73 research outputs found
Is social capital associated with synchronization in human communication? An analysis of Italian call records and measures of civic engagement
Social capital has been studied in economics, sociology and political science as one of the key elements that promote the development of modern societies. It can be defined as the source of capital that facilitates cooperation through shared social norms. In this work, we investigate whether and to what extent synchronization aspects of mobile communication patterns are associated with social capital metrics. Interestingly, our results show that our synchronization-based approach well correlates with existing social capital metrics (i.e., Referendum turnout, Blood donations, and Association density), being also able to characterize the different role played by high synchronization within a close proximity-based community and high synchronization among different communities. Hence, the proposed approach can provide timely, effective analysis at a limited cost over a large territory
Retrieval Guided Unsupervised Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
Image to image translation aims to learn a mapping that transforms an image
from one visual domain to another. Recent works assume that images descriptors
can be disentangled into a domain-invariant content representation and a
domain-specific style representation. Thus, translation models seek to preserve
the content of source images while changing the style to a target visual
domain. However, synthesizing new images is extremely challenging especially in
multi-domain translations, as the network has to compose content and style to
generate reliable and diverse images in multiple domains. In this paper we
propose the use of an image retrieval system to assist the image-to-image
translation task. First, we train an image-to-image translation model to map
images to multiple domains. Then, we train an image retrieval model using real
and generated images to find images similar to a query one in content but in a
different domain. Finally, we exploit the image retrieval system to fine-tune
the image-to-image translation model and generate higher quality images. Our
experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed solution and highlight the
contribution of the retrieval network, which can benefit from additional
unlabeled data and help image-to-image translation models in the presence of
scarce data.Comment: Submitted to ACM MM '20, October 12-16, 2020, Seattle, WA, US
Towards Graph Foundation Models for Personalization
In the realm of personalization, integrating diverse information sources such
as consumption signals and content-based representations is becoming
increasingly critical to build state-of-the-art solutions. In this regard, two
of the biggest trends in research around this subject are Graph Neural Networks
(GNNs) and Foundation Models (FMs). While GNNs emerged as a popular solution in
industry for powering personalization at scale, FMs have only recently caught
attention for their promising performance in personalization tasks like ranking
and retrieval. In this paper, we present a graph-based foundation modeling
approach tailored to personalization. Central to this approach is a
Heterogeneous GNN (HGNN) designed to capture multi-hop content and consumption
relationships across a range of recommendable item types. To ensure the
generality required from a Foundation Model, we employ a Large Language Model
(LLM) text-based featurization of nodes that accommodates all item types, and
construct the graph using co-interaction signals, which inherently transcend
content specificity. To facilitate practical generalization, we further couple
the HGNN with an adaptation mechanism based on a two-tower (2T) architecture,
which also operates agnostically to content type. This multi-stage approach
ensures high scalability; while the HGNN produces general purpose embeddings,
the 2T component models in a continuous space the sheer size of user-item
interaction data. Our comprehensive approach has been rigorously tested and
proven effective in delivering recommendations across a diverse array of
products within a real-world, industrial audio streaming platform
Smooth image-to-image translations with latent space interpolations
Multi-domain image-to-image (I2I) translations can transform a source image
according to the style of a target domain. One important, desired
characteristic of these transformations, is their graduality, which corresponds
to a smooth change between the source and the target image when their
respective latent-space representations are linearly interpolated. However,
state-of-the-art methods usually perform poorly when evaluated using
inter-domain interpolations, often producing abrupt changes in the appearance
or non-realistic intermediate images. In this paper, we argue that one of the
main reasons behind this problem is the lack of sufficient inter-domain
training data and we propose two different regularization methods to alleviate
this issue: a new shrinkage loss, which compacts the latent space, and a Mixup
data-augmentation strategy, which flattens the style representations between
domains. We also propose a new metric to quantitatively evaluate the degree of
the interpolation smoothness, an aspect which is not sufficiently covered by
the existing I2I translation metrics. Using both our proposed metric and
standard evaluation protocols, we show that our regularization techniques can
improve the state-of-the-art multi-domain I2I translations by a large margin.
Our code will be made publicly available upon the acceptance of this article
Metabolic Acidosis Treatment as Part of a Strategy to Curb Inflammation
Abnormalities in systemic acid-base balance may induce significant changes in the immune response, and they may play a significant role in the development or maintenance of immune dysfunction. Different forms of acidosis (metabolic and respiratory) and even different types of metabolic acidosis (hyperchloremic and lactic) may produce different effects on immune function. If alkalization has, or not, some effect on inflammation control is still a matter of speculation. Studies concerning these subjects are limited justifying this paper
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