75 research outputs found
Possibilities of the Application of Fibre Reinforced Composites in Implantological Therapy
Vlaknima ojaÄani kompoziti (engl. fiber reinforced composites, FRC) posebna su skupina materijala sastavljena od kompozita u koji je uložena odreÄena vrsta vlakana. Vlakna se razlikuju po kemijskome sastavu i po naÄinu izradbe. S obzirom na kemijski sastav, danas se u restaurativnoj i estetskoj stomatologiji najÄeÅ”Äe rabe polietilenska i staklena vlakna (osim te dvije vrste mogu se naÄi ugljiÄna i kevlar vlakna). Prema naÄinu izradbe vlakna mogu biti istosmjerna ili pletena. Pletena vlakna meÄusobno se razlikuju po veliÄini i naÄinu pletenja. Uporaba vlakana u svakodnevnom kliniÄkom radu posljednjih godina sve viÅ”e dobiva na važnosti. Svoju uporabu naÅ”la su u gotovo svim dijelovima stomatoloÅ”ke struke: parodontologiji, restaurativnoj stomatologiji, traumatologiji, ortodonciji, itd. Vlakna mogu biti izraÄena u dva osnovna oblika: preimpregnirana i neimpregnirana. Preimpregnirana vlakna u posebnom su naÄinu pakiranja i veÄ obložena kompozitnom osnovom, a kod neimpregniranih vlakana potrebna je predpriprema prije ulaganja u kompozitni materijal.
Uporaba vlaknima ojaÄanih kompozita otvorila je nove moguÄnosti u rjeÅ”avanju odreÄenih problema koji mogu nastati tijekom implantoloÅ”koprotetske terapije. Cilj je predavanja prikazati moguÄnosti upotrebe vlaknima ojaÄanih kompozita u razliÄitim kliniÄkim sluÄajevima te uputiti na pogrjeÅ”ke tijekom kliniÄke izradbe.Fibre reinforced composites (FRC) are a specific group of materials consisting of composites in which determined types of fibre are inserted. The fibres differ according to their chemical composition and method of construction. With regard to the chemical composition, polyethylene and glass fibres are most frequently used today in restorative and aesthetic dentistry (apart from these two types, carbon and kevlar fibre can be found). According to the method of construction the fibres can be parallel or plaited. Plaited fibres differ mutually with regard to the size and method of plaiting. In the last few years application of fibres in daily clinical work has become increasingly important. Their application has been found in almost all areas of the dental profession: periodontology, restorative dental medicine, traumatology, orthodontics, etc. The fibres can be constructed in two basic forms: impregnated and unimpregnated. Impregnated fibres are packed in a special way and already coated with the composite base, while in the case of unimpregnated fibres prior preparation is necessary before insertion in the composite material. The application of fibre reinforced composites has opened up new possibilities in the treatment of specific problems which can occur during implantological-prosthetic therapy. The purpose of the lecture is to show the possibilities of the application of fibre reinforced composites in different clinical cases and to describe possible errors during clinical construction
Compound odontoma in a 9-year-old male patient ā Case report
Odontomas are odontogenic benign tumours composed of hard dental tissue formed from the epithelial and mesenchymal base. Although odontomas are sometimes suspected in case of delayed eruption of a permanent heir or a persistent deciduous tooth in the dental arch, they are usually asymptomatic and are incidentally found during routine radiographic imaging. Odontomas are histopathologically divided into complex and compound odontomas. We here describe a 9-year-old male patient with compound odontoma, thereby wish to summarize this tumour: its diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis of Occlusal Carious Lesions Using KaVo DIAGNOdent 2095
Svrha je ovoga rada pojasniti naÄin uporabe i utvrditi
prednosti KaVo DIAGNOdent 2095 ureÄaja u kliniÄkoj
detekciji raznih demineralizaciskih promjena u caklini
okluzalnih ploha zuba, koje se podrazumjevaju inicijalnom
karijesnom lezijom.
Znatna prednost KaVo DIAGNOdent laserskoga ureÄaja temelji se na moguÄnosti registracije i vrjednovanja fluorescentnoga zraÄenja, na naÄelu emisije pulsirajuÄe zrake valne duljine 655 nm. Na taj je naÄin omoguÄen pristup siÄuÅ”nim podruÄjima okluzalnih caklinskih ploha koje nisu dostupne primjenom drugih dijagnostiÄkih metoda. SpecifiÄnost i polivalentnost u uporabi temelje se i na moguÄnosti dijagnoze dentalnoga plaka, diskoloracija i zubnoga kamenaca. Jednostavnost u rukovanju te pouzdanost i objektivnost kliniÄkoga nalaza (> 90 %) upuÄuju na prednosti u usporedbi s kliniÄkim radiografskim metodama. Ima veliku važnost za postavljanje dijagnoze u planiranju neinvanzivnih postupaka lijeÄenje. Zato se preporuÄuje ÄeÅ”Äa uporaba ureÄaja u svakodnevnoj kliniÄkoj dijagnostici karijesa zbog manje invanzivnoga pristupa u restorativnoj stomatologiji koji omoguÄuje da se maksimalno oÄuva zdravo zubno tkivo.The aim of the study was to explain in detail the usage of KaVo DIAGNOdent 2095 and to determine its advantages in clinical detection of early demineralisation of oclusal enamel surfaces, pronounced as initial occlusal caries lesins.
The great advantage in diagnosis offered by KaVo DIAGNOdent laser based on its ability to register and evaluate fluorescent emission of the pulsed beam of the 655 nm wavelength. It enables access to the most minute occlusal routes, otherwise unreachable by other means of diagnosing techniques. Specificity and multidimensional approach is based on the pssibility of diagnosin dental plaque, discoloration and calculus. Simplicity and the ability to produce a reliable and objective clinical diagnosis (> 90 %) are the advantages in comparison with classical radiographic methods and inspection using a probe. It is of great importance in planning noninvasive and preventive conservative treatments. It is recommended for use more frequently in everyday clinical diagnosis of caries lesions, because of itās less invasive approach in restorative dentistry, which leads to preservation of healthy tooth tissue
Comparison of the effects of xylocain and cystocain in dentistry
Ovim radom željeli smo usporedbom pronaÄi svojstva lokalnih
anestetika Xylocaina i Cystocaina aplikacijom tih anestetika u odreÄenu regiju usne Å”upljine. Na osnovu tih ispitivanja preporuÄili bismo stomatologu praktiÄaru, po naÅ”em miÅ”ljenju pogodniji anestetik za primjenu u stomatologiji. Ispitivanja smo provodili u dobrovoljaca oba spola u dobi od 22 do 31 godine. Bilo je 72 ispitanika. U svakog smo ispitanika pomoÄu elektriÄnog pulpa-stimulatora ustanovili najnižu vrijednost podražljivosti vitaliteta zuba. Zatim smo ispitanicima izmjerili tlak i puls. Mjerenja tlaka i pulsa ponovljena su joÅ” dvaput u razmacima od po pet minuta. Zatim smo aplicirala anestetik u podruÄje gornjeg lateratnog sjekutiÄa. Minutu nakon aplikacije podražili smo svaki pojedini zub strujom prethodno utvrÄenog najmanjeg intenziteta. Ispitivanje vitaliteta zuba nastavljeno je 3, 6, 10, 15 i 30 minuta nakon aplikacije anestetika. Tlak i puls smo registrirali 5, 10 i 15, minuta nakon aplikacije anestetika. Dobivene rezultate unosili smo u posebnu za to namjenjenu karticu. Nakon provedenih ispitivanja uÄinjena je obrada dobivenih podataka iz kartice. Po dobivenim rezultatima mogli smo zakljuÄiti kako od ova dva lokalna anestetika, Xylocaina i Cystocaina, prednost možemo dati Cystocainu ds. zbog njegove moguÄnosti vrlo dobre penetracije u kost. Usprkos viÅ”estruko niskog sadržaja kateholamina, on postiže bolji intenzitet i dužinu anestezije u ciljanom podruÄju od Xylocaina. Jedino mu je poÄetno djelovanje neÅ”to sporije, Å”to je za njegovu primjenu u stomatologiji zanemarivo.This study was an attempt to compare the adventageous and disadvantageous characteristics of Xylocain and Cystocain, by the application of these two anesthetics into particular region of oral cavity. The results thus obtained would then serve as a basis for recommending the practicing stomatologists to use the anesthetic which has proven to be more suitable in dentistry. The study was carried out in 72 volunteers of both sexes, aged 22ā 31 years. The lowest value of the tooth vitality irritability was established in each examinee by means of an electric pulp stimulator, which was followed
by the blood pressure and pulse determinations. Then the anesthetic was applied in the upper small incisor region. A minute after the application, each tooth was irritated by electric current of the lowest previously determined (intensity. The tooth vitality testing was repeated at 3, 6, 10, 15 and 30 minutes after the application of anesthetics, whereas blood pressure and pulse rate recordings were taken at 5,10 and 15 minutes after the application of these agents. The results thus obtained were recorded in the special file cards designed for this purpose. On the completion of the study procedures, the file card data were processed. The results obtained by the file card data processing have led too conclusion that between the two local anesthetics studied (Xylocain and Cystocain), priority should be given to Cystocain ds. Owing to its capacity of penetration into the bone and despite a multiply low content of catecholamines, higher intensity and longer duration of anesthesia in a target region can be achieved by Cystocain ds compared to Xylocain. Only its initial action is quite slow, but this can be neglected when used in dentistry
Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation
Distalna bezubost gornje Äeljusti, povezana s jakom resorpcijom alveolarnog grebena ili jakom pneumatizacijom maksilarnog sinusa, Äesto je limitirajuÄi Äimbenik implanto-protetske rehabilitacije. Insuficijentni koÅ”tani volumen moguÄe je nadomjestiti operativnim zahvatom tako da se podigne dno maksilarnog sinusa (elevacija dna maksilarnog sinusa ili osinus-lifting). Elevacija dna sinusa operativni je zahvat kojim se premjeÅ”ta sinusno dno prema kranijalnoj kosti, uz istodobnu augmentaciju koÅ”tanog defekta kako bi se stvorila dovoljna visina koÅ”tanog fundamenta potrebnog za ugradnju dentalnih implantata. Ta operativna tehnika uobiÄajena je u kliniÄkoj primjeni od godine 1986. i od tada se sve viÅ”e modificira i usavrÅ”ava. Svrha ovoga rada jest predstaviti razliÄite tehnike podizanja dna maksilarnog sinusa sa svim prednostima i nedostacima, kako bi u kliniÄkoj praksi njihova primjena bila Å”to uspjeÅ”nija. Elevacija dna maksilarnog sinusa, uz augmentaciju aloplastiÄnim ili autolognim koÅ”tanim implantatima, pouzdana je tehnika kojom se jako proÅ”iruju indikacije za ugradnju dentalnih implantata u molarnu regiju alveolarnog nastavka, Å”to nije bilo moguÄe zbog voluminoznog maksilarnog sinusa.Distal edentulousness of the maxilla, together with extensive resorption of the alveolar crest or high pneumatization of the maxillary sinus, is often a limiting factor for implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. It is possible to compensate insufficient bone volume by elevating the floor of the maxillary sinus using an operative procedure (sinus floor elevation or sinus lifting). Elevation of the sinus floor is an operative procedure based on moving the bottom of the sinus cranially while simultaneously augmenting the bone defect, with the purpose of creating sufficient height at the bone fundament needed for the placement of dental implants. This operative technique has been routine in clinical practice since 1986 and is constantly being improved and modified. The purpose of this review is to present the different techniques in sinus lifting with all their advantages and disadvantages in order to render their implementation in clinical practice as successful as possible. Elevating the maxillary sinus floor by augmentation with allograft or autologous bone implants is a reliable method which broadens the indications for the placement of dental implants in the molar region of alveolar bone A, where, due to extensive pneumatization of the maxillary sinus, it was not previously possible
Pain After Tooth Extraction Masking Primary Extranodal Non-Hodgkinās Lymphoma of the Oral Cavity
Maligni su limfomi u usnoj Å”upljini rijetki i Äine približno 3,5 posto svih malignih promjena u oralnoj regiji. Opisan je sluÄaj primarnog non-Hodgkinova limfoma na lijevoj strani mandibule. Nakon Å”to je pacijentu izvaÄen donji lijevi umnjak, perzistirala je spontana i intermitentna bol na lijevoj strani donje Äeljusti. Intraoralnim pregledom ustanovljeno je da sporo cijeli postekstrakcijska alveola. Panoramska radioloÅ”ka snimka pokazala je radiolucenciju s nepravilnim rubovima u stražnjoj mandibularnoj regiji na lijevoj strani. Nakon desetodnevne terapije antibiotikom, bol se smanjila, ali postekstrakcijska je alveola joÅ” neadekvatno cijelila. Inicijalno je bila
pogreÅ”no postavljena dijagnoza kroniÄnog osteomijelitisa. Na temelju histoloÅ”kog i imunohistokemijskog nalaza postavljena je konaÄna dijagnoza - difuzni velikostaniÄni limfom B-imunofenotipa. Nakon kombinacije radioterapije i kemoterapije, kod pacijenta se postigla potpuna remisija te su se povukli svi kliniÄki znakovi bolesti. Dijagnosticiranje ekstranodularnog limfoma Äeljusti je izazov, jer gotovo uvijek postoji sumnja na malignu tvorbu, a Äesto je prikriven oralnim i dentalnim patoloÅ”kim stanjima. Stomatolog je vrlo važan u ranom otkrivanju malignih limfoma usne Å”upljine.Malignant lymphoma of the oral region are uncommon and account for approximately 3.5% of all oral malignancies. In this report, a case of primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the left mandible is presented. The spontaneous and intermittent pain of the left mandible had continued after third left molar extraction. Intraoral examination
revealed healing retardation of the postextraction socket. A panoramic radiograph revealed a radiolucency in the posterior mandibular region with irregular margins. After the 10-day course of antibiotics the spontaneous pain diminished, but the inadequacy of the healing at the extraction site was still present. We initially
misdiagnosed it as chronic osteomyelitis. Based on the histological and immunohistochemical examination, we made the diagnosis of diffused large cell lymphoma of the B-cell type. After the combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy patient showed complete remission with the disappearance of all clinical evidence of disease.
The diagnosis of extranodal lymphoma of the jaw may be chalenging, because frequently there is a low index of clinical suspicion and malignant tumor may mimic common oral and dental pathological conditions. Dentists can play the important rule in the early detection of the malignant lymphoma of the oral cavity
All that can be Hidden Behind the Clinical Appearance of Odontogenic Abscesses. Oversight or Error? - Presentation of Two Cases
Ovim se radom želi upozoriti na važnost iscrpnoga kliniÄkog pregleda, dijagnostiÄke obradbe i dobroga poznavanja patologije usne Å”upljine kako se ne bi dogodilo pogrjeÅ”no lijeÄenje i gubitak dragocijena vremena.
Prvi pacijent R. J., tridesetĻest godina, dolazi zbog perimandibularnog otoka i trizmusa desne strane lica u OB Karlovac, ORL odjel. Tu mu se dva puta uÄini ekstraoralna incizija pod sumnjom odontogenog apscesa. Dolaskom oralnoga kirurga u bolnicu i uvidom u stanje usne Å”upljine pacijent se dogovorno premjeÅ”ta u KKLĀ»U KB āDubravaā. Pregledom se intraoralno naÅ”ao ispod jezika jasan ulkus desno te golem infiltrat gotovo cijele prednje dvije treÄine jezika. Palpacijom se naÄu fiksirane metastaze u regiji dva i tri veliÄine 50 milimetra. Nakon prikaza, na onkoloÅ”kom konziliju indicira se samo iradijacija. Na kontroli, nakon Ļest mjeseci, vidljiva je djelomiÄna regresija bolesti.
Drugi pacijent I. J., tridesettri godine, dolazi u ambulantu oralne kirurgije pod sumnjom palatinalnog apscesa od gornjih lijevih molara. Gornja lijeva Å”estica se trepanira, a suspektni apsces dva puta incidira. U tijeku Å”est mjeseci uopÄe nije bilo regresije bolesti pa se pacijent upuÄuje u KKLĀ»U KB āDubravaā. Tamo mu se uÄini citopunkcija, biopsija, CT maksile te se utvrdi da se radi o mukoepidermoidnom karcinomu tvrdoga nepca. Nakon preoperativne pripreme pacijentu se uÄini parcijalna resekcija gornje Äeljusti. Terapija pacijenta je u tijeku.
Ta dva sluÄaja govore da se jasno moraju znati uzroÄnici razliÄitih oteklina u podruÄju glave i vrata i da, ako se radi o odontogenoj upali, ona na odgovarajuÄu terapiju reagira za kratko vrijeme.The aim of this study was to show the importance of a detailed clinical examination, diagnostic analysis and good knowledge of the pathology of the oral cavity, in order to avoid erroneous treatment and loss of precious time.
The first patient, R. J., a 36-year-old man, was admitted to the ENT Department of the General Hospital, Karlovac, because of a perimandibular swelling and trismuss of the right side of the face. Because an odontogenic abscess was suspected extraoral incision was performed on two occasions. After the arrival of an oral surgeon to the hospital and examination of the oral cavity the patient was transferred to the Clinical Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Dubrava. During an intraoral examination an ulcer was detected beneath the tongue on the right side and a massive infiltrate of almost the whole of the anterior two thirds of the tongue. Immovable metastasis was detected by palpation in regions two and three, 50 millimetres in size. After consultation at an oncological Meeting irradiation only was indicated. A check-up six months later showed partial regression of the disease.
The second patient, K. J., a 33 year-old man, came to the Out-patient Department of Oral Surgery with suspected palatinal abscess of the upper left molar. The upper left six was trepanated and the suspect abscess incidirated twice. For a period of six months no regression occurred and consequently the patient was sent to the Clinical Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Dubrava, where cytopuncture, biopsy, CT of the maxilla were performed which confirmed mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the hard palate. After preoperative preparation partial resection of the upper jaw was performed. Therapy is presently in course.
These two cases indicate the need to know the causative agents of swellings in the area of the head and neck, and if odontogenic inflammation is the case it quickly responds to appropriate therapy
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