102 research outputs found

    Migration as Crime, Migration and Crime

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    We are currently witnessing growing social tensions and intense debate concerning a putative “migration crisis”, evidenced by a resurfacing of century-old fears of “unwanted newcomers” and increasing friction between the authorities and members of migrant and minority communities. Social scientists often assume that such issues are of fairly recent advent. They suggest that, today, (im)migration controls result in an unprecedented criminalization of immigrants, and their increasing exposure t..

    Justice in wartime and revolutions : Europe, 1795-1950 = Justice en temps de guerre et révolution : Europe, 1795-1950

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    War and revolutions are periods in history which generate transformations and social and political change of the judicial system. These transformations and changes are tangible at different levels. Judicial institutions and practices with a long history and tradition and which are deeply rooted in the polity are put into question: they are either abolished and replaced by other institutions or confronted with new competing foreign institutions, or they are forced to change their functions and practices. The contributions to this volume all explore, for various European countries, different aspects and facets of changes in the judicial system, changes in practices of justice administration, and changes in judicial personnel and judicial professions, as they occurred during the French Revolution, both World Wars, and their aftermaths. These contributions all show how times of war and revolutions bring about crucial transformations of the judiciary and its relation to society, both by accelerating innovation and modernization of judicial structures, actors and practices, and by producing temporary relapses (legal conflicts, purges of collaborators, the blurring of norms)

    Routines et contraintes de la police urbaine Ă  Anvers 1890-1914

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    Entre 1890 et 1914, les activités de la police municipale des villes belges les plus importantes ont subi des transformations comparables à celles observées dans les autres polices urbaines de la plupart des nations européennes à la même époque. À ce jour, toutefois, ces transformations n’ont été que rarement étudiées par les historiens belges. Contrairement à l’évolution récente sur le plan international, la recherche universitaire sur l’histoire de la police demeure très limitée en Belgique..
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