4,980 research outputs found

    The SureMath Approach to Success in Freshman Chemistry

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    The SureMath scheme is an alternate algebraic approach to word problem solving. It is used here in a freshman chemistry setting to aid students who need another method for solving chemistry problems

    Elliptical Coordinates

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    This offering contains the transformation equations between Cartesian and elliptical coordinate systems appropriate for treating the hydrogem molecule ion\u27s quantum mechanics

    Is the Maxwell construction correct in predicting the van der Waals fluid\u27s vapor pressure?

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    The Maxwell construction yields a pressure value which traditionally been associated with the vapor pressure. Here, the question is answered whether or not the two phases represented by the construct are indeed in equilibrium

    1s_A 1s_B Overlap Integrals, Analytic and Maple Approches

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    The calculation of overlap between adjacent orbitals (not on the same center) requires a slight facility with calculus which is quite instructive. That calculation is presented here

    Transforming a 4th year Modern Optics Course Using a Deliberate Practice Framework

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    We present a study of active learning pedagogies in an upper division physics course. This work was guided by the principle of deliberate practice for the development of expertise, and this principle was used in the design of the materials and the orchestration of the classroom activities of the students. We present our process for efficiently converting a traditional lecture course based on instructor notes into activities for such a course with active learning methods. Ninety percent of the same material was covered and scores on common exam problems showed a 15 % improvement with an effect size greater than 1 after the transformation. We observe that the improvement and the associated effect size is sustained after handing off the materials to a second instructor. Because the improvement on exam questions was independent of specific problem topics and because the material tested was so mathematically advanced and broad (including linear algebra, Fourier Transforms, partial differential equations, vector calculus), we expect the transformation process could be applied to most upper division physics courses having a similar mathematical base.Comment: 31 page

    Introductory Mathematics for Quantum Chemistry

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    An elementary discussion of some of the mathematics employed in studying Quantum Chemistry in a style appropriate for persons who have not taken advanced mathematical instruction

    The van der Waals mixture construct of a p-x two-component gas=liquid phase diagram

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    The van der Waals model, when applied to a mixture, is used to construct tie-line points on a liquid=vapor two phase p-x diagram

    Invitation to Magnetism and Magentic Resonance

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    This paper constitutes an elementary introduction to magnetism and spin resonance