47 research outputs found

    Metals and dust in the neutral ISM: the Galaxy, Magellanic Clouds, and damped Lyman-{\alpha} absorbers

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    Context. The presence of dust in the neutral interstellar medium (ISM) dramatically changes the metal abundances that we measure. Understanding the metal content in the neutral ISM, and a direct comparison between different environments, has been hampered to date because of the degeneracy to the observed ISM abundances caused by the effects of metallicity, the presence of dust, and nucleosynthesis. Aims. We study the metal and dust content in the neutral ISM consistently in different environments, and assess the universality of recently discovered sequences of relative abundances. We also intend to assess the validity of [Zn/Fe] as a tracer of dust in the ISM. This has recently been cast into doubt based on observations of stellar abundances, and needs to be addressed before we can safely use it to study the ISM. Methods. In this letter we present a simple comparison of relative abundances observed in the neutral ISM in the Galaxy, the Magellanic Clouds, and damped Lyman-{\alpha} Absorbers (DLAs). The main novelty in this comparison is the inclusion of the Magellanic Clouds. Results. The same sequences of relative abundances are valid for the Galaxy, Magellanic Clouds, and DLAs. These sequences are driven by the presence of dust in the ISM and seem 'universal'. Conclusions. The metal and dust properties in the neutral ISM appear to follow a similar behaviour in different environments. This suggests that a dominant fraction of the dust budget is built up from grain growth in the ISM depending of the physical conditions and regardless of the star formation history of the system. In addition, the DLA gas behaves like the neutral ISM, at least from a chemical point of view. Finally, despite the deviations in [Zn/Fe] observed in stellar abundances, [Zn/Fe] is a robust dust tracer in the ISM of different environments, from the Galaxy to DLAs.Comment: A&A Letter in press. 4 pages, 2 figure

    The cosmic evolution of dust-corrected metallicity in the neutral gas

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    Interpreting abundances of Damped Ly-α\alpha Absorbers (DLAs) from absorption-line spectroscopy has typically been a challenge because of the presence of dust. Nevertheless, because DLAs trace distant gas-rich galaxies regardless of their luminosity, they provide an attractive way of measuring the evolution of the metallicity of the neutral gas with cosmic time. This has been done extensively so far, but typically not taking proper dust corrections into account. The aims of this paper are to: i) provide a simplified way of calculating dust corrections, based on a single observed [XX/Fe], ii) assess the importance of dust corrections for DLA metallicities and their evolution, and iii) investigate the cosmic evolution of iron for a large DLA sample. We have derived dust corrections based on the observed [Zn/Fe], [Si/Fe], or [S/Fe], and confirmed their robustness. We present dust-corrected metallicities in a scale of [Fe/H]tot_{\rm tot} for 236 DLAs over a broad range of zz, and assess the extent of dust corrections for different metals at different metallicities. Dust corrections in DLAs are important even for Zn (typically of 0.1-0.2, and up to 0.50.5~dex), which is often neglected. Finally, we study the evolution of the dust-corrected metallicity with zz. The DLA metallicities decrease with redshift, by a factor of 50-100 from today to ∌12.6\sim12.6 billion years ago (z=5z=5). When including dust corrections, the average DLA metallicities are 0.4--0.5~dex higher than without corrections. The upper envelope of the relation between metallicity and zz reaches solar metallicity at zâ‰Č0.5z\lesssim0.5, although some systems can have solar metallicity already out to z∌3z\sim3.Comment: Forthcoming in A&A. 16 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    On the (in)variance of the dust-to-metals ratio in galaxies

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    Recent works have demonstrated a surprisingly small variation of the dust-to-metals ratio in different environments and a correlation between dust extinction and the density of stars. Naively, one would interpret these findings as strong evidence of cosmic dust being produced mainly by stars. But other observational evidence suggest there is a significant variation of the dust-to-metals ratio with metallicity. As we demonstrate in this paper, a simple star-dust scenario is problematic also in the sense that it requires that destruction of dust in the interstellar medium (e.g., due to passage of supernova shocks) must be highly inefficient. We suggest a model where stellar dust production is indeed efficient, but where interstellar dust growth is equally important and acts as a replenishment mechanism which can counteract the effects of dust destruction. This model appears to resolve the seemingly contradictive observations, given that the ratio of the effective (stellar) dust and metal yields is not universal and thus may change from one environment to another, depending on metallicity.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Light Curves of Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory

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    We investigate the light-curve properties of a sample of 26 spectroscopically confirmed hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSNe-I) in the Palomar Transient Factory survey. These events are brighter than SNe Ib/c and SNe Ic-BL, on average, by about 4 and 2 mag, respectively. The peak absolute magnitudes of SLSNe-I in rest-frame g band span −22 ≟ M g ≟ −20 mag, and these peaks are not powered by radioactive ^(56)Ni, unless strong asymmetries are at play. The rise timescales are longer for SLSNe than for normal SNe Ib/c, by roughly 10 days, for events with similar decay times. Thus, SLSNe-I can be considered as a separate population based on photometric properties. After peak, SLSNe-I decay with a wide range of slopes, with no obvious gap between rapidly declining and slowly declining events. The latter events show more irregularities (bumps) in the light curves at all times. At late times, the SLSN-I light curves slow down and cluster around the ^(56)Co radioactive decay rate. Powering the late-time light curves with radioactive decay would require between 1 and 10 M⊙ of Ni masses. Alternatively, a simple magnetar model can reasonably fit the majority of SLSNe-I light curves, with four exceptions, and can mimic the radioactive decay of ^(56)Co, up to ~400 days from explosion. The resulting spin values do not correlate with the host-galaxy metallicities. Finally, the analysis of our sample cannot strengthen the case for using SLSNe-I for cosmology

    Dust-depletion sequences in damped Lyman-α absorbers II. The composition of cosmic dust, from low-metallicity systems to the Galaxy

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    Metals in the interstellar medium (ISM) of essentially all types of galaxies are observed to be depleted compared to the expected values. The depletion is most likely due to dust condensation in, for example, cold molecular clouds and various circumstellar and interstellar environments. The relative observed metal abundances should thereby reflect the composition of the ISM dust components. We aim at identifying the most dominant dust species or types, including silicate and iron oxide grains present in the ISM, using recent observations of dust depletion of galaxies at various evolutionary stages. We use the observed elemental abundances in dust of several metals (O, S, Si, Mg, and Fe) in different environments, considering systems with different metallicities and dust content, namely damped Lyman-α absorbers (DLAs) towards quasars and the Galaxy. We derive a possible dust composition by computationally finding the statistically expected elemental abundances in dust assuming a set of key dust species with the iron content as a free parameter. Carbonaceous dust is not considered in the present study. Metallic iron (likely in the form of inclusions in silicate grains) and iron oxides are important components of the mass composition of carbon-free dust. The latter make up a significant mass fraction (~1∕4 in some cases) of the oxygen-bearing dust and there are good reasons to believe that metallic iron constitutes a similar mass fraction of dust. WĂŒstite (FeO) could be a simple explanation for the depletion of iron and oxygen because it is easily formed. There appears to be no silicate species clearly dominating the silicate mass, but rather a mix of iron-poor as well as iron-rich olivine and pyroxene. To what extent sulphur depletion is due to sulfides remains unclear. In general, there seems to be little evolution of the dust composition (not considering carbonaceous dust) from low-metallicity systems to the Galaxy

    Light Curves of Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory

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    We investigate the light-curve properties of a sample of 26 spectroscopically confirmed hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSNe-I) in the Palomar Transient Factory survey. These events are brighter than SNe Ib/c and SNe Ic-BL, on average, by about 4 and 2 mag, respectively. The peak absolute magnitudes of SLSNe-I in rest-frame g band span −22 ≟ M g ≟ −20 mag, and these peaks are not powered by radioactive ^(56)Ni, unless strong asymmetries are at play. The rise timescales are longer for SLSNe than for normal SNe Ib/c, by roughly 10 days, for events with similar decay times. Thus, SLSNe-I can be considered as a separate population based on photometric properties. After peak, SLSNe-I decay with a wide range of slopes, with no obvious gap between rapidly declining and slowly declining events. The latter events show more irregularities (bumps) in the light curves at all times. At late times, the SLSN-I light curves slow down and cluster around the ^(56)Co radioactive decay rate. Powering the late-time light curves with radioactive decay would require between 1 and 10 M⊙ of Ni masses. Alternatively, a simple magnetar model can reasonably fit the majority of SLSNe-I light curves, with four exceptions, and can mimic the radioactive decay of ^(56)Co, up to ~400 days from explosion. The resulting spin values do not correlate with the host-galaxy metallicities. Finally, the analysis of our sample cannot strengthen the case for using SLSNe-I for cosmology

    The {\alpha}-element enrichment of gas in distant galaxies

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    The chemical evolution of distant galaxies cannot be assessed from observations of individual stars, in contrast to the case of nearby galaxies. On the other hand, the study of the interstellar medium (ISM) offers an alternative way to reveal important properties of the chemical evolution of distant galaxies. The chemical enrichment of the ISM is produced by all the previous generations of stars and it is possible to precisely determine the metal abundances in the neutral ISM in galaxies. The chemical abundance patterns in the neutral ISM are determined by the gas metallicity, presence of dust (the depletion of metals into dust grains), and possible deviations due to specific nucleosynthesis, for example, α\alpha-element enhancements. We aim to derive the metallicities, dust depletion, and α\alpha-element enhancements in the neutral ISM of gas-rich mostly-metal-poor distant galaxies (Damped Lyman-α\alpha absorbers, DLAs). Furthermore, we aim to constrain the distribution of α\alpha-element enhancements with metallicity in these galaxies. We have constrained, for the first time, the distribution of the α\alpha-element enhancement with metallicity in the neutral ISM in distant galaxies. Less massive galaxies show an α\alpha-element knee at lower metallicities than more massive galaxies. This can be explained by a lower star formation rate in less massive galaxies. If this collective behaviour can be interpreted in the same way as it is for individual systems, this would suggest that more massive and metal-rich systems evolve to higher metallicities before the contribution of SN-Ia to [α\alpha/Fe] levels out that of core-collapse SNe. This finding may plausibly be supported by different SFRs in galaxies of different masses. Overall, our results offer important clues to the study of chemical evolution in distant galaxies.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to A&

    iPTF13beo: The Double-Peaked Light Curve of a Type Ibn Supernova Discovered Shortly after Explosion

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    We present optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of the Type Ibn (SN 2006jc-like) supernova iPTF13beo. Detected by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory ~3 hours after the estimated first light, iPTF13beo is the youngest and the most distant (~430 Mpc) Type Ibn event ever observed. The iPTF13beo light curve is consistent with light curves of other Type Ibn SNe and with light curves of fast Type Ic events, but with a slightly faster rise-time of two days. In addition, the iPTF13beo R-band light curve exhibits a double-peak structure separated by ~9 days, not observed before in any Type Ibn SN. A low-resolution spectrum taken during the iPTF13beo rising stage is featureless, while a late-time spectrum obtained during the declining stage exhibits narrow and intermediate-width He I and Si II features with FWHM ~ 2000-5000 km/s and is remarkably similar to the prototypical SN Ibn 2006jc spectrum. We suggest that our observations support a model of a massive star exploding in a dense He-rich circumstellar medium (CSM). A shock breakout in a CSM model requires an eruption releasing a total mass of ~0.1 Msun over a time scale of couple of weeks prior to the SN explosion.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Dust depletion of of metals from local to distant galaxies II: Cosmic dust-to-metal ratio and dust composition

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    The evolution of the cosmic dust content and the cycle between metals and dust in the interstellar medium (ISM) play a fundamental role in galaxy evolution. The chemical enrichment of the Universe can be traced through the evolution of the dust-to-metals ratio (DTM) and the dust-to-gas ratio (DTG) with metallicity. We use a novel method to determine mass estimates of the DTM, DTG and dust composition based on our previous measurements of the depletion of metals in different environments (the Milky Way, the Magellanic Clouds, and damped Lyman-α\alpha absorbers, DLAs, toward quasars and towards gamma-ray bursts, GRBs), which were calculated from the relative abundances of metals in the ISM through absorption-line spectroscopy column densities observed mainly from VLT/UVES and X-shooter, and HST/STIS. We derive the dust extinction from the estimated dust depletion (AV,deplA_{V, \rm depl}) and compare with the AVA_{V} from extinction. We find that the DTM and DTG ratios increase with metallicity and with the dust tracer [Zn/Fe]. This suggests that grain growth in the ISM is a dominant process of dust production. The increasing trend of the DTM and DTG with metallicity is in good agreement with a dust production and evolution model. Our data suggest that the stellar dust yield is much lower than the metal yield and thus that the overall amount of dust in the warm neutral medium that is produced by stars is much lower. We find that AV,deplA_{V,\rm depl} is overall lower than AV,extA_{V, \rm ext} for the Milky Way and a few Magellanic Clouds lines of sight, a discrepancy that is likely related to the presence of carbonaceous dust. We show that the main elements that contribute to the dust composition are, O, Fe, Si, Mg, C, S, Ni and Al for all the environments. Abundances at low dust regimes suggest the presence of pyroxene and metallic iron in dust.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Abstract abridge