22 research outputs found
Do Phone and Internet Have Role to Promote Economic
As one of the developing countries in the world, Indonesia is very active in developing ICT. The dependence of the Indonesian people on ICT increases every year. The two ICT indicators experiencing rapid development are the telephone and the internet. This study aims to analyze the effects of fixed-line phone users, mobile phone users, and internet users on economic growth in Indonesia. The panel data used in this study is panel data from 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2011–2019. The results showed that mobile phone users and internet users have positive effects on economic growth. However, fixed-line phones have a negative and insignificant influence on economic growth. Advances in technology have shifted fixed-line phones to smartphones. The government is expected to control and direct mobile phones and the internet for productive activities to encourage economic improvement
Indonesian Export Analysis: Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model Approach
There are some factors predicted tohave an effect on the countries’ economic devlopment. This study aimed to analyze the long-term and short-term effects of In-flation, Exchange Rate, and Foreign Economic Growth (the destination of the United States, China, and Japan) on the Indonesian Export. The Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model is used in this analysis from 1968 through 2017. The results of the analysis show that in the long-term, the inflation and the economic growth in China as well in Japan has a positive sign and significant effect on Indonesian exports. In addition, in the short-term, the US exchange rate and economic growth have a positive significant effect on Indonesian exports
Dynamic Relationship Among Crude Oil Price, Stock Price, and Exchange Rates In Indonesia
This study aimed to examine the causal relationship among oil prices, JCI stock prices, and exchange rates in Indonesia. Observational data were from the period 2015M01-2020M06. The research analysis model used was Toda-Yamamoto (1995) causality test. The results showed a two-way causal relationship between exchange rates and oil and a one-way relationship between exchange rates and stocks. There was a one-way effect of stocks on oil. Stock shocks occurred due to the influence of the stocks themselves—only 10 percent of the exchange rates and 0.62 percent of the oil price. Meanwhile, oil prices experienced shocks from stocks of 35.95 percent and exchange rates of 20.87 percent. Changes were found in the exchange rates because stocks were 57.21 percent and oil prices were 11.27 percent. It is recommended to control the exchange rates so that the economy becomes stable, explore oil in the country or use renewable energy technology to break away from dependence on fossil oil, and maintain the value of stocks to be strong and stable
Credit, Fiscal Policy, and Income Inequality: Empirical Study from Indonesia
This paper investigates the relationship between credit, fiscal policy and income inequality in Indonesia. Annual data collected from Central Statistic Bureau is used from 2010 to 2020. The analytical method of this research is Genralized Least Square (GLS) to examine the relationship between variables. The results show that credit positively and significantly affects income inequality. Local government spending which is a proxy for fiscal policy has a significant and positive effect on income inequaity. The inflation variable has a significant positive effect on income inequality. However, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDRP) per capita has a significant negative effect on income inequality. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the government be able to maintain the momentum of the increasing trend of economic growth by providing the right stimulus, among others by providing access to credit that is easier to reach for the low-income class. In addition, local government expenditure allocations should be better allocated to provide benefits for increasing community income, such as social assistance in the form of direct assistance or free job training by utilizing job training centers tailored to each region's potential
Impact of Disaster on Economic Performance of ASEAN-9: Does Philanthropy Help?
This study aims to determine the moderating role of religious philanthropy in reducing the impacts of disasters to economic problems, namely inequality, poverty, and economic growth of ASEAN-9 over the period from 2000 to 2020. By using a panel moderated regression analysis, the study found that disasters significantly contributed to higher levels of economic growth, income disparity, and poverty. In addition, philanthropy is found to have a negative moderating role in the effects of disasters on economic growth, inequality, and poverty. The findings showed an effective role of philanthropy in reducing the impacts of disasters on economic growth, income disparity, and poverty in ASEAN-9. Our findings provide an important benchmark for the formulation of government policies to mitigate disaster risks on economic problems through the enhancement of religious philanthropic institutions
The Effect of Gender and Household Education Expenditure in Indonesia
This study empirically examines and analyzes the effect of gender on human capital investment in Indonesia. Using the logistic regression method and data sourced from 315,672 households in Indonesia, this study shows that the number of boys, the number of girls, the working status of the head of the household, and the highest education of the head of the household have a positive and significant impact on human capital investment in Indonesia. The results show that female household heads who work and invest in the cost of children's education are more significant than male household heads who also work. Higher the education level of the head of the household, the higher the income received and also investment for children. This research shows strong evidence of gender inequality in education spending that tends to be more towards girls. Based on the results obtained, development policies can consider gender differences in investment in labor and education. Increasing the school participation rate of women compared to men will increase the differentiation of the workforce by gender but also increase income inequality between men and women. Likewise, investment in education which tends to be more directed to women than men, will reduce income inequality
Pesantren merupakan sarana pendidikan menimba ilmu pengetahuan agama. Pesantren memiliki kendala tersendiri dalam bidang kemandirian secara ekonomi. Untuk mensiasati permasalahan tersebut diperlukan adanya pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi santri yang belajar di pesantren. Pesantren Darul Hikmah Khaju merupakan pesantren yang menampung santri dari kalangan kurang mampu dan yatim piatu. Maka oleh itu, pengabdian kewirausahaan yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian bertujuan untuk menumbuhkembangkan semangat kewirausahaan dan kemandirian pesantren. Pengabdian ini menggunakan pendekatan partisiopatris, dengan mengajak patisipasi pihak pesantren. Setelah dilakukan observasi dan diskusi, pemberdayaan ikan lele merupakan usaha yang realistis dijalankan oleh Pesantren Darul Hikmah Khaju. Budidaya ikan lele memiliki peluang ekonomi yang strategis dan menjanjikan karena sangat mudah dan praktis untuk dilakukan. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah, yaitu menjelaskan konsep kewirausahaan berbasis santripreneur, pengamatan lingkungan dan diskusi dalam melihat potensi dayah, pelatihan budidaya ikan lele sistem tambak, persiapan,, dan kegiatan pembudidayaan ikan lele. Pengabdian yang dilakukan dengan berbasis santripreneur pada santri Pesantren Darul Hikmah Khaju memberikan manfaat yang besar. Santri mendapatkan wawasan spiritual-preneurship dalam kultur pesantren, sekaligus mulai memahami bagaimana tata cara pembudidayaan lele