164 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and treatment of disk associated wobbler syndrome in dogs

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    Thoracic and lumbar vertebral bone mineral density changes in a natural occuring dog model of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis

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    Ankylosing spinal disorders can be associated with alterations in vertebral bone mineral density (BMD). There is however controversy about vertebral BMD in patients wuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH). DISH in Boxer dogs has been considered a natural occurring disease model for DISH in people. The purpose of this study was to compare vertebral BMD between Boxers with and without DISH. Fifty-nine Boxers with (n=30) or without (n=29) DISH that underwent computed tomography were included. Vertebral BMD was calculated for each thoracic and lumbar vertebra by using an earlier reported and validated protocol. For each vertebral body, a region of interest was drawn on the axial computed tomographic images at three separate locations: immediately inferior to the superior end plate, in the middle of the vertebral body, and superior to the inferior end plate. Values from the three axial slices were averaged to give a mean Hounsfield Unit value for each vertebral body. Univariate statistical analysis was performed to identify factors to be included in a multivariate model. The multivariate model including all dogs demonstrated that vertebral DISH status (Coefficient 24.63; 95% CI 16.07 to 33.19; p < 0.001), lumbar vertebrae (Coefficient -17.25; 95% CI -23.42 to -11.09; p < 0.01), and to a lesser extent higher age (Coefficient -0.56; 95% CI -1.07 to -0.05; p = 0.03) were significant predictors for vertebral BMD. When the multivariate model was repeated using only dogs with DISH, vertebral DISH status (Coefficient 20.67; 95% CI, 10.98 to 30.37; p < 0.001) and lumbar anatomical region (Coefficient -38.24; 95% CI, -47.75 to -28.73; p < 0.001) were again predictors for vertebral BMD but age was not. The results of this study indicate that DISH can be associated with decreased vertebral BMD. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the clinical importance and pathophysiology of this finding

    Anesthetic and analgesic management of a skunk (Mephitis mephitis) undergoing a laminectomy for cauda equina compression

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    A 6-year-old, male striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) weighing 5.9 kg was anesthetized for diagnostic imaging procedures and subsequently for a laminectomy at level L6/S1 as treatment of lumbosacral stenosis. On both occasions, anesthesia was induced by a face mask using 5% isoflurane in oxygen. After endotracheal intubation, anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. When necessary, intermittent positive pressure ventilation was instituted. For the surgical intervention, analgesia was provided with pre-operative carprofen, perioperative intravenous infusion of fentanyl and postoperative buprenorphine. The constant rate infusion of fentanyl provided a sufficient level of analgesia and reduced the amount of isoflurane needed. Hypoxemia occurred at the end of surgery and was successfully treated using a vital capacity manoeuvre. The recovery from both anesthetic procedures was smooth and uneventful and the surgical intervention was successful. Three weeks after surgery the skunk was able to move the pelvic limbs voluntarily

    Description and clinical relevance of the variable conformation of canine spinal arachnoid diverticula.

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    The conformation of spinal arachnoid diverticula (SAD) and their clinical implications are poorly characterized in dogs. This retrospective cross-sectional study describes different SAD conformations in dogs and aims to identify if there is an association between SAD conformation and clinical features, localisation, syringomyelia (SM) presence, concurrent vertebral condition, treatment option, and short as well as long-term outcome.Sixty-two dogs were included (12 cervical and 50 thoracolumbar SAD). All dogs with a cervical SAD had a cranial tethered conformation and were not included in the statistical analysis. Half of the dogs with a thoracolumbar SAD were cranial tethered and the other half caudal tethered. SM associated with SAD had a moderate prevalence in the cervical region (58.3%) and a high prevalence in the thoracolumbar region (82%). All dogs with the presence of SM and caudal tethered SAD had a cranial positioned SM and all dogs with SM and a cranial tethered SAD had a caudal positioned SM. The SM absolute length and SM length/L2 ratio were significantly higher (P=.018, respectively) in the caudal tethered SAD compared to the cranial tethered SAD. The short-term outcome was statistically different (P=.045) between caudal and cranial tethered thoracolumbar SAD, but not the long-term outcome (P=.062). Multivariable logistic regression identified thoracolumbar caudal tethered SAD conformation had a better short-term outcome (P= 0.017 OR:0.043 CI:0.003 – 0.563), independently of SM length measurements. SAD conformation in dogs can possibly influence SM formation. A possible link between short-term outcome and SAD conformation was found, but further research is warranted.<br/

    Prevalence of thoracic vertebral malformations in french bulldogs, pugs and english bulldogs with and without associated neurological deficits

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    Congenital vertebral malformations are common incidental findings in small breed dogs. This retrospective observational study evaluated the type and prevalence of thoracic vertebral malformations in 171 neurologically normal and 10 neurologically abnormal screw-tailed brachycephalic dogs. Neurologically normal dogs underwent CT for reasons unrelated to spinal disease, while affected dogs underwent MRI. Imaging studies were reviewed and vertebral malformations including hemivertebrae, block vertebrae, transitional vertebrae, and spina bifida were documented. The group of clinically normal dogs consisted of 62 French bulldogs, 68 Pugs and 41 English bulldogs. The group of affected dogs consisted of one French bulldog and nine Pugs. Overall, 80.7% of neurologically normal animals were affected by at least one vertebral malformation. There was a significant influence of breed, with thoracic vertebral malformations occurring more often in neurologically normal French bulldogs (P &lt; 0.0001) and English bulldogs (P = 0.002). Compared to other breeds, hemivertebrae occurred more often in neurologically normal French bulldogs (93.5%; P &lt; 0.0001 vs. Pugs; P = 0.004 vs. English bulldogs) and less often in neurologically normal Pugs (17.6%; P = 0.004 vs. English bulldogs). Neurologically normal Pugs were more often diagnosed with transitional vertebrae and spina bifida compared to other breeds (P &lt; 0.0001 for both malformations). Of Pugs included in the study, 4.7% were diagnosed with clinically relevant thoracic vertebral malformations. When compared to the general veterinary hospital population, this was significantly more than the other two breeds (P = 0.006). This study indicates that thoracic vertebral malformations occur commonly in neurologically normal screw-tailed brachycephalic dogs. While hemivertebrae are often interpreted as incidental diagnostic findings, they appear to be of greater clinical importance in Pugs compared to other screw-tailed brachycephalic breeds

    Sole prednisolone therapy in canine meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology

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    Meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology (MUE) is a frequently diagnosed and often fatal disease in veterinary neurology. The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the efficacy of three different sole prednisolone treatment schedules in dogs diagnosed with MUE. The dogs were diagnosed clinically with MUE based on previously described inclusion criteria, and treated with a three-, eight- or eighteen-week-tapering prednisolone schedule. Thirty eight dogs were included in the study. Seventeen, fifteen and six dogs received the three-, eight- and eighteen-week tapering schedule, respectively. Overall, 37% of the dogs died or were euthanized because of MUE, and a significant difference in survival time was seen between the three treatment schedules. Surprisingly, the highest number of dogs that died because of MUE was seen in the eight week treatment schedule (56%), followed by the three-week (26%) and eighteen-week (0%) treatment schedule. Based on the results of this study, no definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding the ideal prednisolone dosing protocol for dogs diagnosed with MUE. However, a more aggressive and immunosuppressive treatment protocol might lead to a better outcome

    M & L Jaargang 28/6

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    Steven Mortier en Cynrik De Decker - Luchtvaartarcheologie versus archeologische erfgoedzorg in Vlaanderen. [Aviation archaeology versus heritage management.]Heeft de traditionele wetenschappelijke archeologie haar grenzen bereikt of blijven nieuwe perspectieven zich openen?De vraag wordt met weinig omwegen gesteld door Steven Mortier en Cynrik Decker, in het licht van de recentste ontwikkelingen inzake \u27luchtvaartarcheologie\u27, lees: deze van vliegende toestellen en hun bemanning uit WO I en WO II.Een beschouwing over de ondraaglijke lichtheid van crash sites of: hoe de passie van \u27amateurs\u27 uitdraait op het \u27inzicht\u27 van erfgoedzorgers.Frederik Mahieu - Restauratie en nieuwbouw in het stadhuis van Menen. [The Town Hall of Menen.]De realisatie kandideerde voor de Vlaamse Monumentenprijs 2008, maar moest de duimen leggen voor Jules Eggerickx\u27s Villa l\u27Escale in De Panne en de blitse Antwerpse Ruien.De ingrijpende geschiktmaking van het stadhuis van Menen, tot voor kort een onontwarbaar kluwen van bouwonderdelen uit opeenvolgende periodes, scoort nochtans door zijn helder concept en compromisloze cohabitatie tussen erkend erfgoed en creatieve nieuwbouw. De bouwhistoricus gaf uitzonderlijk forfait, maar Frederik Mahieu pleit als architect met plaatsvervangend vuur voor deze in het genre voorbeeldige modelrealisatie.Dieter Nuytten - Het Hollandcollege in Leuven: een boeiende geschiedenis van Uten Lieminghe over de Hollandse missie tot Paridaens. [The Holland College.]Slechts aan wie ziende blind is zal ontgaan met welke passie Dieter Nuytten, één van M&L\u27s meest productieve auteurs, zich ditmaal toelegt op het Hollandcollege, de parel aan de kroon van de Leuvense universitaire colleges.Ontstaan uit het 16de-eeuwse domein Uten Lieminghe, bolwerk in de vroege 17de eeuw van Cornelius Jansenius en levenswerk van Fille de Notre-Dame Cicercule Paridaens, stichteres in 1805 van de gelijknamige school voor meisjes, wordt dit uitzonderlijk gaaf bewaard gebouwenensemble nochtans vooral gekenmerkt door het Lodewijk XV-decor van architect Jean-Antoine Hustin. Als jongste nieuwe gebruiker laat de Universiteit Leuven ongetwijfeld op termijn evenzeer haar eigen sporen na.Summar