7,579 research outputs found

    Self-Organized Routing For Wireless Micro-Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we develop an energy-aware self-organized routing algorithm for the networking of simple battery-powered wireless micro-sensors (as found, for example, in security or environmental monitoring applications). In these networks, the battery life of individual sensors is typically limited by the power required to transmit their data to a receiver or sink. Thus effective network routing algorithms allow us to reduce this power and extend both the lifetime and the coverage of the sensor network as a whole. However, implementing such routing algorithms with a centralized controller is undesirable due to the physical distribution of the sensors, their limited localization ability and the dynamic nature of such networks (given that sensors may fail, move or be added at any time and the communication links between sensors are subject to noise and interference). Against this background, we present a distributed mechanism that enables individual sensors to follow locally selfish strategies, which, in turn, result in the self-organization of a routing network with desirable global properties. We show that our mechanism performs close to the optimal solution (as computed by a centralized optimizer), it deals adaptively with changing sensor numbers and topology, and it extends the useful life of the network by a factor of three over the traditional approach

    Prospective isolation of human bone marrow stromal cell subsets: a comparative study between Stro-1-, CD146- and CD105-enriched populations

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    Stro-1 has proved an efficacious marker for enrichment of skeletal stem and progenitor cells although isolated populations remain heterogeneous, exhibiting variable colony-forming efficiency and osteogenic differentiation potential. The emerging findings that skeletal stem cells originate from adventitial reticular cells have brought two further markers to the fore including CD146 and CD105 (both primarily endothelial and perivascular). This study has compared CD146-, CD105- and Stro-1 (individual and in combination)-enriched human bone marrow stromal cell subsets and assessed whether these endothelial/perivascular markers offer further selection over conventional Stro-1. Fluorescent cell sorting quantification showed that CD146 and CD105 both targeted smaller (2.22% ± 0.59% and 6.94% ± 1.34%, respectively) and potentially different human bone marrow stromal cell fractions compared to Stro-1 (16.29% ± 0.78%). CD146+, but not CD105+, cells exhibited similar alkaline phosphatase-positive colony-forming efficiency in vitro and collagen/proteoglycan deposition in vivo to Stro-1+ cells. Molecular analysis of a number of select osteogenic and potential osteo-predictive genes including ALP, CADM1, CLEC3B, DCN, LOXL4, OPN, POSTN and SATB2 showed Stro-1+ and CD146+ populations possessed similar expression profiles. A discrete human bone marrow stromal cell fraction (2.04% ± 0.41%) exhibited positive immuno-labelling for both Stro-1 and CD146. The data presented here show that CD146+ populations are comparable but not superior to Stro-1+ populations. However, this study demonstrates the critical need for new candidate markers with which to isolate homogeneous skeletal stem cell populations or skeletal stem cell populations which exhibit homogeneous in vitro/in vivo characteristics, for implementation within tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies

    Qubit authentication

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    Secure communication requires message authentication. In this paper we address the problem of how to authenticate quantum information sent through a quantum channel between two communicating parties with the minimum amount of resources. Specifically, our objective is to determine whether one elementary quantum message (a qubit) can be authenticated with a key of minimum length. We show that, unlike the case of classical-message quantum authentication, this is not possible.Comment: LaTeX, 8 page

    Divulgación de información sobre riesgos y coste de los recursos propios: un enfoque bayesiano

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la relación entre la divulgación de información sobre riesgo y el coste de capital de los recursos propios de empresas que cotizan en el mercado de capitales español. Este estudio utiliza un conjunto de 71 empresas que cotizaron en la Bolsa de Madrid entre 2010 y 2015; todas son empresas no financieras de las que había previsiones de beneficios. El problema se ha analizado bajo un enfoque de regresión lineal Bayesiana. Los resultados del estudio muestran que el coste de capital de los recursos propios y la información de riesgo divulgada no están relacionados cuando se toma la información de riesgos de manera global. Sin embargo, cuando la información de riesgo se divide en riesgos financieros y no financieros, se encuentra una relación positiva entre los riesgos financieros y el coste de capital de los recursos propios.This paper aims to analyze the relationship between risk information disclosure and the cost of equity of companies in the Spanish capital market. This study uses a set of 71 firms listed on Madrid stock exchange between 2010 and 2015; all of them are non-financial listed companies for which profit forecasts existed. The problem was analyzed using a Bayesian linear regression approach. The results show that cost of equity and disclosed risk information are not related if a global view of the latter is adopted. However, a positive relationship between financial risks and the cost of equity occurs when risk information is divided into financial and non-financial risks

    Market-Based Task Allocation Mechanisms for Limited Capacity Suppliers

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    This paper reports on the design and comparison of two economically-inspired mechanisms for task allocation in environments where sellers have finite production capacities and a cost structure composed of a fixed overhead cost and a constant marginal cost. Such mechanisms are required when a system consists of multiple self-interested stakeholders that each possess private information that is relevant to solving a system-wide problem. Against this background, we first develop a computationally tractable centralised mechanism that finds the set of producers that have the lowest total cost in providing a certain demand (i.e. it is efficient). We achieve this by extending the standard Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism to allow for multi-attribute bids and by introducing a novel penalty scheme such that producers are incentivised to truthfully report their capacities and their costs. Furthermore our extended mechanism is able to handle sellers' uncertainty about their production capacity and ensures that individual agents find it profitable to participate in the mechanism. However, since this first mechanism is centralised, we also develop a complementary decentralised mechanism based around the continuous double auction. Again because of the characteristics of our domain, we need to extend the standard form of this protocol by introducing a novel clearing rule based around an order book. With this modified protocol, we empirically demonstrate (with simple trading strategies) that the mechanism achieves high efficiency. In particular, despite this simplicity, the traders can still derive a profit from the market which makes our mechanism attractive since these results are a likely lower bound on their expected returns

    Optimal Design Of English Auctions With Discrete Bid Levels

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    This paper considers a form of ascending price English auction widely used in both live and online auctions. This discrete bid auction requires that the bidders submit bids at predetermined discrete bid levels, and thus, there exists a minimal increment by which the bid price may be raised. In contrast, the academic literature of optimal auction design deals almost solely with continuous bid auctions. As a result, there is little practical guidance as to how an auctioneer, seeking to maximize its revenue, should determine the number and value of these discrete bid levels, and it is this omission that is addressed here. To this end, a model of a discrete bid auction from the literature is considered, and an expression for the expected revenue of this auction is derived. This expression is used to determine both numerical and analytical solutions for the optimal bid levels, and uniform and exponential bidder’s valuation distributions are compared. Finally, the limiting case where the number of discrete bid levels is large is considered. An analytical expression for the distribution of the optimal discrete bid levels is derived, and an intuitive understanding of how this distribution maximizes the revenue of the auction is developed