty-eight subjects with a definite diagnosis of MS participated.They were attending as outpatients at a MS unit at a District General Hospital. Thirty had the primary progressive pattern of disease, and 38 had the relapsing-remitting pattern.
Methods: Formal assessments used for neurological disability were inspected, and 14 test items of gross motor function were extracted and ordered according to two criteria. These were that actions progressed from lying, to sitting, to standing and walking tasks, and that they progressed from broader to narrower bases of support. All subjects carried out all test items which were scored as ‘pass’ or ‘fail’.
Analysis: Data were tested for internal consistency, reliability, inter item correlation, reproducibility and scalability. On the basis of the results, the items were re-ordered in rank, and reduced to eleven tests. The eleven item scale was re-analysed.
Results: Results showed that the scale had an internal consistency of 0.88 (alpha coefficient) and a coefficient of reproducibility (CR) of 0.95 and above for both MS subject groups. The coefficient of scalability (CS) for items was 0.78 for primary progressive subjects and 0.74 for the relapsing-remitting group. Reliability ranged from good (kappa = 0.49) for one item, to perfect for six items.
Conclusion: The scale was demonstrated to be a hierarchical scale of the Guttman type exhibiting homogeneous unidimensionality and good reliability. The high CR indicated that scores may be summed, and the very acceptable levels of CS indicated that the cumulative scores are meaningful within the defined concept of hierarchy used in this study
Conservative management of low back pain
Back pain is prevalent worldwide, but back pain disability has reached epidemic proportions in many industrialised societies. Few patients have serious medical pathology or direct neurological involvement requiring surgery. Although the causes remain unclear, physical stress and its consequences on discs, facet joints and supporting soft tissues at work or leisure are important, sometimes aggravated by adverse psychosocial factors. Modern management emphasises the role of self-care, beginning in primary care with the first episode. Without root compression, bed rest should not exceed 48 hours. Emphasis is on encouraging a rapid return to physical fitness and other activities, including employment, acknowledging that returning to a normal life may require working through pain. Medication facilitates this. No one should remain in pain beyond six weeks without being referred to a specialist service for a physical and psychosocial assessment by appropriately trained professionals and with consultant support for investigation, pain management and rehabilitation when needed
Therapists’ experiences and perceptions of teamwork in neurological rehabilitation: Critical happenings in effective and ineffective teamwork
This article reports the second part of an exploratory study into occupational therapists` and physiotherapists` perceptions and experiences of team-work in neurological rehabilitation: the factors that were thought to influence effective and ineffective team-work, and the meaning behind effective and ineffective team work in neurological rehabilitation. The study was undertaken through semi-structured interviews of 10 therapists from three different neurological rehabilitation teams based in the United Kingdom, and used the critical incident technique. Through analysis of the data, several main themes emerged regarding the perceived critical happenings in effective and ineffective team work. These were: team events and characteristics, team members` characteristics, shared and collaborative working practices, communication, specific organisational structures, environmental, external, and patient and family related factors. Effective and ineffective team-work was perceived to impact on a number of levels: having implications for the team, the patient, individual team members, and the neurological rehabilitation service. The study supported the perceived value of team work within neurological rehabilitation. It also indicated the extensive and variable factors that may influence the team working process as well as the complex and diverse nature of the process
The nature of care giving in a community sample of people with multiple sclerosis
Purpose: The provision of informal care plays a crucial role in supporting those with long term illness such as MS to stay in the community, but there is no recent United Kingdom (UK) research into the nature of this care provision and how it interacts with professional community care. The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of informal and professional care in a community population of people with MS living in the UK from the perspectives of people with MS.
Method: Data on the Standard Day Dependency Record (SDDR), Barthel Index, a measure of disability, and SF-36 were collected from a community sample of volunteers with MS from a postal questionnaire and visits from researchers.
Results: The response rate was 61%, (n = 169). Respondents in this study were most likely to be assisted by family rather than health or social service professionals and the help was considered essential for approximately 70% of individuals. Only 15% of respondents in this survey received visits from a professional in the preceding 24 h. There was a subgroup who considered help to be significantly more essential and who required assistance on more occasions by the SDDR (t = 13.01, df = 622, p < 0.001, t = 10.38, df = 36.4, p < 0.001). Other subgroups were also identified who may be in need of support from professionals but who were not receiving it.
Conclusions: There are reports of considerable amounts of care being provided by families to people with MS who may not be receiving the support required from professional caregivers. Further work needs to establish which groups need assistance and what form this assistance should take
Changes in the quality of life in severely disabled people following provision of powered indoor/outdoor chairs
Purpose:To determine the benefits for patients who received an Electric Powered Indoor/outdoor Chair (EPIOC) and to quantify their perceived changes to their quality of life.
Method: Community-based cohort study of all patients provided with an EPIOC over 4 months; and followed up about 3 months later in a community served by a regional wheelchair service in North West London (population about 3.1 million) using the EuroQol EQ-5D with visual analogue scales for each of the 5 dimensions of the EQ-5D.
Results: Sixty-four wheelchair users were assessed initially and 51 completed follow up. Chair users showed no significant improvement in health state as measured by the EQ-5D after EPIOC provision. The visual analogue scales (VASs) indicated that, although perceived overall health state, independence and social life did not appear to improve, the dimensions of mobility, quality of life and pain/discomfort improved significantly on provision of an EPIOC.
Conclusion: EPIOC users reported significant improvements in several important aspects of their lives; not just in mobility (as expected) but also in reduction of pain and discomfort. The use of VASs provided a more holistic set of outcome measures that demonstrate quality of life benefits beyond that of health state alone
Neck pain and disability: A cross-sectional survey of the demographic and clinical characteristics of neck pain seen in a rheumatology clinic
This hospital-based cross-sectional cohort study examines the clinical and demographic features of neck pain, disability (using the Northwick Park neck pain questionnaire) and relationships to handicap in employment.
Of 173 consecutive referrals to a rheumatology clinic with neck pain, 70% had neck/arm pain without neurological involvement, 13% other conditions, 11% nerve involvement and 5% other spinal pain. 141 patients (mean age 50 years) had mechanical or degenerative neck pain, of which 13% was probably work-related and 13% was trauma-related. 44 had taken sickness absence for an average of 30 weeks. Comorbidities were frequent (lumbar pain 51%).
Those in work were significantly less disabled than those not working (p = 0.001) and those off sick (p < 0.01). Those reporting sleep disturbance, tearfulness and crying were significantly more disabled (p = 0.0001) than those who did not.
Neck pain in secondary care is complicated by physical and emotional comorbidities. Comprehensive management requires a biopsychosocial model of care
Young people’s experiences using electric powered indoor-outdoor wheelchairs (EPIOCs): Potential for enhancing users’ development?
Purpose: To examine the experiences of severely physically disabled young people using electric powered indoor/outdoor chairs (EPIOCs).
Methods: A priori interview questions examined young people’s functioning with EPIOCs, pain and discomfort with EPIOC use and accidents or injuries resulting from EPIOC use. Eighteen young people (13 males and 5 females) aged 10 -18 (mean 15) years were interviewed by telephone using a qualitative framework approach. Participants were interviewed 10 -19 (mean 14.5) months after delivery of the chair. Diagnoses included muscular dystrophy (n = 10), cerebral palsy (n = 5), and ‘other’ (n =3).
Results: Many children reported positive functioning following EPIOC use, including increased independence and social activities like wheelchair football. However, EPIOC use was also associated with pain and discomfort, as well as perceived lack of safety, and minor accidents. Most young people and their families were fairly satisfied with the service and provision of their wheelchairs.
Conclusions: The findings suggest that disabled children’s development may benefit from the use of electric powered indoor/outdoor wheelchairs, although the advantages may come at certain costs to young people’s perceived and real safety. Recommendations to powered wheelchair providers include the demonstrated need for additional driving training as these young people mature
To adopt is to adapt: The process of implementing the ICF with an acute stroke multidisciplinary team in England
Copyright @ 2012 Informa Plc. The article can be accessed from the link below.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Purpose: The success of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) depends on its uptake in clinical practice. This project aimed to explore ways the ICF could be used with an acute stroke multidisciplinary team and identify key learning from the implementation process. Method: Using an action research approach, iterative cycles of observe, plan, act and evaluate were used within three phases: exploratory; innovatory and reflective. Thematic analysis was undertaken, using a model of immersion and crystallisation, on data collected via interview and focus groups, e-mail communications, minutes from relevant meetings, field notes and a reflective diary. Results: Two overall themes were determined from the data analysis which enabled implementation. There is a need to: (1) adopt the ICF in ways that meet local service needs; and (2) adapt the ICF language and format. Conclusions: The empirical findings demonstrate how to make the ICF classification a clinical reality. First, we need to adopt the ICF as a vehicle to implement local service priorities e.g. to structure a multidisciplinary team report, thus enabling ownership of the implementation process. Second, we need to adapt the ICF terminology and format to make it acceptable for use by clinicians.This study is funded by The Elizabeth Casson Trust. This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund
Using geographical information systems for management of back-pain data
This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2002 MCB UP LtdIn the medical world, statistical visualisation has largely been confined to the realm of relatively simple geographical applications. This remains the case, even though hospitals have been collecting spatial data relating to patients. In particular, hospitals have a wealth of back pain information, which includes pain drawings, usually detailing the spatial distribution and type of pain suffered by back-pain patients. Proposes several technological solutions, which permit data within back-pain datasets to be digitally linked to the pain drawings in order to provide methods of computer-based data management and analysis. In particular, proposes the use of geographical information systems (GIS), up till now a tool used mainly in the geographic and cartographic domains, to provide novel and powerful ways of visualising and managing back-pain data. A comparative evaluation of the proposed solutions shows that, although adding complexity and cost, the GIS-based solution is the one most appropriate for visualisation and analysis of back-pain datasets
Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for chronic pain
Copyright © 2014 The Cochrane Collaboration.Various devices are available that can electrically stimulate the brain without the need for surgery or any invasive treatment in order to manage chronic pain. There are four main treatment types: repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in which the brain is stimulated by a coil applied to the scalp, cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) in which electrodes are clipped to the ears or applied to the scalp, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and reduced impedance non-invasive cortical electrostimulation (RINCE) in which electrodes are applied to the scalp. These have been used to try to reduce pain by aiming to alter the activity of the brain, but the efficacy of these treatments is uncertain.
This review update included 56 studies: 30 of rTMS, 11 of CES, 14 of tDCS and one of RINCE. We judged only three studies as having a low risk of bias. Low or very low-quality evidence suggests that low-frequency rTMS and rTMS applied to pre-frontal areas of the brain are not effective but that a single dose of high-frequency stimulation of the motor cortex area of the brain provides short-term pain relief. This effect appears to be small and may be exaggerated by a number of sources of bias. Studies that gave a course of multiple treatments of rTMS produced conflicting results with no overall effect seen when we pooled the results of these studies. Most studies of rTMS are small and there is substantial variation between studies in terms of the treatment methods used. Low-quality evidence does not suggest that CES or tDCS are effective treatments for chronic pain. A single small study of RINCE provided very low-quality evidence of a short-term effect on pain. For all forms of stimulation the evidence is not conclusive and uncertainty remains.
The reporting of side effects varied across the studies. Of the studies that clearly reported side effects, short-lived and minor side effects such as headache, nausea and skin irritation were usually reported both after real and sham stimulation. There were two reports of seizure following real rTMS.
While the broad conclusions for rTMS and CES have not changed substantially, the addition of this new evidence and the application of the GRADE system has modified some of our interpretation. Previous readers should re-read this update.
More studies of rigorous design and adequate size are required to evaluate accurately all forms of non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain
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