51 research outputs found
Is an alcoholic fixative fluid used for manual liquid-based cytology accurate to perform HPV tests?
The ladybird homeobox genes are essential for the specification of a subpopulation of neural cells
AbstractIn Drosophila, neurons and glial cells are produced by neural precursor cells called neuroblasts (NBs), which can be individually identified. Each NB generates a characteristic cell lineage specified by a precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression within the NB and its progeny. Here we show that the homeobox genes ladybird early and ladybird late are expressed in subsets of cells deriving from neuroblasts NB 5-3 and NB 5-6 and are essential for their correct development. Our analysis revealed that ladybird in Drosophila, like their vertebrate orthologous Lbx1 genes, play an important role in cell fate specification processes. Among those cells that express ladybird are NB 5-6-derived glial cells. In ladybird loss-of-function mutants, the NB 5-6-derived exit glial cells are absent while overexpression of these genes leads to supernumerary glial cells of this type. Furthermore, aberrant glial cell positioning and aberrant spacing of axonal fascicles in the nerve roots observed in embryos with altered ladybird function suggest that the ladybird genes might also control directed cell movements and cell–cell interactions within the developing Drosophila ventral nerve cord
Molecular Diagnosis of Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus Using Next-Generation Sequencing of the Whole Exome
Background: Accurate molecular diagnosis of monogenic non-autoimmune neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) is critical for patient care, as patients carrying a mutation in KCNJ11 or ABCC8 can be treated by oral sulfonylurea drugs instead of insulin therapy. This diagnosis is currently based on Sanger sequencing of at least 42 PCR fragments from the KCNJ11, ABCC8, and INS genes. Here, we assessed the feasibility of using the next-generation whole exome sequencing (WES) for the NDM molecular diagnosis. Methodology/Principal Findings: We carried out WES for a patient presenting with permanent NDM, for whom mutations in KCNJ11, ABCC8 and INS and abnormalities in chromosome 6q24 had been previously excluded. A solution hybridization selection was performed to generate WES in 76 bp paired-end reads, by using two channels of the sequencing instrument. WES quality was assessed using a high-resolution oligonucleotide whole-genome genotyping array. From our WES with high-quality reads, we identified a novel non-synonymous mutation in ABCC8 (c.1455G.C/p.Q485H), despite a previous negative sequencing of this gene. This mutation, confirmed by Sanger sequencing, was not present in 348 controls and in the patient’s mother, father and young brother, all of whom are normoglycemic. Conclusions/Significance: WES identified a novel de novo ABCC8 mutation in a NDM patient. Compared to the current Sanger protocol, WES is a comprehensive, cost-efficient and rapid method to identify mutations in NDM patients. W
Post Genome-Wide Association Studies of Novel Genes Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Show Gene-Gene Interaction and High Predictive Value
Recently, several Genome Wide Association (GWA) studies in populations of European descent have identified and validated novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), highly associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Our aims were to validate these markers in other European and non-European populations, then to assess their combined effect in a large French study comparing T2D and normal glucose tolerant (NGT) individuals. rs7903146 SNP, were combined (8.68-fold for the 14% of French individuals carrying 18 to 30 risk alleles with an allelic OR of 1.24). With an area under the ROC curve of 0.86, only 15 novel loci were necessary to discriminate French individuals susceptible to develop T2D. strongly associate with T2D in French individuals, and mostly in populations of Central European descent but not in Moroccan subjects. Genes expressed in the pancreas interact together and their combined effect dramatically increases the risk for T2D, opening avenues for the development of genetic prediction tests
Economic Aspects of Pneumococcal Pneumonia: A Review of the Literature
In this review, the economic aspects of pneumococcal pneumonia are analysed, including the costs, cost effectiveness and cost benefit of treatment and prevention. We identified eight cost-of-illness studies, 15 analyses comparing the costs of different treatment options and 15 economic evaluations of prevention that met our search criteria. The studies were conducted largely in Europe and the US. Most pertained to community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in general, without specific analysis of pneumococcus-related illness. Many of the studies were considered to be of poor quality for the following reasons: comparison without randomisation or control variables, disregard of health outcomes, small sample size, restriction of costs to drug costs and vague or disputable sources of cost information. In the US, hospitalisation costs resulting from CAP can be estimated to be between US8000 per admission or US50 per dose), the economic attractiveness of the universal PCV vaccination strategies hinges on the potential for price reductions and the willingness of decision makers to adopt a societal perspective.Antibacterials, Cost-analysis, Cost-effectiveness, Cost-of-illness, Pneumonia, Pneumonia, Quinolones
A structured strategy for assessing chemical risks, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises
BACKGROUND: A previous study carried out in 20 Belgian companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), showed that prevention advisors did not use any structured approaches to assess chemical risk. They used their personal judgement and the information contained in manufacturers' Safety Data Sheets to assess the risk. OBJECTIVE AND METHOD: The purpose of the Regetox network is to provide companies with a global approach for assessing chemical health risks. The structured approach proposed consists of two successive steps of increasing complexity. For the first step, we chose a method developed by the INRS (France), the 'ranking of potential risk', which allows the safety officer or staff member to identify hazards and to set priorities among all the supplied products used in the workplace. For the second step, we applied the COSHH method and EASE model established by the UK HealthVALORISATION DU RESEAU D’INFORMATIONS TOXICOLOGIQUES REGETOX 2000 POUR LA PROTECTION DES TRAVAILLEUR
Dual cyclodextrin systems for the enantioseparation of acidic drugs by capillary zone electrophoresis
De midden- en finaal-paleolithische vondsten van Ronse - Pont West (Oost-Vlaanderen, BE)
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